Covid or irritable bowel?
Hi. In November, I suddenly had a week where I couldn’t sleep for a couple of nights, and also had terrible stomach pains. Then I had a week of terrible diarrhea and could barely eat. I went to the ER and they said I had inflammation in my bowel. They didn’t know what caused it. I only ate once a day for a couple of months and felt like my food was stuck in my chest. My doctor said it was acid reflux, but it took about 12 hours for my food to get digested, so I didn’t take any antacids. About five days ago I started to feel better and was eating twice a day. Last night my stomach hurt again and this afternoon I ate some oatmeal which I have been blending (I have been blending everything) and as soon as I ate it I began to vibrate all over. It went away and several hours later I decided to eat again because my stomach was okay, but I ate the same thing and my body started vibrating again! I have many food allergies and I don’t know if I have become allergic to oatmeal or if it’s a symptom of long Covid. I was in a car with someone 5 days before this all started, but we were both wearing masks. I’m so anxious. Also, my ears have been ringing for months and they never did before. I am 70 years old. Has anyone experienced anything similar? Help! Thank you.
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It sounds like you should consult with a gastroenterologist. Have you ever had scopes done? I'm not sure of the long covid thing but I think that's more of covid symptoms, upper respiratory...fatigue, coughing, fever. Ear ringing can be caused my a number of things. The first thing to do is get a hearing test at an audiologist to determine if you have any type of hearing loss. I have ear ringing that they can't find a reason for but no hearing loss.
It’s been about 15 years since I had my last colonoscopy. You can actually get Covid in your stomach, believe it or not. I had a friend who had it and that was her only symptom. She suffers from irritable bowel, as I do. And my ear ringing only comes when I have a stomachache! But I suppose I should go have some tests just to rule out some things. I’m also under a lot of stress in my life, so it could be my irritable bowel, but it’s never been like this! Thanks so much for your input. 😊
Maybe you have a dual diagnosis. Have you been checked for h-pylori?
No, I haven’t. My doctor used to be really good and lately I feel like he’s just ready to retire and doesn’t care as much anymore. That’s a good thought. I’ve gotten a referral to a G.I. clinic, although they are very booked up, but I’m gonna ask about that. Thank you so much! I remember being checked for that a few decades ago and I don’t know why my doctor didn’t think of it this time. 💕
I thought your name sounded familiar! I just left you a comment on a different thread. I remembered someone telling me about the ear ringing, and that I should see an ear doctor, and I couldn’t remember which post it was on. Interestingly, and you’ll see this on my other post, my stomach issue went away for several days, and when it did, so did the ringing in my ears! I thought I was healed for good, but now both are back. But I think it’s a good sign that I had five days without discomfort. Perhaps I’m healing from something? If it continues, I’m going to the G.I. clinic. 😊😩