Dilated pancreatic duct: Should I get a second opinion?

Posted by catt8722 @catt8722, Mar 6, 2020

I recently had a EUS. The result is a 3mm dilation in the distal end of the pancreatic duct. A fatty liver and a cyst on my right kidney. I was scheduled for a CT Scan but my insurance company has not approved the test. I am very scared. What is so confusing to me is that. I had the CT a year ago last month. Everything was normal. Was anyone diagnosed with this? I have been reading about this. It can be pancreatitis or cancer.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Pancreatic Cancer Support Group.

in reply to @lsugirl91 I hope your mother's health improves. While I have remained as positive as possible about my own condition, I am no closer to being diagnosed than I was three and a half years ago when they first discovered my problem. I am to undergo an endoscopy and colonoscopy which I understand can be done at the same time. However, I have recently informed my doctor that I am putting all of my "treatment" on hold for the time being, with the exception of the MRI for my sacral spine in an effort to factually determine why my legs go numb after sitting more than 30 minutes, as the donut pillow I bought has not helped with the problem. I do not want to lose my ability to walk, and if something can be done to improve this problem then I will go for it. In the meantime, I am going to enjoy what is left of the summer and decide in the Fall which course I want to take. The iron infusions I had really did a number on me, and it was after such a horrible reaction that I decided that I need a break from all things medical, with the exception of my spine surgeon and urologist, because both are cute.


CT scan showed 5 mm enlarged pancreatic duct with an abrupt termination at the tail. Having MRI with contrast for further evaluation. Anyone have experience or knowledge about this?
Thank you


It's fortunate that you found a medical provider that listened and pursued all of the leads. Seems like you found your way to an expert. Please keep in mind that if your Mom is diagnosed with cancer, treatment is available. If it is not cancer, wishing you the best of luck with diagnosis and treatment of the cause of the symptoms. Thanks for sharing your story

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Thank you for responding! We definitely are blessed that God sent her PA, as I've said in the past - all she needed was to be heard and not "poo-poo'd". Fortunately my mother and I don't drink "kool-aid" or tuck our head in the sand - we go to battle whatever that may be, prayers it's not cancer but still something they can "fix" so she gets relief. I'm the over preparer needing details so I'm not blindsided. God is control and all we can do at this point is trust in Him.
Have a blessed day!


in reply to@lsugirl91 I have the same/similar condition that you described about your mother. I recently met with a hepatologist and will be having a ECRP later in the summer. The doctor told me she did not suspect cancer, but wanted to find out what was causing the ductal dilation. I too suffer from chronic nausea for which I take either Zofran or phenergan(which I like better because Zofran causes constipation). I would certainly ask your mother's doctor about the lesion and also get a referral to a hepatologist or gastroenterologist. I do not have the lesion you described, and for that reason I would highly recommend talking to the appropriate specialist about this problem your mother has. I also suffer from chronic diarrhea. Does your mother have this issue as well? I am supposed to have a fibroscan to check for hardening of the liver, but that is currently on hold while I deal with something else that has come up.
I wish the best for you and your mother. Having this problem is not a walk in the park by any stretch of imagination. Hang in there. It's not cancer until you know for sure.

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Hi Frances - thanks for the info. My mom is being seeing by a GI doctor, unfortunately her 3rd or 4th in the same group, all the other ones didn't want to "think outside the box" doing just stupid barium contrast tests or esophageal exploration saying her esophagus needed to be "stretched" so to say she was defeated and depressed is an understatement. Unfortunately where she lives none of the doctor's seem to want to learn more like in a big city (i.e. Dallas/Houston). Both my brother and I have offered to bring her to our cities but she didn't feel comfortable leaving home because of the possible diarrhea issues even though she wears pullups. She has battled both constipation and diarrhea for decades but it's gotten worse over the last few years despite she doesn't eat much (I tell her she doesn't eat enough to feed a bird). She survived by drinking Boost and other protein type shakes - we cut out all fibrous type foods thinking it was causing her stomach to "paralyze". She also takes zofran and/or phenergan - they help sometimes but lying down seems to really help the nausea pass. Also, She is a smoker still (moot point with her at this stage in life - LOL) and had bladder cancer 20 years ago so I'm sure the smoking plays a part.

She weighs 97 pounds (her avg. used to be 120-130) and looks so pathetic. I'm just praying good or bad they will be able to figure out what's going on and that begins tomorrow with the EUS. I will update when I hear more. Thank you and have a blessed day!


Hi there, my mother is 78 and has lived with nausea almost non-stop for the last couple of years and significant weight loss. She had her gallbladder removed in 2019 which did nothing and due to the doctor nicking her in surgery causing a huge hematoma, she’s never been the same and has undergone multiple tests that can’t explain her nausea. Fast forward this year we were blessed that she found a PA who actually listened to her issues and believed her . So she ordered some tests the first was a CT that showed abnormal liver and biliary tract, then an MRI/MRCP on May 2nd, it showed “moderate intra and extra hepatic biliary ductal dilation and mild suspected pancreatic ductal dilation; question soft tissue lesion at distal CBD producing obstruction…further evaluation with EUS/ERCP recommended”.
She is having the EUC on May 10th with most likely the ERCP afterwards.

I don’t like surprises having had breast cancer myself 14 years ago so I am hoping I can find help in getting prepared. Is it a high possibility that she has some type of cancer?

Any help is greatly appreciated, thank you and God bless everyone struggling!

