Does acupuncture help while doing chemo?

Posted by bmasters01 @bmasters01, Jun 4, 2023

Does acupuncture help while doing chemo? Does it reduce nausea? Does it help with anything else?

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Hello, I have MBC with Mets to the bones. Currently taking Verzenio and Anastrosole. I am fortunate to have acupuncture 1-2 x a month and therapeutic massage 2x month. Both help greatly with relaxation and reducing bone pain. Best wishes.🦋


During my chemo treatments, I did go for acupuncture treatments...I wish I could remember exactly my observations. I honestly remember feeling better after those treatments. The chemo make me nauseous and completely depleted as well as impacting my loss of appetite. I would encourage anyone to try acupuncture and do your own observations. We are all so different ! Wishing you strength and positive vibes!


During my chemo treatments, I did go for acupuncture treatments...I wish I could remember exactly my observations. I honestly remember feeling better after those treatments. The chemo make me nauseous and completely depleted as well as impacting my loss of appetite. I would encourage anyone to try acupuncture and do your own observations. We are all so different ! Wishing you strength and positive vibes!

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Thank you so much! I have 15 sessions of acupuncture paid for by my insurance. I will definitely try it


@bmasters01 Acupuncture is helpful for my shoulder/back issue. I have been having sessions for 6 months and it has helped a lot. I would like to recommend that you give it a try. It will not hurt and can help. If covered by your insurance definitely give it a try. All the best to you.


Thank you so much! I will definitely try it.


Acupuncture has helped me with nausea, neuropathy, lung pain and a bad taste in my mouth. Any side effect I’m having I tell my acupuncture doc. He seems to enjoy the challenge! He told me to schedule my acupuncture appointments for the day before my worst symptoms to help me avoid them. Good luck!


I expect to have nausea and neuropathy from these drugs - I will take your advise and schedule the day before, thanks!


I expect to have nausea and neuropathy from these drugs - I will take your advise and schedule the day before, thanks!

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Here’s an article on Acupuncture for cancer related symptoms. It popped up in my email box this morning!

I swear by acupuncture and it’s helped me quite a few times…I hope it provides you some relief.


Good article. I will be trying acupuncture for my chemo side effects. Thanks

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