Don’t want to lose anus

Posted by jenmo @jenmo, Dec 23, 2022

New member. Just received diagnosis with tumor 1cm from sphincter. Has anyone had a tumor shrunk and removed without losing their anus/sphincter and ability to poop normally? Any hope at all?

The idea of losing my body parts and changing my life forever, colostomy bag and whatnot as a single mom in her 40s is excruciatingly scary and depressing. Afraid of how I will manage chemo as a single mom but even more how to feel whole.

Desperate to hear hope that I might not lose ability to poop normally.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Colorectal Cancer Support Group.


Hello, my mother has a tumor in her rectum, 6 cm from the anus. The doctor advised her to take a dose of chemotherapy. When she took the first dose, she had an allergic reaction to it, and the epiglottis swelled and the pharynx swelled from the inside. She felt suffocated and unable to breathe. She remained in this condition for 10 days. After two days, we went to the doctor and he told her that Do not take a dose of chemotherapy and leave it on radiation only for 6 weeks to shrink the tumor. After that, an operation is performed to remove it. My mother is 63 years old and also has heart muscle disease. What do you advise me? Is it good for her? I am from Iraq, Baghdad.

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We are not doctors, so we can't really say if a treatment is good for a particular person or not. Best would be to have a second opinion from another oncologist, if possible.


How do you get into Mayo? I thought you have to get a recommendation in order to get an apt. ?

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@prettyeyes6, fellow member @roywalton is right. You can self-refer to Mayo Clinic. Here is how to submit a request for an appointment

Let me know if you have any questions.


Thanks for asking, Colleen. I had a few challenging side effects from chemo-radiation. First, I had some very painful bowel spasms, urgency and pain passing stools starting in the second week. The team prescribed dicyclomine and that did seem to calm the spasms. Ibuprofen was surprisingly helpful with pain overall.

Second, the skin burn from the radiation got very significant over time, reaching a peak the week or two after treatment ended. It got very painful to be in a car, to get in and out of bed, sitting in certain positions... The team had started me on moisturizing from even before the treatment started and about halfway through prescribed an ointment that was Aquaphor with lidocaine and that seemed to help. I'm happy to say that a month after treatment ended, my skin is mostly healed. It's so nice to have smooth, soft butt again! It's encouraging to see the healing capacity of the body.

Sidenote: throughout my treatment, people would tell me how good I looked. I joked to my wife that sometimes I wanted to say, "Oh yeah, wanna see my butt?" (I did not say that...).

Finally the fatigue and brain fog were a challenge as the treatment progressed and continued after for a few weeks. I have a busy job and a couple of times, I just cleared my calendar for a morning of peace and quiet at home. In addition to all the physical symptoms, going through these treatments, we are living our lives in two worlds, including a parallel universe of uncertainty and new concerns and worries. I think it's important to be gentle with oneself.

One instinctual response I had to this whole process was to withdraw internally, somewhat silently and invisibly to those around me. But I needed the internal quiet and space. It reminded my of what I felt naturally and unexpectedly after my mom passed away. A space opened up inside that was where my sadness and need to reflect was made possible. It was a private space that I think it's important to notice and make room for in your life when going through something like this.

Hope this is helpful. It was helpful to write it! Love and encouragement to all on this journey,


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Hello, my mother has a tumor in her rectum, 6 cm from the anus. The doctor advised her to take a dose of chemotherapy. When she took the first dose, she had an allergic reaction to it, and the epiglottis swelled and the pharynx swelled from the inside. She felt suffocated and unable to breathe. She remained in this condition for 10 days. After two days, we went to the doctor and he told her that Do not take a dose of chemotherapy and leave it on radiation only for 6 weeks to shrink the tumor. After that, an operation is performed to remove it. My mother is 63 years old and also has heart muscle disease. What do you advise me? Is it good for her? I am from Iraq, Baghdad.


That was years ago when a referral was required.....anyone can call these days, however they are busy so call soon with your medical record or diagnosis in front of you. I had my consult and surgery 6 weeks from my first call to them. Good luck!


Froedardt Hospital is ok but not in the same class as Mayo. Especially for rectal anal, you would be better at Mayo if your insurance covers

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How do you get into Mayo? I thought you have to get a recommendation in order to get an apt. ?


