Early stages of breast cancer diagnosis

Posted by cnmomoe @cnmomoe, Dec 4, 2023

Hi I had a mammogram done in September. They found something and scheduled me for another mammogram and ultrasound on October 18. Found a lump very small like a pea size. October 26th got a biopsy done. November 1st found out it was cancer. Thank to my husband and kids the same day and decided to do a lumpectomy. Scheduled my surgery to place a marker on November 16th and November 17th was my surgery. My doctor removed the lump and 3 lymph nodes. November 22nd follow up appointment to get results of my lymph nodes and talk to her about how the surgery went. Awesome news she got it all out and lymph nodes were negative. I’m taking it a day at a time. Thank you for letting me share. It was a very scary couple of months.

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@cnmomoe what is your treatment plan? Did you have an Oncotype Dx done? If ER+ and HER2- will you do hormonal treatments?

It's great that margins were clear but I read a great article saying that surgeons should never say they "got it all out." Maybe they did in your case, but it is not possible to know.

I am 9 years out from my diagnosis. I admire your positive attitude.


@cnmomoe what is your treatment plan? Did you have an Oncotype Dx done? If ER+ and HER2- will you do hormonal treatments?

It's great that margins were clear but I read a great article saying that surgeons should never say they "got it all out." Maybe they did in your case, but it is not possible to know.

I am 9 years out from my diagnosis. I admire your positive attitude.

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I have an appointment tomorrow for my treatment plan. I know that she wanted at least one treatment of radiation. I’m not sure what pills she is putting me on yet. I will keep you posted Ty for sharing with me. I was told to stay positive and start eating better. I’m getting older so I already started to change my diet. I hope you have a good day.


@cnmomoe what is your treatment plan? Did you have an Oncotype Dx done? If ER+ and HER2- will you do hormonal treatments?

It's great that margins were clear but I read a great article saying that surgeons should never say they "got it all out." Maybe they did in your case, but it is not possible to know.

I am 9 years out from my diagnosis. I admire your positive attitude.

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That is good to hear you are 9 years out! I am 53 and dg with Stage 0, 0 lymph nodes, clear margins, grade 2, .6cm tumor. Did 5 rounds of radiation. Not taking Tamoxifen. My decision. Praying! Feel at Peace with decision. Change diet, seeing a Functional Doctor (red light, Vit C, supplements, massage, exersize) Decrease stress. Started menopause but not fully in menopause. Symptoms but feeling ok and hoping all that all that I am doing is enough. Went to 6 month follow up and Dr. Seemed ok with it all. Said he didnt know much about functional treatments. 😌


I have an appointment tomorrow for my treatment plan. I know that she wanted at least one treatment of radiation. I’m not sure what pills she is putting me on yet. I will keep you posted Ty for sharing with me. I was told to stay positive and start eating better. I’m getting older so I already started to change my diet. I hope you have a good day.

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@cnmomoe, how are you doing? Did you find out what your treatment plan will be? What type of breast cancer do you have?


Your case sounds a lot like my case...except it was almost six months from finding the lump to it's removal. Are you going to take meds for 5 years and have radiation? I'm on the fence on what I'm doing.


Your case sounds a lot like my case...except it was almost six months from finding the lump to it's removal. Are you going to take meds for 5 years and have radiation? I'm on the fence on what I'm doing.

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Wasn’t sure if that question is for me.

I am not taking meds and did do radiation.


Dear Friends,
I have IgM kappa MGUS, dx 2015, and last month a tiny spiculated nodule, 5x7mm was biopsied. It was not there 6 months ago. “Invasive ductal carcinoma, poorly differentiated.” Lumpectomy will be done in 10 days. Because it is small and new, my surgeon plans not to remove any lymph nodes. Then I’ll be sent home with instructions not to be alone for at least 24 hours. That alone is concerning.
I sympathize with others who have more than one scary diagnosis.


@cnmomoe, how are you doing? Did you find out what your treatment plan will be? What type of breast cancer do you have?

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Yes I have 23 days of treatment starting 12/11/23 till 1/12/24. Ty for asking.


That is good to hear you are 9 years out! I am 53 and dg with Stage 0, 0 lymph nodes, clear margins, grade 2, .6cm tumor. Did 5 rounds of radiation. Not taking Tamoxifen. My decision. Praying! Feel at Peace with decision. Change diet, seeing a Functional Doctor (red light, Vit C, supplements, massage, exersize) Decrease stress. Started menopause but not fully in menopause. Symptoms but feeling ok and hoping all that all that I am doing is enough. Went to 6 month follow up and Dr. Seemed ok with it all. Said he didnt know much about functional treatments. 😌

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How is red light utilized?


How is red light utilized?

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The functional doctor I go to has a cocoon you lay in the lights just are on your skin. Like the old fashion tanning beds. It is to help regenerate new skin cells. Prob just good for skin mostly. But all treatments are relaxing and peaceful so decrease any stress which can cause inflammation - like certain foods, alcohol, etc. just doing all I can to increase healing in all ways!

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