Discovered a lump Oct 6th. Now have rash over area of lump.

Posted by tmoss @tmoss, Oct 22, 2023

I have been diagnosed with fibrocystic breasts for 11 years and am very used to the fibrous tissue and cysts but I found a lump that felt harder and different on October 6th. I got into my pcp the following week and she agreed that it felt different and referred me for a mammo and ultrasound. The first place she sent orders to didn’t have an opening until late Dec. she sent orders to a local hospital and they said because it is breast cancer awareness month they didn’t have availability until Oct 31st. I’ve been feeling heaviness in my left breast as well and Friday it started itching. A ray developed over where the lump is and now it has worsened and is covering half my breast. I’m calling my pcp first thing in the morning but am wondering if a rash always means inflammatory, or if other types of breast cancers have a rash. Or maybe I’m just over worrying. Looking for advice and guidance.

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@tmoss Welcome to Mayo Connect, where patients and caregivers support one another and share their experiences. I am so glad that you noticed the difference in this lump and your usual breast tissue.

I see it has been a couple of days since your post - was your PCP able to get you an early mammogram based on this change?
Sending positive thoughts your way.


Have you gone to your dermatologist to see what kind of rash it is? They can quickly determine whether it’s just contact dermatitis or some other kind.


My pcp did get me in yesterday. She ordered some cream to see if it will help and said we just need to wait and see what happens this Tuesday with the ultrasound and mammogram to see if they’re linked. The rash has gotten increasingly worse as time has gone on.


My pcp did get me in yesterday. She ordered some cream to see if it will help and said we just need to wait and see what happens this Tuesday with the ultrasound and mammogram to see if they’re linked. The rash has gotten increasingly worse as time has gone on.

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I had severe rashes several times along my mastectomy incision site. The last time Dermotologist decided to do a biopsy even know she said it looks like contact dermatitis. The biopsy came back good. Hope yours is not related too.


Not hot, swollen, or painful, right?

I'm the patient on breast cancer online sites always citing evidence about the harms of overtreatment, but inflammatory breast cancer is an emergency.

I've been both under- and over-treated for breast cancer (well, reverse that), at the same clinic, with the ones admitting over-treatment then refusing to treat me in the future for a later invasive cancer! You'd think I'd look around for an alternative, but they're considered top in the world. Which ought to tell you--self-advocate, self-advocate. Self-advocating females will be treated as an irritant patient regardless, but unfortunately no matter how compassionate and generous your physician(s), they're dangerously overworked, God bless and fingers crossed it's a treatable dermatitis.


My pcp did get me in yesterday. She ordered some cream to see if it will help and said we just need to wait and see what happens this Tuesday with the ultrasound and mammogram to see if they’re linked. The rash has gotten increasingly worse as time has gone on.

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My thoughts are with you today while you get your exams. I actually found my initial lump because I was mindlessly rubbing a rash and went “oh! What is that?”
That little mindless rash has made me think since, the doctors said it was unrelated, but I still think about how it was right there. I did not have inflammatory BC, invasive ductal was my type.
Will you come back and tag me after your appointment and let me know how you are? 🤞🤞


I went in today and they said they can’t find anything. I think I should be more relieved than I am. I think I would have felt a little better if they had said it was a cyst or dense fibrous tissue. The ultrasound tech had a lot of trouble because she said my tissue was extremely dense and she couldnt find anything. So fingers crossed that the palpable lump is just my super dense tissue. @auntieoakley


I went in today and they said they can’t find anything. I think I should be more relieved than I am. I think I would have felt a little better if they had said it was a cyst or dense fibrous tissue. The ultrasound tech had a lot of trouble because she said my tissue was extremely dense and she couldnt find anything. So fingers crossed that the palpable lump is just my super dense tissue. @auntieoakley

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Since your pcp has felt this lump and has referred you for exams, can you ask them to keep it monitored for a while, this is a reasonable way to make sure nothing comes of it. I had a neighbor who was monitored with physical exam in 3 months, then back to mammo in 6 just to make sure there was no change. She had a palpable lump but nothing ever grew there.
I am going to keep my fingers crossed for you.


My thoughts are with you today while you get your exams. I actually found my initial lump because I was mindlessly rubbing a rash and went “oh! What is that?”
That little mindless rash has made me think since, the doctors said it was unrelated, but I still think about how it was right there. I did not have inflammatory BC, invasive ductal was my type.
Will you come back and tag me after your appointment and let me know how you are? 🤞🤞

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I had severe rashes along my mastectomy incision site. The 2nd time I had biopsy and it was just contact dermatitis.

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