Froedardt Hospital is ok but not in the same class as Mayo. Especially for rectal anal, you would be better at Mayo if your insurance covers


Please do not let that %^&* even touch you. You are the patient and YOU make the decisions as to what you want to do with YOUR life. No body even doctors need to treat people that way Run from this jerky. I too am a anal cancer patient just starting chem & radiation with hopes to be done by Halloween. I started with a positive Cologuard to colonoscopy with an appointment with a rectal surgeon. But each test that they did they came back with the results a month later At the rectal surgeons appointment she asked if she could do a biopsy I said sure lets find out what this is Can back positive but then blamed me in her report that she went over her time allocation. But the cancer was contained at this point Surgery day set up get to the hospital & procedure was cancelled as time had been moved up. Never a call or nothing if such & such time would work. I left her hanging with this game of hers. And then they had the gall to call me & wanted to repeat all the tests I had just done. Hospital was just looking for money the heck with the patient After 5 months of being kept in the dark this poly now is cancer all because of the 1st hospital that kept dragging me along but never keep one informed
Then went to Milwaukee Wi oncologist & radiologist were great gave good % of beating this. Saw the surgeon there And she said go die or a bag. Tried to explain to her my life style would not work with a bag heavy equipment & large animals I work with Did talk to someone that had a bag & was just a piece of cake his life style was pretty quite to my work style And insisted once I had another MRI she could not tell me the results until 12 days later but her nurse could tell me the same results the next day. Boy that made sense
SO I said to heck with this group & went to Mayos What a difference in how a patient is treated. Their goal to help people to live not told to go die I know this is long but PLEASE get yourself to a real cancer center. Mayos in Minnesota ,Sloan Kettenring New York or MD Anderson in Houston
It's your life their can suggest but I made the decisions not some knife happy surgeon and you can do this too I was told I am cranky but I call it standing up for my rights. You are the patient you get to have the final say

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So you don’t recommend anyone in Milwaukee?


Thank You for welcoming me.

The 1st 4 months every other week I flew to another state to get my chemo for 3 -4 days. And it was alot of flying. Flew in on Sunday. Chemo through my IV port Mon- Wed and flew home right after chemo on Wednesday and this was flying home from that largest airport in the US.... NOT FUN! But I wanted to get home, luckily only 45 min flight.
Then I was off for month. And then I moved to the state where I was getting my treatment for 6 weeks. I had radiation everday along with chemo pill everyday.
I think this is when / where I started getting from side affects from. About 2 days after my radiation and chemo pill ended I started having numbness and within 2 months diagnosed with "Severe neuropathy". 1 year down the month I am maxed out on Gabapentin for nerve damage causing me numbess from shins to toes, my feet tingle, ache and burn and my finger tips are numb most times.
Since I was young and fit when this all started I was given a higher dose a chemo not realizing the effect it would have on me afterwards. My life has changed alot! ANYTHING textured on my feet feels like nails like walking on sandy beach, carpet, concrete driveway, socks, etc..... As for my hands anything hot or really cold hands feel like they are on fire, skin feels like sandpaper, mans beard feels like texture,etc.... so things in life that we enjoy like strolling down the beach, feeling our soft legs after nice shave, touching a soft blanket, etc... those I am no longer able to enjoy
I am currently just about exhausted everything from accupuncture, physical therapy, eletric mats, herbals, etc... but I am not giving up hope

The hardest part as a single parent or just being a parent period.....Is having my 12 year old daughter go live with her dad 2 hrs away while I was doing ALL treatments and as we speak now while I finish my 2 years of getting check ups, every 3 months so I can focus on my health along with the ups and downs . Luckily she comes home on weekends


DONT LOSE HOPE!!! At the beginning I was told there was a VERY good chance I would have to have surgery, lose that part of my body and have a colostomy bag rest of my life.

Im single mom, early 40s and that news devastated me. I was diagnosed Stage 3 summer 2022. After all my treatments, etc... come March 2023, I had a complete response to treatment. No surgery and no bag. HAVE FAITH. For 2 years every 3 months I have scans and occasional colonoscopy and I am continue to pray it does not come back. And if it does, ill pray again no surgery or bag. Just take it day at atime

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Hi @ashleymeade, welcome. I can hardly imagine hearing you have cancer, stage 3 at 40 years old. It's hard to hear the word "cancer" at any age, but as a single mom with kids depending on you, you must've been on an emotional rollercoaster. It must've been a rough year.

I'm so grateful that you took the time to post your success story here - a complete response to treatment. How has your recovery after treatment been? How are your energy and activity levels? How did your kids handle the diagnosis and treatment journey?


DONT LOSE HOPE!!! At the beginning I was told there was a VERY good chance I would have to have surgery, lose that part of my body and have a colostomy bag rest of my life.

Im single mom, early 40s and that news devastated me. I was diagnosed Stage 3 summer 2022. After all my treatments, etc... come March 2023, I had a complete response to treatment. No surgery and no bag. HAVE FAITH. For 2 years every 3 months I have scans and occasional colonoscopy and I am continue to pray it does not come back. And if it does, ill pray again no surgery or bag. Just take it day at atime

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