
Posted by pohl @pohl, Jul 17, 2023

I have been using colestipol for about 3 months and it has not helped my diarrhea that much. I still have to be very careful in the morning after I eat. I usually do not eat lunch, because I am still afraid to go out because not sure when it will come on.

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Hi Pohl,

Sorry to hear that you're having issues. Can you give us more context as to why your doctor gave you colestipol to treat diarrhea? Typically this is given for bile acid malabsorption after an ileum resection, did you have this surgery? Bile acid diarrhea is a relatively unique diarrhea - urgent and almost impossible to hold, and then it comes out with an intense fiery sensation in the rectum. Are you experiencing this? In my experience, immediately after my surgery I needed colestipol about 4 times a day, but now I am down to 2 or 3, depending on what I eat. Fattier meals certainly need colestipol, but like a bagel or toast does not.

Let us know more about your situation.


Hi Pohl,

Sorry to hear that you're having issues. Can you give us more context as to why your doctor gave you colestipol to treat diarrhea? Typically this is given for bile acid malabsorption after an ileum resection, did you have this surgery? Bile acid diarrhea is a relatively unique diarrhea - urgent and almost impossible to hold, and then it comes out with an intense fiery sensation in the rectum. Are you experiencing this? In my experience, immediately after my surgery I needed colestipol about 4 times a day, but now I am down to 2 or 3, depending on what I eat. Fattier meals certainly need colestipol, but like a bagel or toast does not.

Let us know more about your situation.

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The doctor gave this particular medication to me because I do not have a gall bladder and have had trouble off and on for many years. It just seems to be getting worse now. I have been under a lot of stress and have read that the brain has a lot to do with my problem also! At first, I thought this medication was helping, but it does not seem to be now. Yes, it has been urgent especially right after I eat breakfast and lunch!. Most of the time I go without lunch, just so I can go on some errands or appointments. I have not had a ileum resection. I usually just eat toast or a bagel for breakfast, but still have to go pretty soon after I eat.


I take Colestipol too after being switched from its powder form, Cholestyramine. I’m supposed to add Kynsol in the evening before dinner but I’ve heard psyllium is rough on IBS people like me. That urgency won’t quit nor will the fecal incontinence. If I don’t eat I’m fine. I’m bloated and slightly nauseous regardless. My gall bladder is long gone, which is why I take this stuff.
Does anyone also get frequent UTIs? I feel cursed.


The doctor gave this particular medication to me because I do not have a gall bladder and have had trouble off and on for many years. It just seems to be getting worse now. I have been under a lot of stress and have read that the brain has a lot to do with my problem also! At first, I thought this medication was helping, but it does not seem to be now. Yes, it has been urgent especially right after I eat breakfast and lunch!. Most of the time I go without lunch, just so I can go on some errands or appointments. I have not had a ileum resection. I usually just eat toast or a bagel for breakfast, but still have to go pretty soon after I eat.

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Thanks for filling in some of the details. I am not familiar with the use of colestipol to manage a removed/damaged gall bladder but this is certainly one of its legitimate uses. To what extent have you played around with dose and timing of the medication? Generally speaking, people have most success with it when taken with the meals that contain the most fats, and usually no sooner than the first bite of food but some find it more effective up to 45 minutes after eating concludes. If you have not already, consider diligently tracking what and when you eat, and when you took colestipol, and see if you can at least move the needle towards something better than your current situation. Last, have you spoken to your doctor about these symptoms? He or she may have some advice on things that we have overlooked. Good luck.


Thanks for filling in some of the details. I am not familiar with the use of colestipol to manage a removed/damaged gall bladder but this is certainly one of its legitimate uses. To what extent have you played around with dose and timing of the medication? Generally speaking, people have most success with it when taken with the meals that contain the most fats, and usually no sooner than the first bite of food but some find it more effective up to 45 minutes after eating concludes. If you have not already, consider diligently tracking what and when you eat, and when you took colestipol, and see if you can at least move the needle towards something better than your current situation. Last, have you spoken to your doctor about these symptoms? He or she may have some advice on things that we have overlooked. Good luck.

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I usually take Colestipol about 15 minutes before I eat, but usually have to go about 15 to 30 minutes afterward, so not sure what would happen if I did not take it until 45 minutes after. I cannot really track any one thing that I eat with my problem, because in the morning even when I have just a bagel or toast, my problem still exists. I intend on calling my doctor again and see what she suggests.


So sorry it hear about this debilitating issue…fortunately I don’t have this problem. (I have my share of others, which is why I’m on this site) as to the urinary tract infections, I’ve had my share. I don’t know if this is an issue connected to you Your age and


Sent too soon…
Your age could have something to do with uti’s, hormone loss. See a urologist-thinking you are female, if so, they can possibly prescribe a vaginal cream or tablet to replace not just lost hormones and moisture in your vagina, but helps to keep your urethra “young”.
Stress is a huge factor in the tightness of your urethra, which prevents complete emptying. There are meds for relaxing that area, that you may or may not be able to take, but I would check. There are also quick doctor treatments to open the urethra, if that is the problem.
Also, check with your doc as to where you could you could find info online or in person on how to calm your mind and hopefully reduce your stress. I tried hypnosis-amazing!
Previous post suggested playing with the time to take your meds, I think that is a good idea…can’t get worse? 🥴
Good luck!!’

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