Did cancer come back with sudden rise in 27 29 marker?

Posted by phylrose1taubezin @phylrose1taubezin, Jun 6, 2023

Marker elevated after 2 years since lumpectomy. Also had mastectomy 23 years ago. Never heard of this 27 29 marker. Oncologist wants bone and cat scans. Very worried needless to say.

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I was diagnosed in November with bilateral in January. They have only done that test on me once so I am not sure. There is actually two different markers that they did. One was CA 15-3 and 27.29


Hope all is good for both of us
Thanks for taking the time to reply.💕


I have a 27-29 monthly with the rest of my blood work. If it goes up more than a few points the doctor may move up your pet scan. I've read MANT comments that the pet scan showed nothing new. They don't always go hand in hand. I can't tell you not to be scared because I hate waiting for Oet scan results..but it's all part of this. Hoping you celebrate when you get your results and everything was just a scare.


For what it's worth....and to help you get through the next few days....mine was elevated at one check-up, then dropped back down a month later. My oncologist said it's not as reliable a marker as the PSA is for prostate cancer. It's better than nothing, so that's why they use it. Deep breaths!


Mine moves up and down every month. My oncologist never made it an issue. She once told me that she would not act solely on it. Scans are more indicative.


I have something to add about the 27.29 test. I don't know if it's unusual or common, but my 27.29 was elevated. My oncologist sent me to have scans of my whole body and found nothing. She then sent me to the surgeon who prescribed breast massage from a lymphedema specialist. Over a period of about 3 months, I went, massaged my breast, and retook the 27.29. It came back 20 points lower.


Hi! Thanks for sharing - I was wondering when these blood tests were taken post surgery? My oncologist at Dana Farber does not do any blood tests as doesn't feel helpful. Is there no std protocol? Any intel appreciated.


This was found during 6month check up with the oncologist after a lumpectomy 2 years ago. Had to have CT scans, and Bone scans. Now it’s on to a thoracic surgeon to see if lung involvement. Also, MRI of adrenal glands and mammograms. One bottle of Xanax won’t be enough to get through this time. So appreciate this support group. Always wishing you well.💕


Hope all is good for both of us
Thanks for taking the time to reply.💕

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Me too! You are welcome.


My CA 27.29 was high after my breast cancer. Finally, my oncologist suggested I return to the surgeon, who prescribed breast physical therapy. After about 6 months of therapy, where I did breast massage twice a day, my CA 27.29 returned to the normal range.
This post is merely a suggestion as to some possible things to do.

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