Coping with arthritis pain at night

Posted by grannydee @grannydee, Apr 20, 2022

I have arthritis pain, and experience this now in my entire body. I cannot take Tylenol, aspirin, nsaids due to chronic gastritis and EPI. I cope with the pain during the day through exercise, stretching and keeping busy. The nights are the problem. I fall asleep easily because I’m tired. I wake up in pain after a 2-3 hours and then toss and turn, get up and stretch, practice deep breathing and try to go back to sleep or read if I can focus enough to do that. I start my day around 6am and do NOT rest during the day so I can try to encourage my body to rest at night.
I choose to not request other options such as opioids or sleep medications. I do use melatonin but as I said, falling asleep is NOT the issue. Getting ENOUGH sleep is the problem. No dreams for me as I don’t enter the phase of rest to do so.
Any ideas???
I am extremely active and use a lateral elliptical at the gym 5 days a week, (4 miles in 32 minutes” and absolutely LOVE it because after the first half mile I am able to “ditch” the pain.
The nights and lack of sleep is my biggest problem at this point…any suggestions out there??! I DO use Voltaren gel but at night the effect doesn’t last long enough to get enough sleep.

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@grannydee, I can certainly relate to your pain at night from arthritis. I too like to doing daily exercises which helps the joints and keeps me going during the day but I have the habit of waking up a lot during the night even though I get a fairly good nights sleep. I also use a CPAP which helps my sleep quality but doesn't keep me from waking up due to joint pain and having to switch positions - the joys of being a side sleeper 🙃 What has helped my some is not exercising close to the time I turn in for the night and keeping a regular schedule for going to bed. Here are a couple of articles with some tips but you may have already seen them.

Why are arthritis symptoms worse at night?:
9 Ways You Can Sleep Better with Osteoarthritis:

I've heard some folks find it helpful to drink Chamomile tea before bedtime. Have you tried anything like that?



It’s great that you are active. I don’t know what your diet is like or if you have any dietary restrictions but I strongly urge that you look into an anti inflammatory diet to see what foods you may be eating that will cause inflammation and avoid them.. It’s been proven that certain foods cause inflammation and certain foods ease inflammation. Inflammation of the joints equals pain in the joints. There are resources all over the web plus countless cookbooks. Be mindful of what you put into your body. You may see results sooner than you think. Food is indeed medicine.

FL Mary


@grannydee, I can certainly relate to your pain at night from arthritis. I too like to doing daily exercises which helps the joints and keeps me going during the day but I have the habit of waking up a lot during the night even though I get a fairly good nights sleep. I also use a CPAP which helps my sleep quality but doesn't keep me from waking up due to joint pain and having to switch positions - the joys of being a side sleeper 🙃 What has helped my some is not exercising close to the time I turn in for the night and keeping a regular schedule for going to bed. Here are a couple of articles with some tips but you may have already seen them.

Why are arthritis symptoms worse at night?:
9 Ways You Can Sleep Better with Osteoarthritis:

I've heard some folks find it helpful to drink Chamomile tea before bedtime. Have you tried anything like that?

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Thanks for the articles, I’m going to check them out! I only exercise in the am so I can wind down after 6pm!
And yes I’ve tried all kinds of tea including chamomile but I don’t have any issues with FALLING asleep…it’s STAYING asleep is the issue because of the pain.



It’s great that you are active. I don’t know what your diet is like or if you have any dietary restrictions but I strongly urge that you look into an anti inflammatory diet to see what foods you may be eating that will cause inflammation and avoid them.. It’s been proven that certain foods cause inflammation and certain foods ease inflammation. Inflammation of the joints equals pain in the joints. There are resources all over the web plus countless cookbooks. Be mindful of what you put into your body. You may see results sooner than you think. Food is indeed medicine.

FL Mary

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Thank you! And yes I do practice an anti inflammatory diet already due to the EPI and chronic gastritis due to the EPI. I prepare all of our meals as I love to cook, and we eat “clean”. Lots of fresh fruits and veggies, and lean protein sources that include healthy nuts.
I’m only 102 lbs due to the EPI and track my nutrition carefully every single day. It’s a requirement having EPI to keep my pancreatic insufficiency under control with enzyme replacement therapy and proper nutrition.
I’m hoping some of the articles recommended by John above will be a help. And I totally agree the proper nutrition and exercise is KEY! Movement is medicine!


Thanks for the articles, I’m going to check them out! I only exercise in the am so I can wind down after 6pm!
And yes I’ve tried all kinds of tea including chamomile but I don’t have any issues with FALLING asleep…it’s STAYING asleep is the issue because of the pain.

