Anyone experienced delayed lymphedema after lumpectomy?

Stage 1 invasive lobular. Had lumpectomy at end of April. Two lymph nodes also removed. Everything was going fine. I had 4 weeks of daily radiation and am on letrozole now. About 3 weeks ago I felt some lumps under my surgical breast. Went to my surgeon. He did an ultrasound. He says I have developed lymphedema. I start PT with a lymphedema specialist next week. Have any of you experienced this and do you have any suggestions for me. It is kind of painful. Doctor also wants me to wear a tight sports bra 24/7. I have large 38 c breasts. Surgical breast is now quite a bit smaller than other breast. It is pretty uncomfortable to wear a tight bra all the time, but doable.

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Lumpectomy and lymph nodes dissection will trigger swelling and pain..pls take care not to put pressure on your hands by driving and riding..also do t lift weights


I have had similar lymphatic issues. The swelling under my affected breast is always present though the discomfort is alleviated by massage. My swelling also is under my armpit and in my upper back. I found a compression T-shirt from under armor that holds well and helps. Bras are a pain never fit right. I went to a physical therapist for lymphatic massage and if I do it daily it sure helps! Good luck.


Hello, Cancer Sister - flowerfarmerforever

I have not experienced invasive lobular breast cancer. However, I have experienced ER PR-positive breast cancer twice. 2007 stage #1 breast cancer treated with red devil chemo, moon face steroids, mammosite radiation with 10 years of Arimidex. We ended up in bankruptcy after stage #1. But ugly breast cancer still came back in 2022 as stage #2. I've learned a great deal from our sister warriors on this site. IMO looking back I wish I had done the bilateral mastectomy in 2007! Personally, I trust the words of our Cancer Sisters more than any Oncologist or Surgeon. As jkh said a physical therapist for lymphatic massage is wonderful. Wish I could afford the $640.00 a month because our insurance will not cover it. You're only 7 months since the surgery. I know it is a long time please be patient and if you have faith rely on it. All you have to do is wake up and be grateful that you & loved ones did too : ) Sending Prayers.


I had a lumpectomy and 4 weeks of full breast radiation with a boost at the end. I now have breast lymphedema and it has been 2 1/2 years since the radiation. I hadn't even realized that you could get lymphedema in your breast.
Has anyone else had breast lymphedema? If so, could I ask you what your experience has been like?



I had a lumpectomy and 4 weeks of full breast radiation with a boost at the end. I now have breast lymphedema and it has been 2 1/2 years since the radiation. I hadn't even realized that you could get lymphedema in your breast.
Has anyone else had breast lymphedema? If so, could I ask you what your experience has been like?


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I developed lymphedema after radiation. It was also my understanding you were at risk for developing lymphedema for pinto five years after radiation. Physical Therapy with breast cancer therapist was awesome. I was fitted for compression bra, had home exercise program. After a year it is pretty much gone. I do not have any injections, IVs, blood draws or blood pressure taken in that arm


I had a lumpectomy (Invasive Ductal with Lobular Features) with 4 nodes removed (1 lymph node involved), and I had 33 days of radiation. At my 3-month follow-up with the Radiation Oncologist, I mentioned I had noticed a little less range of motion in the arm coupled with tightness in the breast area. She referred me to OT/PT at the cancer care center, and I met with an OT who is also a Lymphedema Specialist. I probably went to 8-9 therapy sessions, and I learned many simple stretches which have helped greatly! Also, the OT would massage the arm and underarm area, also. Apparently, I had some "cording" which I had never known could occur. I did also get a simple compression sleeve which I choose to proactively wear when flying or doing any heavy lifting.

For me, this whole process started about 3-4 months after radiation was complete. I am so thankful the Radiation Oncologist referred me, so I could get some therapy. Now, I know some go-to stretches which help me when I start feeling that tension sensation.

I hope this helps--take care!


I developed lymphedema in my breasts after a double mastectomy. Implants were inserted at the same time.

My breast care nurse gave me a soft foam ball. I place it under my armpit and with my elbow bent, I softly compress the ball seven or eight times. This exercise helps to drain the lymph nodes. It gives me instant relief.


I had a lumpectomy, 18 radiation treatments, the last 4 being 'bursts'. I had lymph nodes removed from the underarm. 3 months later, the surgeon went back in and removed alot more nodes...because that area stayed swollen. I developed lymphadema in the right arm and breast. I have seen a therapist for a couple years now. Manual massage, exercises, compression arm sleeve and gauntlet. The lympha press helps more than anything. I use it for one hour every evening. There is also cupping, and an electric cupping machine used for fibrosis. I am going to get one of those. The machine is advertised for breast and butt enhancement. You can use the smaller cups for breaking up the fibrosis. It's a process for sure, but worth it.


I had a lumpectomy and 4 weeks of full breast radiation with a boost at the end. I now have breast lymphedema and it has been 2 1/2 years since the radiation. I hadn't even realized that you could get lymphedema in your breast.
Has anyone else had breast lymphedema? If so, could I ask you what your experience has been like?


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You can also get lymphedema from a bug/mosquito bite in the affected arm or a scratch. When camping, I use Avon SOS sunscreen to repel mosquitos and/or ticks. While gardening, I'll wear a gardening "sleeve" to help prevent any scratches. I don't use the ones with the thumbs as I wear gloves which protect the hands and go over the wrists. Here is an example but you can find many online or in a garden store:


I had a lumpectomy and 4 weeks of full breast radiation with a boost at the end. I now have breast lymphedema and it has been 2 1/2 years since the radiation. I hadn't even realized that you could get lymphedema in your breast.
Has anyone else had breast lymphedema? If so, could I ask you what your experience has been like?


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I had stage 1 right breast lumpectomy in 2017 followed by a month radiation along with the boost. About 3 months later I ask about the large size of that breast. It was diagnosed as lymphadema. I went to a breast massge therapist for probably a year when she moved on. I continue to do the massage daily although my oncologist has agred that doing it every other day is fine. It's my understanding I'll be doing the massage forever. I wore the prescribed bra until I wore out the strap. Instead of buying another one, I wear a sports bra. I never had pain just a larger breast than the non concerous breast. So I live with doing the massage and am fine. I'm also a plant based eater and do 45 mn of YMCA exercise and walk every day. My tracker shows 7KM of movement every day. I figure life could be worse

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