Complex hip pain with no answers

Posted by leximercedes @leximercedes, Aug 23, 2024

On May 20,2024 I woke up with really bad hip pain on my right side. The pain goes into my groin , my lower back, the side of my hip, and right below my butt. I could walk I just had to walk slow and use a wall to make sure it didn’t give out. But I could not sit or bend over or drive and stairs made it worse. I started at an Orthopedic Practice (we will call Place A) and that doctor didn’t even examine me and told me I had bursitis and needed physical therapy so I went to physical therapy and it made it worse to the point where it was unstable and I fell. When I called Place A and told them this and asked if I could make another appointment for that week they said the doctor was in surgery and to go to the emergency room which was just a waste of time that made it worse. When Place A did agree to see me again I asked for a MRI and he told me I didn’t need a MRI for him to know what was wrong and he gave me a cortisone shot into my hip. And sent me back to physical therapy. It did not get any better so I sought out a second opinion and ended up at the second orthopedic practice (Practice B). I originally saw a PA there and he said the cortisone shot was put it the wrong place by Practice A and he did another one. He also ordered an MRI. The shot did not help but we found from the MRI that I had a mild superior chondral laberal junction tear and a subtle interstitial partial thickness tear of the semimembranosus tendon. So the PA scheduled me an appointment with the orthopedic surgeon and he told me that there was a procedure he was considering but never explained what that was and first wanted to do a guided steroid injection into my hip joint. So I went to that appointment and he used an ultrasound marked the spot numbed it then did the steroid mixed with a numbing agent. While he was doing that it was incredibly painful and I had this pain going down my leg but I walked out of there the same as I went in. After a few hours of being home I went and laid down because I was in so much pain and shortly after that where my joint is was in excruciating pain and it got to where I couldn’t feel anything except pins and needles from my hip down on the right side and I was unable to walk. We called an ambulance and I was taking to the hospital. This was a whole new nightmare in itself because they had no idea what they were doing. They did a CT and a MRI of my lumbar spine and found that I have degenerative disc disease (which doesn’t surprise me because I have it very bad in my cervical spine and I already had an appointment set up to see a spinal surgeon about that) but I also have a herniated disc at L4 and L5. Side note I also have mild scoliosis so I do have spine issues. But they all told me that both the herniated disc and the tear were mild and wouldn’t be causing any pain. So they kept me there for two weeks because I couldn’t get walk but never sent in physical therapy until I was being discharged to evaluate me. Very long story short they sort of forced my hand for me to go to a rehabilitation facility where I was abused, neglected, threatened, screamed at, and called names. That facility also never did exercises with me (at this point any movement I had back was because I had been working on it on my own every day and all night since I couldn’t sleep due to the pain) each day they would just force my leg to go how they wanted it to and try to get me to walk and I fell many times. I had got to a point where I could move it to an extent but I could not put weight on it or lift the leg myself. Due to the mistreatment I was taken back to a different hospital where they set me up with home health care. When I went to make an appointment with Place B they were trying to avoid seeing me (it seemed as though they were worried they did something wrong with the injection and did not want to see me at all) so I made an appointment with another Orthopedic Practice (Place C). Meanwhile I am using home health care I have a bedside commode and walker and a leg lifter that I can use to get up and use the bathroom but I cannot walk at all and am in an unbearable amount of pain I have a wheelchair but sitting is so painful I can only do it for five minutes tops. The OT used a tuning fork on my leg and I could feel it vibrating all down my leg but when he put it on my hip and lower back I could not feel the vibration. The PT has made the pain increasingly worse I was crying and screaming and he still does it. When I went to see Place C she wasn’t a surgeon like I requested and she said she had no idea after just rubbing my leg. And she sent me to a pain management doctor who also works with nerves. That was a total waste of time because she didn’t examine me and just said I need to go see a neurologist. During all this I did have pain medicine at the hospital and rehabilitation facility and left the hospital with 8 pills. Which I used very sparingly but since then I haven’t had anything. While I’m he pain is not under control on the medicine it at least helps take the edge off. I’ve asked four doctors including pain management about pain medicine and they have all said no. I am also on muscle relaxers because if not the leg spasms really bad giving me even more pain. I am at a point now where I can’t sleep I can’t eat I can’t do anything because I am in so much pain. I am suffering 24/7 and I don’t know what else to do so I’m trying to find someone anyone that would take an interest in it and try to help me. Just some background about me I am 30 years old and I do have a heart condition called postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome and when I’m in a lot of pain my heart rate goes very high so this has also been causing chest pain. I’ve had two minor heart attacks. I have fibromyalgia which I know is not helping the pain. But I think mostly what everyone is forgetting while there may be a nerve problem this all start with my hip and lower back hurting on my right side and I think that needs to go back and be something that is discussed.

