Do you tell others now to get a PSA?

Posted by bluegill @bluegill, Mar 21, 2024

I'm interested in what you all think about that. I'm naturally an introvert, I'm not very social, and I really don't have that many friends. But, do I have an obligation now to encourage other guys to get a yearly PSA?

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I think that you should tell your male friends and family members to get an annual physical and let their doctor handle the rest. Good Luck


No obligation, but nice gesture-- not always appreciated.


Personal choice for each of us. Once diagnosed with PC, I spread the word the best I could about PSA testing. Found out I had PC by blind luck. Went to a family doctor for something unrelated and he asked me if I had been tested. Previous doctor drew my blood for low B12 every six months for 2.5 years and never mentioned PSA testing (and he already had my blood!) I think more men would test if they knew the first test isn't a DRE. I feel somewhat obligated to "pay it forward" as my diagnosis was made because a doctor cared enough to ask/tell me about PSA testing. Others may feel differently.


I feel conflicted about passing the word on the PSA test. Once they learn I have cancer I try to answer any questions they have. I knew very little about the test score until I was diagnosed. Most times people just ask how I'm feeling, which is always nice. Seems cancer is not something people want to talk about unless they are concerned about themselves, anyway you look at it , it's a downer for conversation. I pick and choose whom I talk to. Best to everyone.


Interesting topic.

I certainly don't lead with a "nice to meet you, have you had your PSA checked?" But yes, I do spread the word when the "story" gets told. You can kind of read peoples faces on it. Most people are kind of not interested or don't want to hear about the cancer but for those that do, I certainly end with the "moral of the story" which is get checked regularly.

It would come up mostly at work or the gym with a "where have you been for the last couple months?" (at my job I couldn't work at all while being treated). In both of those groups people were very interested as they are mostly health conscious.

I keep telling my close friends and family that I ought to write a short stand up routine about the experiences to spread the word, if you take the fear and anxiety out of all some of us have been through there can be some funny situations there and maybe people would listen better. I know, for most in here it's "too soon" for sure to think that way.

(So there I was half doped up looking up at this multi armed stainless steel robot and all I could think of was "You can't put a smiley face or something on that thing?")

To directly answer your question, I think this answer is yes. For comparison, is it an obligation to help someone that needs it? It is an obligation to give first aid to the injured? It depends on the person, if you answered yes to these then yes. If you answered not then probably not.

Good Luck to you!


I'm not a "you should get your PSA checked every year" person.
I'm more of a "lucky for me my new doctor had my PSA checked so the cancer was caught early" kind of conversationalist.
The advice is there if they want to hear it.
Look at how many 'healthy advice tips' from our doctors that get ignored.


Yes, I mention it regularly:
"Make sure you are having your PSA tested".

If I had not been tested after 70, I would not have known about the G 9 invasion that was about to significantly impact my life.

I think it is important to say it.

My experience was disappointingly naive. I had no idea and now could write a long memo of what I did not know.


I don't proactively or all the time say it but when I sense the timing is right I do bring it up,

I find that many hold the perception of overtreatment based solely on a PSA test, which to be fair, there has been a history of the medical community jumping into vice active surveillance when warranted.

So, when I bring it up, I also briefly highlight that it is just one piece of the clinical data needed that if their PSA is troublesome then there is a process and time to gather additional clinical data in making any decision.

Sometimes they ask about that process and i try and be brief but walk them through it, biopsy - MRI vs TRUS, genomic testing, 2nd opinions, the GS and risk groups, active surveillance...

The trick is not too much but not too little information. Their eyes can glaze over quickly with the former.



Interesting comments. I hate it when you're at some event with a bunch of old people (my age now) and everyone starts talking about their ailments as if aging were a complete surprise.

But, talking about PSA might actually do some good.


The PSA test is similar in some ways to a colonoscopy as it relates to screening. Both are simple tests that save lives by catching stuff early. To choose not be be tested makes no sense to me but I do believe in freedom of choice. I agree not to Bible-thump these tests, but rather to personally share your own experience as others have said in this thread.
For me, pre-cancerous polyps are now gone and my above normal PSA is being investigated.

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