Colonoscopy scheduling?

Posted by kon1018 @kon1018, Dec 1, 2023

Has anyone been having troubles scheduling for a colonoscopy? Since about September, I've been calling the gastro dept about getting in for a colonoscopy. At first, there was an opening like Christmas Eve Day. Who wants to go then? Otherwise there wouldn't be anything till after the first of the year.I've been faithful about calling every two weeks to see if 2024 schedule has opened up and yesterday was the last time I called and still no schedule. I told them that the next time I call and it's not opened up, I'm going elsewhere to get it done.

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Don't know about colonoscopy but do know that a specialist is usually a distant appointment. My cardio appointment had to be booked 3 months out...good luck !


My experience is that it is not unusual to wait 3 months for an appointment with a specialist - anywhere. Unless it is an emergency and arranged by my PCP.
Another thing to consider is that between now and the end of the year, everyone is trying to get routine preventive procedures scheduled before the end of the 2023 insurance year to take advantage of their accumulated medical benefits. You might have to wait until after 1st of year or postpone your Christmas Dinner until the New Years Day Weekend. Is that something that you would consider?


I have gotten appointments with some specialist pretty quickly, but others….it’s difficult to get anything soon, I was referred for a diagnostic colonoscopy a few weeks ago by my gastroenterologist and the earliest I could get is April 2024. The earliest Rheumatologist appointment I could get is August 2024! This is at a very large and well known medical hospital in Durham, NC. I’m not sure if we are allowed to post provider’s names.


I had to wait 8 or 9 months for a rheumatologist appointment- also at a very large practice in Philadelphia.
I think there are fewer doctors in some specialties than in others. I didn't have to wait long for cardiology...


@kon1018 Unless it is an emergency, a routine procedure of any type is taking quite a bit of time to get accomplished. Medical staff is overwhelmed and understaffed in almost every corner of the country. Ask them to be placed on a cancellation list. And, like you mentioned, perhaps you need to go to another facility.

My annual [routine] mammogram was just scheduled for April 2024. In October my oncologist wanted a low-contrast low-dose CT scan. When my not-so-local facility [50 miles each way] did not have the equipment of personnel for that, I drove 2.5 hrs to get it done. Seems like that's the "nature of the beast" these days.


@kon1018 Unless it is an emergency, a routine procedure of any type is taking quite a bit of time to get accomplished. Medical staff is overwhelmed and understaffed in almost every corner of the country. Ask them to be placed on a cancellation list. And, like you mentioned, perhaps you need to go to another facility.

My annual [routine] mammogram was just scheduled for April 2024. In October my oncologist wanted a low-contrast low-dose CT scan. When my not-so-local facility [50 miles each way] did not have the equipment of personnel for that, I drove 2.5 hrs to get it done. Seems like that's the "nature of the beast" these days.

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And to think how people would criticize Canada's "socialized medicine". Obviously, we don't have enough doctors to meet the demand. And what medical school costs, is it any wonder/???
They are using PAs and Nurse Practioners to do a lot of chores and that is not always a good idea as they do not have the same clinical training and I have been given faulty information more than once by such medical support staff. Time to reconsider how the State supports education. People say why should they pay for the education of someone who makes a lot of money then...short sighted! (also short supply drives pay scale up!)
We need doctors and other trained people, or we don't get any help. People receiving government support for education can be asked to do some volunteer work to repay it and it is win-win for all. But it is time to make education available to anyone who has the ability to do the work...out future depends on this
Maybe we should emphasize education more than football games???


Educating a doctor begins in pre-school and continues throughout grade school and high school. People need a solid foundation on which to build expertise in any field.

It isn't only the cost of medical schools that reduces the number of doctors. It is also the limited number of places at the medical schools. I think there are qualified applicants who can't get one of the limited spots. Fewer spots = fewer doctors = more demand = more money for doctors. I do believe that doctors deserve to make good money; they earn it.

Returning to the original topic of the delay in scheduling a colonoscopy:
I would go to another facility, if the first one doesn't open their calendar until the new year is almost upon us. Those types of administrative gaffs might indicate a poorly-run facility.

Good luck to us!


I got lucky on my mammogram and jumped into a recent cancellation. Only 1 week wait!


Good for you. Hope it was a positive experience for you.


It’s actually this Wednesday. I hope it’s consistent with all the ones I’ve had so far.

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