Did anyone ever get a surprise primary lung cancer finding?

Posted by phylrose1taubezin @phylrose1taubezin, Jun 8, 2023

CT scan because of high 27 29 marker revealed a mass with associated right hilar/mediastinal adenopathy which may reflect a primary lung carcinoma rather than metastatic disease. Possible tissue diagnosis. Freaking out as to the possibility. Thought I was dealing with breast cancer. Can’t seem to get control of the situation.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Breast Cancer Support Group.


I was diagnosed with stage 4 Lung CA only a month ago , thought I had a pneumonia, went to urgent care , they sent me to ER where I had Chest x-ray and CT scan when a mass showed up on my R upper lobe. Since have seen the oncologist , went for PET scan , now on the 14th my biopsy by Bronchoscopy, and I am a bit nervous. Still feel like I am in a bad dream.
I was a smoker, stopped 1 year ago. Has anyone had this procedure , need some feedback !!! Thanks! PS I am 70 years old, no other health issues

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Hi csherry06, I am so sorry this is happening to you. So many people here can relate. It IS like a bad dream, living nightmare that you wake up to every morning. Congrats on making it to 70. I am 71 end of the month.
I've had 4 bronchoscopies over the last 25 years. It is not difficult at all. You will check into the pre-op and it is like most any other hospital procedure. They will prep you in pre-op and you will have to "smoke" the peace pipe which is a lidocaine vaporizer of some sort. Then they will wheel you into a cold room where they do the bronchoscopy. You will most likely be under for the whole procedure. Then they roll you out to recovery like usual procedure. The only problem I had with the last brocho was I had very sore throat for a few days. Very doable especially since you have no other health problems. I wish you best of luck on your treatments. < 3 < 3 < 3


I was diagnosed with stage 4 Lung CA only a month ago , thought I had a pneumonia, went to urgent care , they sent me to ER where I had Chest x-ray and CT scan when a mass showed up on my R upper lobe. Since have seen the oncologist , went for PET scan , now on the 14th my biopsy by Bronchoscopy, and I am a bit nervous. Still feel like I am in a bad dream.
I was a smoker, stopped 1 year ago. Has anyone had this procedure , need some feedback !!! Thanks! PS I am 70 years old, no other health issues

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Hi @csherry06. Congrats on quitting smoking. That's a huge accomplishment. You mentioned that they diagnosed you as stage IV, did you have an earlier biopsy? Scans are certainly helpful in diagnosing lung cancer, as they are pieces of the puzzle. A biopsy tells us what specific type of cancer it is, or if it is something else altogether. Our lungs are very sensitive and can react to many things.
As a stage IV lung cancer patient myself, I have had a few bronchoscopies. Generally, the procedure is well tolerated, with some coughing and throat irritation after the procedure. Will you have a light anesthesia for the procedure? I've had light and a general anesthesia when they were going after a nodule deeper into the lung and using a robotic procedure.
You posted in the Breast Cancer group. Did/Do you also have breast cancer?

You can find the lung cancer group with many helpful members here:


Hopefully you will get good test results back soon. You may want to ask your primary doctor for xanex to cut down the test anxiety. I swear the testing for my initial diagnosis had the worst anxiety.

I was diagnosed with 10-12 cm lung cancer tumor at age 46 back in 2000. I am now 69. It was discovered on a pre-op routine chest x-ray for hysterectomy. My hysterectomy was cancelled and three weeks later I had most of my right lung removed. Barb

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I was diagnosed with stage 4 Lung CA only a month ago , thought I had a pneumonia, went to urgent care , they sent me to ER where I had Chest x-ray and CT scan when a mass showed up on my R upper lobe. Since have seen the oncologist , went for PET scan , now on the 14th my biopsy by Bronchoscopy, and I am a bit nervous. Still feel like I am in a bad dream.
I was a smoker, stopped 1 year ago. Has anyone had this procedure , need some feedback !!! Thanks! PS I am 70 years old, no other health issues


Hopefully you will get good test results back soon. You may want to ask your primary doctor for xanex to cut down the test anxiety. I swear the testing for my initial diagnosis had the worst anxiety.

I was diagnosed with 10-12 cm lung cancer tumor at age 46 back in 2000. I am now 69. It was discovered on a pre-op routine chest x-ray for hysterectomy. My hysterectomy was cancelled and three weeks later I had most of my right lung removed. Barb

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Wow, that was a big tumor. Amazing that was 23 years ago and here you are. Glad they found it and took quick action.


Hopefully you will get good test results back soon. You may want to ask your primary doctor for xanex to cut down the test anxiety. I swear the testing for my initial diagnosis had the worst anxiety.

I was diagnosed with 10-12 cm lung cancer tumor at age 46 back in 2000. I am now 69. It was discovered on a pre-op routine chest x-ray for hysterectomy. My hysterectomy was cancelled and three weeks later I had most of my right lung removed. Barb


So happy to hear you are well! May I ask what provoked CT scan of brain? I have ILC but many glioblastomas in family. xoxo

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A really freak occurance. I suddenly was inable to think of or form words. Thought I was having a stroke. Went to the ER where a CT scan was ordered followed by brain MRI. Never did find the reason for the speech problem, but found the lung nodule incidentally. Very lucky. Guardian angel at work. 😊


Just came home from hospital. After scans and biopsies still no results as
to whether it's breast or lung cancer. I have an appointment with the
oncologist next week. Hope there is treatment for all of this. I am in good
health in spite of my age. I'll soon be 85. It's work to keep up this brave
front for family and friends while feeling in such despair. Thanks again
for reaching out to me. I hope you see doing well. 💕💕

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Thinking of you and sending hugs! My 69 year old mother started with triple - breast and then lung to which she successfully managed lobectomy at Mayo Clinic. After repeating tumor markers, blood work they could not determine a link between the two type of cancers. Keep us posted...xoxo


Please keep us posted as we are here for reinforcements. I have ILC and on letrozole but my mothers triple - did go to lung which was managed well at Mayo in MN with removal of lobe but unfortunatley 8 yrs later many "white fluffies" and then pleural which was tricky. Hang in and these liquid biopsies I'm rooting for. I'm in Boston at Dana Farber which doesn't seem to put much stock in blood work which I don't understand. xoox


My EGFR Stage 1b was a complete surprise. I was having a CT scan of my brain at the end of Feb and there was a nodule in my upper right lung. I haven’t smoked in over 50 years! After lung surgery in March and 4 rounds of chemo, I am cancer-free. I start on Tagrisso next week. Good luck. Early stage lung cancer is often found accidentally.

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So happy to hear you are well! May I ask what provoked CT scan of brain? I have ILC but many glioblastomas in family. xoxo


My lung tumor was found during a CT Scan that was done for prostate cancer. Had radical prostatectomy on 1/31 this year (lymph nodes all clear), RLL VATS lobectomy done 8 weeks later on 4/3 (lymph nodes also all clear - diagnosed stage 1a), followed by surgery again to fix a chylothorax leak on 6/23.

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