Colostomy reversal: What can I expect? Recovery time?

Posted by barbwith3cats @barbwith3cats, Apr 28, 2024

In a few month, I’ll be having a colostomy reversal. By the time the surgery rolls around, I will have had the Ostomy for 6 months. What can I expect ? Will the recovery be another 12 weeks?

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I underwent the reversal surgery almost 2 years ago (Sep 2022) at the age of seventy. I was originally operated on to remove the cancer on July 3 2022. I was fortunate that is was stage 2 and I was given a 92% chance of cancer NOT returning. Chemo was an option, but after talking with both my oncologist and my wife, opted against it. So in my case the Ostomy bag was only 2 months. Surgery went well and my recovery went smoothly. I was cleared by my surgeon at six weeks to resume everything without limits. It took me a full year to physically feel as strong as I was prior to surgery (I was 70 at the time, so age played a big part), and at two years now I feel better than I have in years. My new normal is pretty close to my old normal. I've had no bowel issues, appetite good, no pain. The physical part went smoothly, the emotional and mental part takes longer. I hope this helps and hope your recovery is as smooth and uneventful as mine.


Good questions as you prepare for a colostomy reversal, @barbwith3cats. I'm tagging a few members like @cgrogers @mary6787 @rhs @timt293 @blinken @jvitanza1 who have had a reversal and can share more about their experience. For example, tips and what they wished they had known. What is recovery like?

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