Dental work needed after trigeminal neuralgia diagnosis

Posted by melissamc123 @melissamc123, Jan 15, 2024

Hi..I was diagnosed with trigeminal neuralgia a year and a half ago, August 2022, following a root canal. I was diagnosed quite quickly, 2 weeks in, and started carbamazepine, 200 mg in the am, 200 mg in the evening. After about a month, the nerve misfiring quieted down. Saw a neurologist, MRI was normal, he suggested no more dental work for a while and see where we’re at. Things remained quiet. I recently had a crown done on the non neuralgia side and all was fine. I’ve been to an orofacial pain specialist since as well. He now manages the carbamazepine, and mentions that there are many other meds we can try if I start to have issues. Of course things could not stay quiet forever. I now have an abcess on a tooth two down from the original problem tooth. My last molar, lower left needs a root canal. Has anyone had dental work done on their TN side with success?? If so, what extra precautions did you take?? My pain specialist has me increasing my carbamazepine from 200 2x a day to 300 2x a day for the two days prior, day of, and two days after. Is there anything else I should do? Or are there specialists that do dental work specifically on TN sufferers? Any info anyone can give would be so helpful.

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