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I would look for an endoscopic spine surgeon. I could suggest If you don't have the images from the hospital MRI and CT request them on CD with the written report. You should get multiple copies so that you can send them to many endoscopic spine surgeon. You have to find out exactly what is causing your pain.
You can usually send the CDs and have a telephone or video conference.
You aren't getting sufficient care and the delays are complicating your injury. Unfortunately, many patients don't get sufficient care. I feel certain there is help for you. Now to find it.

There is a minimally invasive procedure to repair chondral tears in the hip.
You have a herniated disc in a sensitive area; it bears the weight of the entire spine. Herniated actually means that there is a tear in the annulus the outer portion of the disc. If the tear is deep enough the nucleus propulsus the center of the disc spills. It is extremenly acidic and because of its location it spills down onto a maze of nerves and is endlessly painful.
USC offers a free second opinion

I'm sorry this is happening. It is so important that you find the source, sources of this pain. It can't be good for your heart.
Bless your search.


Sounds like an unbelievable nightmare! I knew when I read half of what you wrote, what this might be about. It happened to me. You need to get to an orthopedic spine surgeon. A good orthopedic spine surgeon will know if this is emanating from your spine, your lumbar spine. At L3 L4, L5, you have a major nerve root exiting the spine and facet joints, and when the discs are deteriorating, as you indicated, they’ve diagnosed degenerative disc condition, your whole lumbar spine, pelvis, hips, legs are thrown into imbalance and you will have problems in many areas beginning from your lumbar spine to your feet. I was misdiagnosed for almost 20 years. So I feel your pain. I went through many many things – although people in my case were nicer than the people you seem to be experiencing. I had to complete hip replacements . Also, I needed those hip replacements. It was hard on me when the pain wasn’t eradicated from the joint replacements. Eventually, I ended up with the world’s most insanely amazing spine surgeon. I had one . Also, I needed those hip replacements. It was hard on me when the pain wasn’t eradicated from the joint replacements. Eventually, I ended up with the worlds most insanely amazing spine surgeon. I had one spine surgeon who is going to replace my whole back. He was the only miserable person who got angry at me. It crushed me that a doctor would be so angry. He would remove me before surgery. I walked around with that for three years until I saw the surgeon who did my surgery. HE told me that he does all the revision surgeries for this other surgeon who became angry with me! At that moment, I knew the hand of God strange to say. I had four opinions. And the fourth one was a gem. There were a lot of things along the way that also needed to be attended to, like cysts on my spine, and injections, that could eventually lead to eliminating and leading to the source of the pain. My spine surgery gave me my life back. Unfortunately, it happened later than it should have, but I got my life back. It didn’t solve all my pain problems , but the pain problems don’t interfere very much with daily routines. If you have numbness in your legs or feet, it is probably referred pain from your spine. A good orthopedic surgeon can look at a simple x-ray. They do in their office and show you if they can help , in my case, the disc fell out entirely and my vertebrae bones fused together. At that point I was out of pain because the nerves were crushed to death. Knowing my surgeon was the man to lead my life. I approved surgery surgery immediately. They had to saw a part the bones to make space for nerves to regenerate , and put a bunch of hardware in. With degenerative disc disease, the kind I have weight-bearing joints continue to stabilize under the deterioration of the desks and cushions. Now I just take it in stride, but I got my life back and I’m grateful. A lot of these things you’re trying are things that are necessary along the way to get to back surgery. But they should all be under the umbrella of a good orthopedic spine surgeon. And he should see you periodically and monitor your progress both positive and negative. Make sure you stay responsible for your own healthcare. We all hope that our doctors would be that authority but I’m sorry to tell you they are not. Keep your own medical records, keep them organized , bring them with you to the doctor. If you are Medicare age or you don’t feel that your insurance company is approving things properly don’t hesitate to appeal or even take them to arbitration. I’m sorry for all your going through. From what I read, you will need to find a place. You can find personal relief for short periods of time over the course of the day. If they are not alleviating your pain and you don’t have any addictive issues, I’ve been on low-dose opioids for 25 years. The weather has a terrible effect on exacerbating my pain. The medical industry can’t resolve all of my pain so it was up to me to figure out a way with good doctors to help me lead a productive and happy life , my personal opinion is that there is a reason for our pain, a physical reason, but the medical system can’t always find it. It is up to us to help direct our own medical needs. Keep at it, and keep it up. If someone is abusing you , then tell an appropriate supervisor or file a claim. A lot of times I felt that I’ve been put in the spot to help other people who don’t have a voice. You obviously have a great one! Use it! God bless.


