Dental care post Zometa infusions

Posted by mdr3 @mdr3, Apr 22 3:56pm

Hi everyone. About three years ago (while still on Zometa) my lower middle teeth began to break off. They suspect it was from the dose dense chemo I had in 2019. At the time they began to break, I was still in active Zometa treatment (for 3 years, every 6 mo. doses) and I could understand the dentists' reluctance to do any work. I had my last treatment in 2022 and still cannot find someone who will remove the remaining parts of the teeth so I can begin restorative care in some fashion. I have been to Tufts Dental School (wanted no part of it). Any suggestions or similar experiences welcomed!

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This post is of interest to me, though I am no help. My teeth suck and I am facing possible medications such as Zometa in my future. This terrifies me because menopause (30 years worth) has destroyed my jaw bone already.


I'm on zometa as well noticed that my teeth are breaking off I wanted them shaved evenly but they wanted to pull the my teeth


This post is of interest to me, though I am no help. My teeth suck and I am facing possible medications such as Zometa in my future. This terrifies me because menopause (30 years worth) has destroyed my jaw bone already.

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This post interests me as well, as I have been on these drugs off and on again. Like @mdr3 I have taken bisphosphonates, and been refused dental care with good reason.
If I could go back to before I started them I would make sure all my dental work was current and I kept it current before I started the bisphosphonates.
My oral surgeon had me discontinue them for a year before he would perform an extraction on a broken and painful tooth, even then I had to sign a waiver.
After this my oncologist never resumed the zometa so I walk, walk, walk to help my bones.
I tried to find out if there was a waiting period that would be safe but I could not find an answer.
My free advice would be to get your dental work ahead of starting.


My oncologist will not start Zometa until written dental clearance. I had a dental deep cleaning scheduled and full mouth panorama done. My dentist gave me the go ahead after it was determined no cavities or problems found. I just hope it stays that way for next 3 years!

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