Diagnosed a couple months ago with IDC, multifocal,

IDC with lobular features (mixed?), two masses in the left breast, 1 CM and .7 CM, right breast atypical ductal hyperplasia.

Going to have my surgery 16 October, bilateral partial mastectomies (lumpectomies), and reduction and breast lift all at the same time.

Been reading up on everything, trying to manage my anxiety.

Long wait time here in NoVa for surgery…will be just shy of 90 days after biopsy proven cancer.

Anyway, figured I would post and maybe share my journey as so many other brave people have here on these boards.

Hoping they will get all the cancer out, with clean margins, and hoping the oncotype genetic test won’t say I need chemo because I’m sure radiotherapy and endocrine therapy will be hard enough to endure. Although, of course, if they say I need chemo, I will go through it.

I know all of it will be hard and miserable, and I need to just get through it one step at a time.

First step is getting through the surgery.

My docs say they will use some super lidocaine stuff that will have me numb for about four days, and that my pain after that should be manageable with OTC pain relievers. I hope that will all be true.

Planning on sleeping in my recliner because I’m a stomach sleeper, for at least three or four weeks, with my mastectomy pillow strapped on to help protect the vulnerable areas.

I’ll have drains, so I bought a belt to hold the drains and also a mesh bag to use to hold the drains when I shower.

As far as I know, I guess I’m about as prepared as possible for the surgery.

After the surgery, I guess I will deal with whatever the next step is.

I’m glad for these boards and all of you because I feel less scared when I read all your posts. Thank you.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Breast Cancer Support Group.

I’ll be so grateful for any advice, especially I am worried about pain after the partial mastectomies/reductions and lifts on both sides.

I had a hysterectomy about 12 years ago and I’m hoping recovery won’t be as bad as that one was.


I had the special numbing-it is referred to as ERAS (enhanced recovery after surgery) and it did help relieve discomfort. I had IDC and also in situ. Things that helped me after surgery was a large soft pillow for the ride home, a few large men’s button down shirts to wear. Visiting nurses came for a few days and they were very helpful (even though myself and my husband are retired nurses).


Thank you so much for your very kind and helpful reply!

Did it eliminate pain entirely, or just make it slightly less bad? Because the doctor told me I would be fine with OTC pain meds and I have the feeling docs just leave their patients in pain these days due to the addiction crisis.


Thank you so much for your very kind and helpful reply!

Did it eliminate pain entirely, or just make it slightly less bad? Because the doctor told me I would be fine with OTC pain meds and I have the feeling docs just leave their patients in pain these days due to the addiction crisis.

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I had a unilateral mastectomy with temporary expanders . I had same day surgery. I did not have the extended lidocaine. I took one OxyContin/Tylenol tablet that night and switched to Rx strength Tylenol (600 mg) the next day.pain was surprisingly minimal. Also narcotics slow the healing process.

It’s more about discomfort and the dreaded drains that are awkward and need to be emptied ( you tube on this).

Seems like you have the props you will need. Bring pillow to the car… no way you can use a seat belt without it. Also… tell your support driver, as the med wears off, that every crack in the road is difficult… for a few weeks ! I used my pillow in the car and for sleeping/resting.

Make sure you walk around the house every hour or two… helps healing. Stay hydrated.

Best to you on this unwanted journey 🌸


Thank you so much for your very kind and helpful reply!

Did it eliminate pain entirely, or just make it slightly less bad? Because the doctor told me I would be fine with OTC pain meds and I have the feeling docs just leave their patients in pain these days due to the addiction crisis.

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Pain wasn’t relieved entirely with ERAS, but was manageable with extra strength Tylenol. I was observed for 23 hours after surgery then sent home, so it was a same day surgery. The drains were a pain in the bum, I was given a soft stretchy camisole with drain pockets before I left the hospital.


I had a unilateral mastectomy with temporary expanders . I had same day surgery. I did not have the extended lidocaine. I took one OxyContin/Tylenol tablet that night and switched to Rx strength Tylenol (600 mg) the next day.pain was surprisingly minimal. Also narcotics slow the healing process.

It’s more about discomfort and the dreaded drains that are awkward and need to be emptied ( you tube on this).

Seems like you have the props you will need. Bring pillow to the car… no way you can use a seat belt without it. Also… tell your support driver, as the med wears off, that every crack in the road is difficult… for a few weeks ! I used my pillow in the car and for sleeping/resting.

Make sure you walk around the house every hour or two… helps healing. Stay hydrated.

Best to you on this unwanted journey 🌸

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Thank you so much for this kind and helpful answer! I appreciate it so so much!

I do have a nice strap on mastectomy pillow thing that will cover both breasts as both are being done, and it also provides a bit of support to the arms it looks like, so I am hoping it will work well.

The doc said I would have the super lidocaine, she said I wouldn’t feel any pain for about four days but after that there would be some mild pain but I should be okay with OTC pain meds. Don’t know if she meant a nerve block or what but she made it sound like I would be 100% numb for four days.

I do remember how walking helped me when I had my hysterectomy so I will be sure to walk every hour or so I am awake.

Thank you again so much and I wish you a long healthy life with no recurrences of the C monster!


Pain wasn’t relieved entirely with ERAS, but was manageable with extra strength Tylenol. I was observed for 23 hours after surgery then sent home, so it was a same day surgery. The drains were a pain in the bum, I was given a soft stretchy camisole with drain pockets before I left the hospital.

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Thank you so much for this kind and helpful reply! I am very grateful for your help!

I’m not looking forward to the drains but I understand they are necessary and I will have to keep the lines from clogging and just endure the discomfort I guess.

The doctor made it sound like I would be totally numb for four days, not sure if she meant a nerve block or what, but totally numb sounded great to me, I figured after the first four days the pain wouldn’t be too awful.

The other doctor said mine would be same day but they might keep me overnight if I am having pain etc. which made me think he wasn’t on the same page as the “you will be totally numb” doctor.

I’m still hoping I will be totally numb for four days, fingers crossed! Some kind of magic nerve block, I don’t know.

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