I have been having the same pain it’s feels like might be coming from my spine& hip radiating down my right leg it has been so painful Im probably not as bad as what you are but it’s been with me for a month I have an appointment to see a orthopedic specialist but I’ve been wondering if I have herniated disk too I have extreme sciatica in my back plus I was diagnosed as needing rods in my back but I didn’t have any surgery so now I’m 79 yrs old and have COPD I don’t think anyone will want to do surgery on me . But while this has been going on I also got a sciatica pinched nerve I had pain going down outside of my leg plus pain running from the back of my leg from my buttock all the way to my calf . The deep tissue physical therapy has worked on the sciatica nerve but I still have the outside leg pain , anyway I can sympathize with you I can imagine how much pain you’ve been in . I take 3-4 tramadol a day for my back I’ve been on them for many yrs so I had something that helped with the pain but I can’t imagine how you have been going through all of that without pain medication I think sometimes you just have to throw a little fit to get some pain meds. That’s what you should do next time you’re in a Dr office let them know in a very strong voice you need PAIN Medicine ! or your gonna go down the street somewhere and find something for pain ( just kidding) but they should have given you a prescription for that when you were at the pain clinic . Please let us know what you find out ok ? Prayers


I would look for an endoscopic spine surgeon. I could suggest If you don't have the images from the hospital MRI and CT request them on CD with the written report. You should get multiple copies so that you can send them to many endoscopic spine surgeon. You have to find out exactly what is causing your pain.
You can usually send the CDs and have a telephone or video conference.
You aren't getting sufficient care and the delays are complicating your injury. Unfortunately, many patients don't get sufficient care. I feel certain there is help for you. Now to find it.

There is a minimally invasive procedure to repair chondral tears in the hip.
You have a herniated disc in a sensitive area; it bears the weight of the entire spine. Herniated actually means that there is a tear in the annulus the outer portion of the disc. If the tear is deep enough the nucleus propulsus the center of the disc spills. It is extremenly acidic and because of its location it spills down onto a maze of nerves and is endlessly painful.
USC offers a free second opinion

I'm sorry this is happening. It is so important that you find the source, sources of this pain. It can't be good for your heart.
Bless your search.

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Thank you this is actually very very helpful.


