Does anyone experience a Dental problem with Jaw Joint tightness?

Posted by pattycake1 @pattycake1, Jul 26, 2023

At first I thought it might be a severe ear ache. However it seems to be a jaw joint tightness that causes pain around the ear and jaw joint extending at times into the skull and neck and shoulders. I am wondering if it might be a dental problem like mis alinement due to several recent implants in upper teeth?

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I do… It could be misalignment, especially if you’ve had the dental work done recently? For example, it can often happen with fillings of the fillings are “too high” and change the bite.

But it could also he TMJ/TMD. That seems more likely. It could either be chronic or acute if it got triggered by something. I’ve had TMJ pain for a long time but it got exponentially worse after I had both a dental cleaning and for a filling corrected. I have chronic pain conditions and that was just too much strain on my jaw to keep my mouth open for so long.

If that’s what it is, depending on what caused it, some people use mouth guards to prevent teeth grinding or clenching at night that overworks the jaw, do relaxation techniques or self massage for the musicales that get tight around the jaw, and/or PT. I was already in PT when it happened, so my PT helped me. It’s slow going though…kind of hard to treat.

Did you recently get the dental work done? If so, you could call or go back to your dentist. That’s where my doctor told me to start, but of course he wasn’t all that helpful.

I hope it feels better soon.


I’ve been having some jaw issues , like when I yawn my jaw clicks and tightens & causes like a spasm on my neck. It isn’t always there so thinking it may be the way I hold my head or sleep. I had my acupuncturist work on it. It feels better. Next visit I’ll have her work on it again. Might try acupuncture.


@pattycake1 I have been having this exact problem and it is being triggered by a muscle spasm on one side of my neck. I am a cervical spine surgery patient and I also have thoracic outlet syndrome or TOS which makes one side of my neck too tight. That is enough to start spontaneously rotating the vertebrae in my neck on their own, and when that happens, I get headaches on the back and side of my head (worse on one side), half of my face can tingle or gets numb, sharp ear pain, and jaw (both upper and lower) and teeth pain. I work with a physical therapist and she says when the SCM muscles get too tight, it can cause tooth pain. That is only part of the muscles involved in this, and I have done myofascial release with this PT for a long time, so I knew some of what I could do to self treat and stretch the tight side while I wait to see her and I did feel the stretch radiate up into my jaw and face. I did at first think this was a problem with a dental implant and got pretty worried, but that seems to be OK now, and I have been able to alter and better the symptoms with stretching.

I had a whiplash about 25 years ago which caused the C5/C6 spine disc to be damaged and years later needed surgery when it ruptured and formed bone spurs. Of course there is surgical scar tissue there now too which adds to the tightness so I must keep stretching this area. I have had one side of my jaw get so tight that I ground down dental fillings only on that side.

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Neuropathy - "Myofascial Release Therapy (MFR) for treating compression and pain"


@pattycake1 TMJ is annoying.
I have recently developed Occipital Neuralgia which causes pain similar to TMJ. My pain is around my jaw, cheek, under my eye, my scalp is tender to touch and my neck and shoulders hurt.

It is caused by a misalignment of the head and neck that causes the nerves under the skin on the head to get inflamed. It also inflamed the nerves in my left eye causing me to temporarily lose vision 3 times in two days.

I think that extensive dental work can lead to a misalignment of your head and neck.

For me it was a new pillow. It was too high and it put me out of wack! I did physical therapy, and bought a new pillow and I am better.

Best wishes.


@pattycake1 TMJ is annoying.
I have recently developed Occipital Neuralgia which causes pain similar to TMJ. My pain is around my jaw, cheek, under my eye, my scalp is tender to touch and my neck and shoulders hurt.

It is caused by a misalignment of the head and neck that causes the nerves under the skin on the head to get inflamed. It also inflamed the nerves in my left eye causing me to temporarily lose vision 3 times in two days.

I think that extensive dental work can lead to a misalignment of your head and neck.

For me it was a new pillow. It was too high and it put me out of wack! I did physical therapy, and bought a new pillow and I am better.

Best wishes.

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In the mid 80s I began the process to repair all the damage I had done. to my teeth. I vividly recall my periodontist turning to me exclaiming. he had never met anyone who "LOCKED" their jaw as tight as I did.


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