Depends pants & pads - a practical (or stupid?) question..

Posted by peterj116 @peterj116, Oct 7, 2024

I'm going back to work in a month.
What exactly should I be doing with the used pads/pants at work?
Put them in the waste basket with the paper towels? (I'm assuming not because of the smell(?)
Put them in a plastic bag & take them home for disposal?
What's the usual protocol?

Catheter's being removed in a couple of days (I hope) so just planning ahead.
Plus it's another sleepless night, so midnight thoughts.....

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You might be surprised at how little leakage you have. At least I hope you are, I know I was. I just put them in a plastic bag and put them in the regular trash in the house (pads). There was typically no more than one or two a day for the first couple days, then I only had to wear them when I was out for confidence purposes for a week or so. After that, I didn't need them.

Best of luck to you.


You might be surprised at how little leakage you have. At least I hope you are, I know I was. I just put them in a plastic bag and put them in the regular trash in the house (pads). There was typically no more than one or two a day for the first couple days, then I only had to wear them when I was out for confidence purposes for a week or so. After that, I didn't need them.

Best of luck to you.

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Oh that's great. Hopefully it won't be the disaster I'm imagining. Thanks.


Oh that's great. Hopefully it won't be the disaster I'm imagining. Thanks.

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Also, just saying, there are no stupid questions on here. Everyone is here doing their best to help each of us to get through this. And, I hear you,, those midnight thoughts come up with the darnedest Best to all. Also, I reread this post, I hope it came out the way I intended it to.


Also, just saying, there are no stupid questions on here. Everyone is here doing their best to help each of us to get through this. And, I hear you,, those midnight thoughts come up with the darnedest Best to all. Also, I reread this post, I hope it came out the way I intended it to.

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Yep. Thankyou. I'm just expecting a flood. I've already built an ark....


Ask any female family member or close friend how they deal (or dealt) with pads and tampons at work. And some of them also deal with urine leakage as well, especially post-partum.

When about half the workforce is already disposing of personal hygiene products at work one way or another, you don't need to worry too much about sticking out, whatever you choose to do.

Best of luck!


Peterj116, Good you plan ahead for the worst but do expect the best!
During my 1.5 years of total incontinence (now have an artificial sphincter :))) I used a brief for overflow insurance plus a "nighttime" pad inside. When out and about if I needed to change the pad I'd roll the used one up in the new pad's cover and discretely drop it in the men's room trash. At home I had a covered trash can. I never smelled anything and family members I could trust to give me accurate info assured me they detected no smell. (if you react to asparagus with stinky urine you might skip this veg till your flow is controlled)
You're on top of this so get the good sleep you need. We've got your back!
May this be your greatest concern with the PC !


Trash can is the way to go - as long as it is emptied by custodial staff at end of day there shouldn’t be any odor from anything disposed of in a mensroom.
We had a patient who routinely flushed his pad down the toilet even though a trash can with a sign clearly stating that it was for ‘disposable pads, tampons, etc’ was next to the toilet. Also another sign in block red letters above the toilet: PLEASE DO NOT FLUSH PADS OR TAMPONS DOWN THE TOILET! USE THE TRASH RECEPTACLE!!
The guy was no dummy - an electrical engineer - and one day after the 3rd plumber’s visit at $250 each, I told him that if he did it again HE would pay, not me. He apologized and never did it again.
A lot of people simply don’t realize how much $$ is wasted every day on this sort if thing. I see flushable diapers in the supermarket and I just shake my head. Sure, it might break down after it’s immersed in water for a few days or weeks or months but not before it plugs up an elbow bend in a waste pipe.
Sorry to digress but your question touched a nerve😂


Yep. Thankyou. I'm just expecting a flood. I've already built an ark....

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My midnight thoughts had me carrying those small brown lunch bags in my pocket for a more discreet disposal in public places. Amazingly and thankfully, none were needed so just wearing a precautionary pad..... May your ark run aground on dry land!


Trash can is the way to go - as long as it is emptied by custodial staff at end of day there shouldn’t be any odor from anything disposed of in a mensroom.
We had a patient who routinely flushed his pad down the toilet even though a trash can with a sign clearly stating that it was for ‘disposable pads, tampons, etc’ was next to the toilet. Also another sign in block red letters above the toilet: PLEASE DO NOT FLUSH PADS OR TAMPONS DOWN THE TOILET! USE THE TRASH RECEPTACLE!!
The guy was no dummy - an electrical engineer - and one day after the 3rd plumber’s visit at $250 each, I told him that if he did it again HE would pay, not me. He apologized and never did it again.
A lot of people simply don’t realize how much $$ is wasted every day on this sort if thing. I see flushable diapers in the supermarket and I just shake my head. Sure, it might break down after it’s immersed in water for a few days or weeks or months but not before it plugs up an elbow bend in a waste pipe.
Sorry to digress but your question touched a nerve😂

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I'm not a plumber but at work I get to unclog the toilets. Those so called "flushables" just like to hang around. Sorry for going off topic. Best to all.


Peterj116, Good you plan ahead for the worst but do expect the best!
During my 1.5 years of total incontinence (now have an artificial sphincter :))) I used a brief for overflow insurance plus a "nighttime" pad inside. When out and about if I needed to change the pad I'd roll the used one up in the new pad's cover and discretely drop it in the men's room trash. At home I had a covered trash can. I never smelled anything and family members I could trust to give me accurate info assured me they detected no smell. (if you react to asparagus with stinky urine you might skip this veg till your flow is controlled)
You're on top of this so get the good sleep you need. We've got your back!
May this be your greatest concern with the PC !

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Oh, that's a good idea. I forgot that the pads come wrapped - I haven't even opened the box yet. I'll also buy a rubbish bin with a lid. Didn't think of that.

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