colon cancer fear... again

Posted by hopethereisnothing @hopethereisnothing, Jun 27, 2023

I have been struggling with weird GI symptoms since October 2022. I have health anxiety and I constantly google symptoms, so I diagnosed myself with colon cancer, stimach cancer and lastly pancreatic cancer. I had every possible test to rule out these cancers and a punch of other tests trying to find the cause of my symptoms ( all paid out of pocket). Unfortunately no cause could be found till this moment so I have to deal with unexplained and untreatable symptoms . Anyway I was relieved to know that I didn't have cancer.
I have just started to return to my normal life when I had this new symptom: constipation. I haven't had it in years and all the time I was sick I had diarrhea not constipation.
The recent onset of constipation triggered my health anxiety again. At the beginning, I thought that the low Fodmap diet I was trying was the culprit. I stopped that diet but several days later, constipation remained the same. I started to think of colon cancer again. It makes sense, colon cancer is fairly common and I almost have all symptoms: abdominal pain, gas and belching , and the constipation.
What doesn't make sense is that I just had a colonoscopy earlier this year ( Jan 2023) which was cancer and no polyps, in addition to 2 CT scans l, an MRI and several tests for cancer markers in blood and in stool, all were clear. My health anxiety tells me that it must have been a very small cancer that went unnoticed on colonoscopy, and which has by now grown large enough to block my bowel. I am getting paranoid about this. I feel too stressed to think clearly and too exhausted from repeated tests and scans. I read some stories about missed cancers on colonoscopy and they escalate my anxiety. I need some advice..should I have another colonoscopy or something else? I do not have a PCP or GP to discuss with them ( this system is not applied in the country where I live) and GI doctors I consulted always say I have nothing l, just anxiety or IBS ( I find it hard to believe this diagnosis as I am- at 39- a bit old for a new onset of IBS):(

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It is good that you are watching your health and I am glad that your other symptoms seem to have resolved.

I have never heard that IBS is age-related. Constipation can be caused by all sorts of things, like food choices, how you eat, stress, lack of sleep, IBS, etc.

Soooo many people have constipation issues. There are many solutions to try. From prunes to my favorite -- mineral oil before bedtime (I get mileage from 1/4-1/2 teaspoon of it).

What helps me in so many ways, digestion included, is belly-breathing, so what I call my lower stomach, but in all likelihood is my diaphragm, is pushed out when I breathe in. Many of us are shallow breathers; deeper breathing is relaxing and I can't help feel that it helps the gut.


I just got a an EDG.They found a blockage on on distsal esophagus ,they placed a baloon to keep dilated,found the pylori bacteria after biopsies were obtained on body and antrum.2 kinds of antibiotics were prescribed to take for 12 weeks.I took all r/x for the days prescribed Felling better initially but symptoms have been back these last few days (when I get hot or do any exception I start getting WATERY MOUTH,UPPER ABDOMEN PAIN,NAUSEA,VOMITING) Symptoms come w/o any notice Takes awhile to get to feeling better I have to lay down,get cooled off and home I dont vomit.I am unable to commit to a job because attacks come with out notice ,I am unable to continue projects because the length of these attacks are not predictable.I was also diagnost with HEPATITIS C .Hasn't been dealt with as I just did have the the" edg' done. I was hoping my symptoms were caused by the pylori bacteria n the blocked distal part of the esophagus (baloon placed) No official diagnosis has been given can you please give me some information ,I'm getting a bit anxious.I am 61,155 lbs,and never had any issues.I realize getting older has a lot to do with it but my symptoms started in 2012 n has gotten progressively worst
Thank you for your time
Chris Sampson


Sorry to hear you are feeling unwell! I have had so many issues this year with bowel movements and infections and currently worried about pancreas issues although my scans and blood test stool tests all are normal. I feel pain under my left rib and no one has been able to help me. I have seen 5 GIs. For your colon cancer fears, polyps take a very long time to grow and become cancerous so if you had a test this year you are probably fine. Most polyps take 10-15 years to grow large enough to be cancerous. Thats why people have colonoscopy's that are so far apart. I had one found so I am on a 5 yr follow up for another exam. I am anxious too, almost convinced I have pancreatic cancer that is being missed somehow 🙁 so I am getting check ups every couple of months and checking in with my GI it is helping with my anxiety to know they will help monitor me and my symptoms. They cant treat what they cant find 🙁


No I still don't know what to do and am very reluctant to have another colonoscopy. I am trying to change my diet and see of there will be any change and watching for new alarming symptoms so I feel justified to have more invasive tests.


No I still don't know what to do and am very reluctant to have another colonoscopy. I am trying to change my diet and see of there will be any change and watching for new alarming symptoms so I feel justified to have more invasive tests.

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Thanks and hopefully that will help. I have been going through something similar. Have been experiencing months of upper left abdominal pain that radiates to the back, that comes and goes. I haven't experienced much weight loss, but do feel like I have been losing muscle strength and mass. Similar to you have gone through many tests (blood, multiple CTs, colonoscopy, endoscopy, etc.) and doctor's are saying they have ruled out cancer, but the best they could do for a diagnosis is "functional abdominal pain". While it's good they have ruled things out, it's easy for the anxiety to still think the worst when there isn't a firm diagnosis and the symptoms are still there. Really hoping the new diet will make a difference for you and I have recently tried doing the same.

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