Posted by danny24 @danny24, Sep 7, 2024

Hello I’m a 28 year old man who has been battling illness for sometime, my symptoms include waking up very tired and having a discomfort in my throat as if the food wants to come out, 20 minutes after every meal I feel so malaise and nauseas which overwhelming after 2 hours that goes away, I feel light headed everyday with vertigo also when I drive the vertigo goes away, please help me, I also have sleep problems

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Start by seeing your PCP doctor. He'll probably start by running some tests to see which specialist to send you.


Hello my name is Diane. I have most of the same symptoms. The ones where you feel something in your throat it has taken me years to figure out my problem. With me my esophagus is sluggish and food wants to sit there. Mine is complicated by the fact that I don’t drink anything while I eat. So now I make sure I drink after I eat until I feel..and I can feel all the food is out of my esophagus. It causes terrible symptoms. I cannot eat and go to sleep at night it goes into my wind pipe so I eat earlier in the evening. Hope this helps. Diane.


Have you seen Dr about this? I have something called Mals in addition to some esophageal issues. I take meds that help. But my gi prescribed them. Also I take Mylanta for break through. Always best to see I dr first with onset of new symptoms. Good luck to you!!!!😊🙏🏻😊🙏🏻


Hello my name is Diane. I have most of the same symptoms. The ones where you feel something in your throat it has taken me years to figure out my problem. With me my esophagus is sluggish and food wants to sit there. Mine is complicated by the fact that I don’t drink anything while I eat. So now I make sure I drink after I eat until I feel..and I can feel all the food is out of my esophagus. It causes terrible symptoms. I cannot eat and go to sleep at night it goes into my wind pipe so I eat earlier in the evening. Hope this helps. Diane.

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What are the drs saying? Do you feel malaised?


Sorry you are having so much trouble. You feel tired because your body isn't getting good quality sleep. The question, as you asked, is why all this is happening? My guess is start with a gastroenterologist to scope your esophagus/stomach to see if there are signs of reflux, h pylori, and whatever else they can determine with a scope. Maybe you need a motility test to see how quickly the food goes down. Vertigo may be because of laryngopharengeal reflux, which affects the throat, nose and ears more than the esophagus (ears play a role in balance). You would need to be scoped by an ENT for that. You could do something for yourself while deciding what to do, and that is keep a food diary. You may be sensitive or allergic to different kinds of foods, and see symptoms because of what you are eating. Or you could start on a cleaner diet and see if that helps, for instance a low acid, whole food diet (google Dr. Aviv and Dr. Koufman, ENTs, for more specifics on that). I used to wake up nightly coughing and with a sore throat. That turned out to be LPR. Diet changed helped that. Don't get discouraged if you can't find answers immediately. Good luck!


I would keep a blow by blow journal of heart rate, diet, symptoms pre and post meals. Make a note of body aches, fever or feeling hot or cold. Everything maters. You could have a multi system thing going on. But they always start by ruling out the most obvious causes. Don't become discouraged. You matter.


You definitely want to see your doctor ASAP. You need to get checked for everything from anxiety attacks to vagus nerve problems to intestinal problems.

Do not hesitate.


You should see your pac and then the PAC would probably do some GI test on you see if you need to see a GI doctor after the GI doctor they might send you to eat Mt doctor for your ears nose and throat and then there is something called post post author static it is after you eat where the blood in your stomach doesn't get filled up all the way where it makes you feel dizzy and lightheaded I might need a smaller portions throughout the day
. Have you ever tried to put a wedge under your bed and elevate your bed about 6 in I would see your pac for a suggestions but it can get out you can buy a widget at Walmart are at a local bed store or even at Kohl's I bought mine at I have something called something called pathological acid reflux where it goes where that goes for my stomach back up into my esophagus into my throat there is only a certain test they can do that with is very uncomfortable this stick a tube down your throat into your esophagus into your stomach you got to work for 24 hours but only a GI doctor can do it and I don't know if all GI places have that cuz I needed to get that done at a university hospital. Best of luck young man and hope you get it figured out


I would not eat anything Cassidy like drink orange juice lemonade grapefruit tomato juice or tomato sauce oh and not eat anything spicy or anything hot I'm going to try to avoid that stuff I would not eat any like grapefruits oranges or anything at citrusy caffeine or stuff with caffeine if a smoke try to quit smoking if you drink try to quit drinking. Small meals throughout the day. Try to limit your greasy foods. Hopefully that will help and try to get in what your PAC.


I would not eat anything Cassidy like drink orange juice lemonade grapefruit tomato juice or tomato sauce oh and not eat anything spicy or anything hot I'm going to try to avoid that stuff I would not eat any like grapefruits oranges or anything at citrusy caffeine or stuff with caffeine if a smoke try to quit smoking if you drink try to quit drinking. Small meals throughout the day. Try to limit your greasy foods. Hopefully that will help and try to get in what your PAC.

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