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It's fortunate that you found a medical provider that listened and pursued all of the leads. Seems like you found your way to an expert. Please keep in mind that if your Mom is diagnosed with cancer, treatment is available. If it is not cancer, wishing you the best of luck with diagnosis and treatment of the cause of the symptoms. Thanks for sharing your story


Hi there, my mother is 78 and has lived with nausea almost non-stop for the last couple of years and significant weight loss. She had her gallbladder removed in 2019 which did nothing and due to the doctor nicking her in surgery causing a huge hematoma, she’s never been the same and has undergone multiple tests that can’t explain her nausea. Fast forward this year we were blessed that she found a PA who actually listened to her issues and believed her . So she ordered some tests the first was a CT that showed abnormal liver and biliary tract, then an MRI/MRCP on May 2nd, it showed “moderate intra and extra hepatic biliary ductal dilation and mild suspected pancreatic ductal dilation; question soft tissue lesion at distal CBD producing obstruction…further evaluation with EUS/ERCP recommended”.
She is having the EUC on May 10th with most likely the ERCP afterwards.

I don’t like surprises having had breast cancer myself 14 years ago so I am hoping I can find help in getting prepared. Is it a high possibility that she has some type of cancer?

Any help is greatly appreciated, thank you and God bless everyone struggling!

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in reply to@lsugirl91 I have the same/similar condition that you described about your mother. I recently met with a hepatologist and will be having a ECRP later in the summer. The doctor told me she did not suspect cancer, but wanted to find out what was causing the ductal dilation. I too suffer from chronic nausea for which I take either Zofran or phenergan(which I like better because Zofran causes constipation). I would certainly ask your mother's doctor about the lesion and also get a referral to a hepatologist or gastroenterologist. I do not have the lesion you described, and for that reason I would highly recommend talking to the appropriate specialist about this problem your mother has. I also suffer from chronic diarrhea. Does your mother have this issue as well? I am supposed to have a fibroscan to check for hardening of the liver, but that is currently on hold while I deal with something else that has come up.
I wish the best for you and your mother. Having this problem is not a walk in the park by any stretch of imagination. Hang in there. It's not cancer until you know for sure.


I had some recent abdominal pain and CT scan found varying dilation in entire pancreatic duct with 10mm measurement in head. They didn’t see an IPMN but recommended EUS for further evaluation.

Can a single IPMN cause dilation over entire duct?

Thank you

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Hi there, my mother is 78 and has lived with nausea almost non-stop for the last couple of years and significant weight loss. She had her gallbladder removed in 2019 which did nothing and due to the doctor nicking her in surgery causing a huge hematoma, she’s never been the same and has undergone multiple tests that can’t explain her nausea. Fast forward this year we were blessed that she found a PA who actually listened to her issues and believed her . So she ordered some tests the first was a CT that showed abnormal liver and biliary tract, then an MRI/MRCP on May 2nd, it showed “moderate intra and extra hepatic biliary ductal dilation and mild suspected pancreatic ductal dilation; question soft tissue lesion at distal CBD producing obstruction…further evaluation with EUS/ERCP recommended”.
She is having the EUC on May 10th with most likely the ERCP afterwards.

I don’t like surprises having had breast cancer myself 14 years ago so I am hoping I can find help in getting prepared. Is it a high possibility that she has some type of cancer?

Any help is greatly appreciated, thank you and God bless everyone struggling!


Thanks for sharing your story. The pancreatic insufficiency is a major source of concern even though the cancer is shrinking rapidly with the chemo. I am now considered a candidate for surgery but more chemo for optimal outcome.


Yes, I have a dilated pancreatic duct of about 2.5 and have had it for several years unchanged. When it was first diagnosed I got very scared about the same possible conditions, but now am only a bit concerned. I learned back then from Mayo of a test they recommend to rule out pancreatic cancer, but MC doesn't cover it at a couple of
thousand dollars, and the accuracy it offers didn't justify that cost to me. If your doc does not express worry on your behalf (do ask if you don't know), then I hope this can offer you a bit of reassurance. As a dear person reminded me 20 plus years ago during a period of high stress, "Mostly things work out." Please focus on the things work out and see if they don't!
I have IBS and pancreatic insufficiency at age 71, with constant watery diarrhea for about six months. I am going to have upper and lower endoscopies on 4/28. I've also submitted a stool sample for occult blood. I'll write again if I learn anything interesting or valuable after this.


Hello @dtalent ..
I understand your concerns about the dilation of the pancreatic duct and the cysts that showed up on your recent examination, as well as the lesions on your liver. I have dilation of my liver and pancreatic ducts as well as the cysts that you described. I recently (and finally) had an appointment with a hepatologist who made it very clear to me that she was not concerned about the liver cysts, they are common. However, I do not have as many as you described. Furthermore, she explained that the only way to determine the cause of the dilation of the liver/pancreatic ducts was a ECRP which will be done this summer. I understand your fear as I have lived with this problem for 3 years and have lost 25% of my body weight as a result of the dilation of the liver/pancreatic ducts.
I understand that you want to learn more about the results, and I too have gone online in an effort to learn more about my situation. Having said this, I would encourage you not to spend too much time researching these issues because searching for and reading articles can only increase your stress about your situation. However, I have found some very good information at the NIH as well as the Cleveland Clinic. The hepatologist I met with was not concerned about the cysts, and because most of my liver lab values are relatively normal she was able to put me somewhat at ease. In my case, the dilation may be related to my long term opiate use for chronic pain, and I was well aware of this before being advised to try to taper off of the medication.
I would certainly ask for a referral to a gastroenterologist or hepatologist so the further exploration into the findings on your diagnostic tests can be explored. I am very sorry about your situation. I have found that presently one has to be a strong advocate for themselves when it comes to getting the proper care, and I encourage you to ask your PCP for the appropriate referrals. You did not mention whether or not your doctor had ordered any lab tests to find out whether or not your liver enzymes are within the normal range, and I would certainly demand that at the very least these be done right away. Wishing you the best.

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