Does Gabapentin have any side effects?

Posted by skip @skipneuroathy, Jan 12, 2024

I have had neuropathy (chemo induced) since 2009. In the early years, under doctor's directions I had to gradually increase my daily intake of gabapentin to 2300 mg (yes, 2.3 grams) until I felt any relief from the pain, burning, ...etc. I had to gradually decrease my intake to 0 mg because of the 8 possible side effects that Google reported, I had 3 of them. The one of most concern to me was double vision. The other two were extreme tiredness and I could fall asleep while I was talking to you. After stropping taking gabapentin, I do not have double vision but am still sleep deprived. Since that time I have used a mild Vicodin for some years, an d now tramadol. I have been very careful to not take more than prescribed. In fact, I do not take pain meds during the day. If I hurt, I just hurt.
I found that Tylenol helps between the more stronger meds. I found some socks that I wear at night that offers I some relief.

Now I'll pontificate a bit. I have been married for 70 years to a really good woman, have children, grand children and great grand children, am a Korean War Vet, 92 years old, and have truly enjoyed teaching for 40 years as a high school and university teacher and have had many other experiences that have fulfilled my life, so it has been a good ride. So, even though our neuropathy will always be with us, as much as possible, keep smiling keep helping others less fortunate than , and keep on keeping on.

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I'm with you. I won't take gabapentin or other drugs for seizures, which I don't know, but they are used for PN tingling pain. I went off statin, B vitamin and calcium but can still get tingling, pain and cold feet. My feet feel like a brick. I just tolerate it during the day and with my electric blanket on at night, the pain is better. My started after anterior total hip surgery in 2022 and continues. Good luck.


My ex has gained 60 lbs on Gabapentin. He is now on oxygen from it. My spouse just got prescribed Pregablin and his feet swelled up the size of footballs and a horrible rash. Both drugs are junk and doctors need to quit with the fear of prescribing pain medication like opioids. It’s causing so much harm in my opinion putting people on these other drugs that have horrendous side effects. My opinion.


My ex has gained 60 lbs on Gabapentin. He is now on oxygen from it. My spouse just got prescribed Pregablin and his feet swelled up the size of footballs and a horrible rash. Both drugs are junk and doctors need to quit with the fear of prescribing pain medication like opioids. It’s causing so much harm in my opinion putting people on these other drugs that have horrendous side effects. My opinion.

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I agree. Start diagnosing and treating without scary drugs that people react to and don't work anyway. I've come to the decision to treat myself sometimes and not take drugs that I don't know if I'll react to until I take it. Take care of yourself as researchers don't want to investigate a disease without big money back to them and the drug companies.


Hi, I have had SFN for 7 years and consume 1.8 g gabapentin per day. Early effects were balance and loss of short term memory, #1 effect is ongoing and #2 has largely dissipated. Long term use increases dementia risk 70%, but I need 1800 mg/day to not have horrid effects. Zero weight gain, BTW


I started taking gabapentin in 2016 after stabbing, fiery nerve pain post an L5/S1 fusion. It allowed me to get off of opioids which for me had worse side effects.
Side effects for me on Gabapentin did not include any weight gain. Mine were more typical such as drowsiness, unsteadiness on feet when first getting up and foggy thinking. These dissipated as my body became more used to the 2100mg/day dose - split into 3 times a day. For me the side effects were worth the relief given.
I recently had a spinal cord stimulator implanted so have not needed the gabapentin. During the years I was on it, my greatest relief was at night when it helped me sleep. I did have to plan ahead on timing of taking it so i wasn’t driving immediately after dosing. But I also talked to plenty of others who attributed horrible nightmares to the drug or extreme sleepiness that couldn’t tolerate it. Always good to remember we are all different so what might work for one doesn’t for another.


Gabapentin for me in 2019 created anger issues. I do not have foot pain by my primary doc gave it a try and I had to go off after 2 weeks. I was on just 300 mg per day. The anger issue could be best described as irritability which is far from my normal behavior.


Bravo!! My sentiments exactly…


I had terrible dizziness, seratonin syndrome, blurred vision and more. I won't take any of those drugs mainly used for seizures, so hope I never get seizures. I couldn't drive to work, walk or even when I sat down or laid down in bed I was dizzy. If you try, ask your doc for a few days supply so you don't waste money on drugs you can't take.


I started taking gabapentin in 2016 after stabbing, fiery nerve pain post an L5/S1 fusion. It allowed me to get off of opioids which for me had worse side effects.
Side effects for me on Gabapentin did not include any weight gain. Mine were more typical such as drowsiness, unsteadiness on feet when first getting up and foggy thinking. These dissipated as my body became more used to the 2100mg/day dose - split into 3 times a day. For me the side effects were worth the relief given.
I recently had a spinal cord stimulator implanted so have not needed the gabapentin. During the years I was on it, my greatest relief was at night when it helped me sleep. I did have to plan ahead on timing of taking it so i wasn’t driving immediately after dosing. But I also talked to plenty of others who attributed horrible nightmares to the drug or extreme sleepiness that couldn’t tolerate it. Always good to remember we are all different so what might work for one doesn’t for another.

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Hi ChooseJoy-
May I ask more about your implanted spinal cord stimulator? How satisfied have you been with it? For what symptoms was it implanted? How long have you had it?
I've been offered one by my spine doc and have been hesitant to procede with it. I'm very interested in your experience.


Just know if you ever decide to stop taking it you MUST TAPER off. On it for shingles then stay on because helped knee pain. Worse withdrawals. Migraines, anxiety shakes insomnia

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