Sounds like an unbelievable nightmare! I knew when I read half of what you wrote, what this might be about. It happened to me. You need to get to an orthopedic spine surgeon. A good orthopedic spine surgeon will know if this is emanating from your spine, your lumbar spine. At L3 L4, L5, you have a major nerve root exiting the spine and facet joints, and when the discs are deteriorating, as you indicated, they’ve diagnosed degenerative disc condition, your whole lumbar spine, pelvis, hips, legs are thrown into imbalance and you will have problems in many areas beginning from your lumbar spine to your feet. I was misdiagnosed for almost 20 years. So I feel your pain. I went through many many things – although people in my case were nicer than the people you seem to be experiencing. I had to complete hip replacements . Also, I needed those hip replacements. It was hard on me when the pain wasn’t eradicated from the joint replacements. Eventually, I ended up with the world’s most insanely amazing spine surgeon. I had one . Also, I needed those hip replacements. It was hard on me when the pain wasn’t eradicated from the joint replacements. Eventually, I ended up with the worlds most insanely amazing spine surgeon. I had one spine surgeon who is going to replace my whole back. He was the only miserable person who got angry at me. It crushed me that a doctor would be so angry. He would remove me before surgery. I walked around with that for three years until I saw the surgeon who did my surgery. HE told me that he does all the revision surgeries for this other surgeon who became angry with me! At that moment, I knew the hand of God strange to say. I had four opinions. And the fourth one was a gem. There were a lot of things along the way that also needed to be attended to, like cysts on my spine, and injections, that could eventually lead to eliminating and leading to the source of the pain. My spine surgery gave me my life back. Unfortunately, it happened later than it should have, but I got my life back. It didn’t solve all my pain problems , but the pain problems don’t interfere very much with daily routines. If you have numbness in your legs or feet, it is probably referred pain from your spine. A good orthopedic surgeon can look at a simple x-ray. They do in their office and show you if they can help , in my case, the disc fell out entirely and my vertebrae bones fused together. At that point I was out of pain because the nerves were crushed to death. Knowing my surgeon was the man to lead my life. I approved surgery surgery immediately. They had to saw a part the bones to make space for nerves to regenerate , and put a bunch of hardware in. With degenerative disc disease, the kind I have weight-bearing joints continue to stabilize under the deterioration of the desks and cushions. Now I just take it in stride, but I got my life back and I’m grateful. A lot of these things you’re trying are things that are necessary along the way to get to back surgery. But they should all be under the umbrella of a good orthopedic spine surgeon. And he should see you periodically and monitor your progress both positive and negative. Make sure you stay responsible for your own healthcare. We all hope that our doctors would be that authority but I’m sorry to tell you they are not. Keep your own medical records, keep them organized , bring them with you to the doctor. If you are Medicare age or you don’t feel that your insurance company is approving things properly don’t hesitate to appeal or even take them to arbitration. I’m sorry for all your going through. From what I read, you will need to find a place. You can find personal relief for short periods of time over the course of the day. If they are not alleviating your pain and you don’t have any addictive issues, I’ve been on low-dose opioids for 25 years. The weather has a terrible effect on exacerbating my pain. The medical industry can’t resolve all of my pain so it was up to me to figure out a way with good doctors to help me lead a productive and happy life , my personal opinion is that there is a reason for our pain, a physical reason, but the medical system can’t always find it. It is up to us to help direct our own medical needs. Keep at it, and keep it up. If someone is abusing you , then tell an appropriate supervisor or file a claim. A lot of times I felt that I’ve been put in the spot to help other people who don’t have a voice. You obviously have a great one! Use it! God bless.

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I do have an appointment with a really good spinal surgeon in my area but he can’t see me until October and I can’t be in pain and not able to walk that long so I’m going to have to find someone else. But thank you that’s all very reassuring


