CPAP aerophagia and diverticulitis

Posted by nealm @nealm, Sep 30, 2023

I have been using Cpap/Bipap macines for sleep apnea sporadically for 25 years. Not sure why I swallow air (aerophagia) while using the machine but it's enough to where I would wake in the middle of the night with gas pains and stomach bloating. I think it may have also contributed to my umbilical hernia. I stopped for some years and then was diagnosed with a-fib in 2019, which they think may be caused by sleep apnea, among other things. I started back on a Bipap machine, did not suffer stomach pain or bloating but a few months later ended up in the ER with diverticulitis (with a microperforation). Over the last 3 years I have a few minor episodes of diverticulitis and surgery has been mentioned. Since my episodes were in different areas of the colon, surgical removal may involve most or all of the colon.
I'm curious if anyone else with diverticulitis has used Cpap for sleep apnea? And did you experience aerophagia?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Digestive Health Support Group.

Hi @nealm, I've added your discussion to the Sleep Health support group as well as Digestive Health. I'm glad to hear that you are not experiencing gas pains and stomach bloating since returning to using the CPAP. Do you have a better fitting mask this time around?


Hi @nealm, I've added your discussion to the Sleep Health support group as well as Digestive Health. I'm glad to hear that you are not experiencing gas pains and stomach bloating since returning to using the CPAP. Do you have a better fitting mask this time around?

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Hi, Colleen.Thanks for adding me to the Sleep Health group.
I still experience aerophagia but it's nowhere near as bad with the
newer Auto Bi-PAP machines. I'm not sure if the aerophagia is
contributing to my diverticulitis episodes so I am looking into trying
an oral device again. I hope they have improved over the last 15
years. ThanksNeal


I’ve used CPAP since 2009 and have experienced the same thing. Been told that apnea and diverticula problems are unrelated but, due to the timing of the two, feel there must be a connection. My mask was ill fitting and my pressure set very high at first.


Hi, Colleen.Thanks for adding me to the Sleep Health group.
I still experience aerophagia but it's nowhere near as bad with the
newer Auto Bi-PAP machines. I'm not sure if the aerophagia is
contributing to my diverticulitis episodes so I am looking into trying
an oral device again. I hope they have improved over the last 15
years. ThanksNeal

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I was just wondering if you tried an oral device and how it works?
My cpac machine causes bloating..


I was just wondering if you tried an oral device and how it works?
My cpac machine causes bloating..

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Sorry to hear about your bloating. It must be bothering you enough to ask about an oral device.
I tried an oral device 20 years ago and stopped after some months. I think it started to become uncomfortable over time. I'm not sure if they have improved since then. It is supposed to move your lower jaw and tongue forward and prevent obstruction of your airway.
I was thinking of trying one again if my recent sleep study showed no changes in my OSA. (I have lost 10% of my body weight the last 2 years and have a normal BMI now)
Fortunately the results show my OSA as borderline now and the sleep specialist said using a device would be optional. So, unless symptoms or my weight return, I will not be using anything.
My SA was moderate when I started using a CPAP machine 20+ years ago. I feel the levels were too high for me and I was swallowing air. I developed an epigastric hernia and I think it was related to the aerophagia. It is during that time I tried an oral device and then a Bipap machine.
I stopped for some time and started 3 years ago with an Auto CPAP machine which was much better than the older machines, but I still swallowed air. They kept lowering my levels and I ended up trying an Auto Bipap machine.
Not sure if you have tried these newer machines.
Let me know if you have any questions.


Thanks for your reply
What is a auto iPad machine
I just have a Phillips cpac machine..
How much is an oral appliance?
I have no insurance and I think my dentist said around 8000$
Sure don’t want to end up with stomach issues
I have already had bowel surgery and hoping it had nothing to do with my cpac
I also am having adrenal rushes in the nite every 2 hrs
Don’t know how they are affecting the rest of my body but can’t seem to get the right advice
It’s been 3 yrs
I feel like I can’t handle them another nite
Sure hope I can get some advice


Thanks for your reply
What is a auto iPad machine
I just have a Phillips cpac machine..
How much is an oral appliance?
I have no insurance and I think my dentist said around 8000$
Sure don’t want to end up with stomach issues
I have already had bowel surgery and hoping it had nothing to do with my cpac
I also am having adrenal rushes in the nite every 2 hrs
Don’t know how they are affecting the rest of my body but can’t seem to get the right advice
It’s been 3 yrs
I feel like I can’t handle them another nite
Sure hope I can get some advice

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Hi.Auto Bipap and auto Cpap machines will adjust the pressure
according to your breathing levels.I'm sure you can find info on the
internet or this Mayo Clinic site about them. My specialists were able
to adjust my presures so I wouldn't swallow so much air.
I was using a Philips Dream Station 2 Auto CPAP Advanced for awhile
and then switched to a ResMed Air Curve (VAuto) which I think is more
like a bipap. Bipap machines have one level of pressure for when you
inhale and a different pressure for when you exhale.The newer auto
cpap machines also adjust their pressures to your breathing.
Unfortunately they are more expensive than regular cpap machines,
around $2000-$2500.Fortunately, I had insurance 20 years ago when I
got the oral device and cannot recall the amount I paid.I am on
Medicare now and they cover 80% of durable medical equipment like cpap
machines.I started back on Cpap about 3 years ago and a few months
later I had my first episode of diverticulitis. I was having episodes
every few months. Bowel surgery was discussed every ER or doctor
visit. Now I watch my diet and try to get lots of fiber. I execise
daily and stopped using my machine a few months ago and have not had
any diverticulitis episodes since. I'm not sure but I think swallowing
air is a contributing factor for my diverticulitis episodes..I hope
your machine is a Dream Station 2 Auto Cpap.Have you been on any other
Cpap discussion sites?


I am just new to this site..
Really concerned whether my bowel surgery might have been related..
I am really concerned about my adrenal rushes at nite when I try to sleep.
Not sure how to find any related comments ..
The cpac machine does not stop them..
Thanks again for your reply


I know this is older post but I have used CPAP for 11 years recently changed from Resmed to Luna g3 and now have terrible air/bloat/pain and diverticulitis. Upsetting. Im ready to give it up.
Someone mentioned dental device. I was told it depends on how severe your pressure is. Since mine is way above severe I'm not a candidate.

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