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Thanks again, it’s interesting, and honestly I’ve tried all the suggestions, and unfortunately cannabis is still illegal where I live. 🙄. The levels that are allowed here are next to nothing and a waste of time and money.
I can only hope this will eventually change and those of us that could benefit would be able to use it for relief for nighttime pain that results in insomnia.
I don’t use digital after 7 at night… and do go to bed at 10 pm every evening and rise at 6 am to practice the recommended methods to encourage good sleeping habits. We also have a great mattress.
I’m at a loss to at this point.
I truly appreciate all the tips though! Thanks


One thought, have your potassium blood level checked. Most have a hard time getting enough potassium and medications can interfere as well.
If you like, you can read Dr. Lani's article on potassium on her website:
Her book: Dr. Lani's No-Nonsense Bone Health Guide is my bone health bible.


One thought, have your potassium blood level checked. Most have a hard time getting enough potassium and medications can interfere as well.
If you like, you can read Dr. Lani's article on potassium on her website:
Her book: Dr. Lani's No-Nonsense Bone Health Guide is my bone health bible.

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Thank you, I do have to take extra potassium due to EPI and take it twice a day, even I consume a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables.
I take enzyme replacement therapy (prescription) so my body will digest the clean nutrient dense nutrition that I consume.
I’m much healthier as a result but this arthritis pain at night is no joke!
Falling asleep is easy…staying asleep is a BIG problem.
I could request prescription meds for assistance as in sleeping pills, but I don’t want to develop a dependency on ANYTHING like that!
That just creates ANOTHER problem!
But I’m not giving up! NOT EVER!


Thank you, I do have to take extra potassium due to EPI and take it twice a day, even I consume a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables.
I take enzyme replacement therapy (prescription) so my body will digest the clean nutrient dense nutrition that I consume.
I’m much healthier as a result but this arthritis pain at night is no joke!
Falling asleep is easy…staying asleep is a BIG problem.
I could request prescription meds for assistance as in sleeping pills, but I don’t want to develop a dependency on ANYTHING like that!
That just creates ANOTHER problem!
But I’m not giving up! NOT EVER!

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My husband uses extended release melatonin. I have been a poor sleeper since childhood, it is a familial thing - my Mom and at least 2 brothers, of 6 siblings, are the same. I have never considered it "bad" just different. I do relaxation and deep breathing exercises, and at age 70 just know that some days will require a rest or nap. I deal with arthritis pain and some neuropathy by massaging in Voltaren gel 2.32% plus an anti-inflammatory blend of essential oils. I must also use tramadol sometimes, but maybe only 2x a week. Chair yoga and stretching also help. Fortunately middle of night stretching doesn't bother my husband in bed.
I think it helps to live 7 months a year in a senior community where everyone "gets it" and we just live within each person's limits. Today, for example, I cleaned and rearranged community cabinets for 3 hours. Nobody cares whether I will finish tomorrow or Sunday!


My husband uses extended release melatonin. I have been a poor sleeper since childhood, it is a familial thing - my Mom and at least 2 brothers, of 6 siblings, are the same. I have never considered it "bad" just different. I do relaxation and deep breathing exercises, and at age 70 just know that some days will require a rest or nap. I deal with arthritis pain and some neuropathy by massaging in Voltaren gel 2.32% plus an anti-inflammatory blend of essential oils. I must also use tramadol sometimes, but maybe only 2x a week. Chair yoga and stretching also help. Fortunately middle of night stretching doesn't bother my husband in bed.
I think it helps to live 7 months a year in a senior community where everyone "gets it" and we just live within each person's limits. Today, for example, I cleaned and rearranged community cabinets for 3 hours. Nobody cares whether I will finish tomorrow or Sunday!

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I love that you are being kind to yourself! I’ll check into the extended release melatonin…
Can’t hurt to give it a try!
I can’t take traditional pain meds due to pancreatic insufficiency..,that causes chronic gastritis pain. And I don’t want to start on anything addictive.
Extended release melatonin is worth a try!!!


Thanks again, it’s interesting, and honestly I’ve tried all the suggestions, and unfortunately cannabis is still illegal where I live. 🙄. The levels that are allowed here are next to nothing and a waste of time and money.
I can only hope this will eventually change and those of us that could benefit would be able to use it for relief for nighttime pain that results in insomnia.
I don’t use digital after 7 at night… and do go to bed at 10 pm every evening and rise at 6 am to practice the recommended methods to encourage good sleeping habits. We also have a great mattress.
I’m at a loss to at this point.
I truly appreciate all the tips though! Thanks

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Hi @grannydee, have you ever tried heat to relieve your pain? I have an infrared heating pad and it does give relief when I'm using it and for some time thereafter. I have osteoarthritis of the shoulder and some rotator cuff tears. The heating pad comes with instructions not to sleep on it though. If heat provides you with relief, maybe there's a heated mattress pad somewhere. I've also read that weighted blankets help with sleep. Maybe you could find some relief along those lines.

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