I have been having the same pain it’s feels like might be coming from my spine& hip radiating down my right leg it has been so painful Im probably not as bad as what you are but it’s been with me for a month I have an appointment to see a orthopedic specialist but I’ve been wondering if I have herniated disk too I have extreme sciatica in my back plus I was diagnosed as needing rods in my back but I didn’t have any surgery so now I’m 79 yrs old and have COPD I don’t think anyone will want to do surgery on me . But while this has been going on I also got a sciatica pinched nerve I had pain going down outside of my leg plus pain running from the back of my leg from my buttock all the way to my calf . The deep tissue physical therapy has worked on the sciatica nerve but I still have the outside leg pain , anyway I can sympathize with you I can imagine how much pain you’ve been in . I take 3-4 tramadol a day for my back I’ve been on them for many yrs so I had something that helped with the pain but I can’t imagine how you have been going through all of that without pain medication I think sometimes you just have to throw a little fit to get some pain meds. That’s what you should do next time you’re in a Dr office let them know in a very strong voice you need PAIN Medicine ! or your gonna go down the street somewhere and find something for pain ( just kidding) but they should have given you a prescription for that when you were at the pain clinic . Please let us know what you find out ok ? Prayers

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I will definitely keep you updated and thank you for the kind words


I will definitely keep you updated and thank you for the kind words

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Your welcome


I do have an appointment with a really good spinal surgeon in my area but he can’t see me until October and I can’t be in pain and not able to walk that long so I’m going to have to find someone else. But thank you that’s all very reassuring

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October isn’t far away! Have you tried inserts in your shoes? Topicals like 3% Diclofenac gel, lidocaine cream, lidocaine patches, myofascial, tissue, release, Botox, heating pad, acupuncture, opioids? In the meantime, maybe your doctor can order your current MRI x-ray, ultrasound, all the things she’ll need to take to the surgeon. I know the weight seems unbearable, but to get to a good surgeon is worth the weight even in misery. Ice packs on your back? Yoga? If you don’t have to work then take it easy till October. It’s only another month away. Also, call the surgeons office and ask them what you can do in the meantime , good luck


October isn’t far away! Have you tried inserts in your shoes? Topicals like 3% Diclofenac gel, lidocaine cream, lidocaine patches, myofascial, tissue, release, Botox, heating pad, acupuncture, opioids? In the meantime, maybe your doctor can order your current MRI x-ray, ultrasound, all the things she’ll need to take to the surgeon. I know the weight seems unbearable, but to get to a good surgeon is worth the weight even in misery. Ice packs on your back? Yoga? If you don’t have to work then take it easy till October. It’s only another month away. Also, call the surgeons office and ask them what you can do in the meantime , good luck

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I can’t wait a month because I can’t walk or sit or do pretty much anything my leg is still partially paralyzed and the pain is just to unbearable to wait that long. I have tried all of those things and the opioids did help but no doctor will give me any because they say it’s addictive which it is but I don’t really have addiction issues like that and I don’t need it for long just long enough for me to get a surgery or procedure or whatever they are going to do


What doctors/specialists have you already worked with besides orthopedic doctors? Have you been to a neurologist for EMG/nerve conduction studies, myelogram study of nerves, neuropathy bloodwork panel, treatment of fibromyalgia, a rheumatologist, cardiologist, etc.?

Why do you think they treated you so poorly at the rehabilitation center? Did you file a formal complaint with them and your state? What state do you live in?

Have you received all of your records to review them in detail to see if something stands out that has been missed? Do you have any family members who can help you get the right help and treatment? It sounds like you are getting the run around. I don’t think you should have ever had injections without prior X-rays/MRIs with diagnosis. They would not know where to inject to help alleviate inflammation.

It took me 8 years to get answers for pain, weakness and numbness. I was diagnosed with cervical and lumbar severe congenital spinal stenosis, degenerative disc disease, osteoarthritis, cervical spondylotic myelopathy, radiculopathy, neurogenic claudication, and small fiber neuropathy. I had lower back, hip, buttock, leg and foot pain/weakness/numbness and recently had decompression/fusion surgery on L3-L5 to help relieve some of my symptoms. I also had ACDF surgery on my C5-C6 to stop the spinal cord compression injury affecting my arms/hands, legs/feet and bladder.

I hope and pray you can be helped through the health care system in a more thoughtful and clear way so you aren’t just tossed around. You need a doctor to look at you holistically and listen to all of your symptoms to properly diagnose and then treat you. Treating you in a fragmented way is not helping you at all.

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