Diabetic burned foot on heater and has neuropathy, is this gangrene?
In need of help. Grandparent has dementia and placed her foot on apartment heater. Due to neuropathy, she had no feeling of it being hot. We have been treating it with burn cream. I noticed that it now looks necrotic and possibly gangrene? It is only getting worse. Is there any hope of it healing? What will happen to her feet? Any advice. Will be taking her to the hospital ASAP. Due to difficulty getting her in and out of the apartment, 3rd floor walk up, it is a challenge.
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Hi, @otiff15.
First of all, I'm so sorry that your Grandmother has had this incident happen to her foot because of her neuropathy. I am not a doctor so I am not qualified to give you a diagnosis or a prognosis. But what I can say is that it looks bad. And since you said it's just getting worse, she needs immediate medical attention...especially since she is diabetic and wounds like that usually don't heal easily on their own for diabetics. Since you have difficulty getting her in and out of the apartment to get her to the hospital, are you able to call 911 and have EMT come and check her foot? A burn like she has (which appears to be a third degree burn) is considered a medical emergency. Meanwhile, Im praying for your Grandmother and wishing her all the best.
I agree with @my44. In addition to that now might be the time to consider changes that need to happen to keep your grandparent safe moving forward. This could include a change in residence & increased supervision. These things can be daunting at first. I know because my mother-in-law had Alzheimer’s, but was physically very healthy. Your grandparent’s diabetes and neuropathy make these decisions even more important. Does your family have access to a social worker that can help explore & present options to you all? A financial worker can help too. I’m thinking things like assisted living, a home health aid, a visiting nurse ….. Here’s hoping and praying you can find the resources you need for your grandparent moving forward.
Thank you! This is extremely helpful.
Thank you so much!
You're welcome, @otiff15. Praying that your Grandmother is getting the care she needs and is improving.