Chronic pain and my central nervous system

Posted by waterfalls @waterfalls, Dec 10, 2023

Hi all I'm new,
I suffering for 12 yrs now. My migraines were 1st thing that started after a root canal, I'm on ajovy injection once a month. I take Lyrica candastarten propranolol venaflaxeine. I get pains all over the body there is now not a place I don't get pain I've being diagnosed with fibromyalgia also and keep being told my central nervous system is gone hay wire basically causing all my pain. I also got a nerve block epidural injection into the sacrum which was like a bomb going off giving me new nerve pain which has the symptoms of pudendal nerve pain.. I can no long tolerate sitting and standing to long flares up everything. I'm looking to talk to people in similar position as myself.

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I'm sorry you have suffered so long. I have Central Pain Syndrome which causes intense skin burning all over my torso. I had nerve blocks which didn't work then I had a spinal cord stimulator implanted. I had that for 2 years and had it removed last August because it didn't work, either. So basically I've been told that was the ultimate alternative for the pain so like you I just live with it. I hope doctors to find some help for you.


I'm sorry to hear all you are going you are going through so much. It's awful they haven't anything else to help your pain and expect you to live with it as I'm sure as hell they themselves wouldn't . Did you ever get any lidocaine intravenous infusions. I managed to get one and it did help off a private pain clinic but it's to expensive for me to get anymore unfortunately it calm down the central nervous system. I'm not a private patient I'm on a medical care and in the public pain clinic they are only treating me with tablets that aren't working and offered nerve blocks but after what the last one done to me I will not get anymore of them. I just feel lost as I'm sure you do too. My heart goes out to you and all in our situation.


This is off topic, but we just moved to Delaware for PA. My wife was receiving Prolia shots every 6 monthe for potential osteoporosis. There wa no charge as long as it was administered in the doctotor's office. It was either Part B of Medicare or her Cigna plan F supplemment. Now that we're here in Delaware, it has become almost impossible to get the shots covered. Doc originally sent script to CVS, which said it would be $1700 per shor. Now the Doc is jumping through hoops, sending request forms to Medicare. My wife has to go in and sign the request form tomorrow to see about approval. Never had this much stuff to do back in PA. Anyone else have advice regarding the Prolia shot?


I'm sorry to hear about your wife's circumstances and really hope her shots get approved. I'm sorry I can't offer any advise but hopefully somebody else will have advise for you. Best of luck to your wife in getting the shots approved.



Sorry you have experienced this for so long.

Would you mind sharing, did you experience any issues at all before your root canal? Or did it all start afterwards?


No I had no issues before my root canal that's when all my problems started. I got my root canal done in two visits my 2nd visit the dentist was putting the rods into the root and I explained I was feeling alot of pain and she told me I couldn't be as the root was dead from my 1st visit that she was nearly finished, tears were rolling down my cheeks with pain. That night I bolted up out of my bed with fright as I was getting all weird sensations in my mouth and face so next day I went back and she started treating me for sinus infection but even when I finished the course of antibiotics it was still happening so she continued to give me more antibiotics this went on for 5wks still I was no better so I went to a different dentist and he sent me to a facial pain specialist and he put me on lyrica and I got diagnosed with migraines so I suffered for years with awful migraines in my face and head now thank god I've them under control taking a cocktail of medication which I would rather only be on one medications and not on so many ajovy injection is what controlled them along with lyrica, propranolol which I'm weaning of nearly of it, candastarten and venaflaxeine is new for my pelvic nerve pain. I got diagnosed with fibromyalgia a few years ago then. I suffer with one painful condition after another since the migraines.


Your experience sounds terrible. I do hope you can find some relief. I have had a barrage of issues since two things happened to me this year. I’m not sure how they are related, but it strikes me as odd. I had two months of dental trauma with a root canal, 2 extractions and bone graft. Afterwards, I felt like I had PTSD and I’m not saying that lightly. It sent me to the ER. Then, I got Covid. I still have symptoms, but pain is improving.

I hope you can find help.


I'm so sorry to hear of what u have and are going through anything to do with your teeth is just awful. I'm happy your pain is improving and please God it will continue til it's finally gone. I hope your symptoms will to all go. Thank you for your reply. I'm unfortunately not able to take regular pain killers which is really hard as they give me migraines. Then pain clinic just expects me to just deal with it while waiting for an appt.


Have you ever heard of trigeminal neuralgia, or tic douloureux? It is a chronic pain disorder that affects the trigeminal nerve in the face. It can be triggered after facial surgery.

Take a look at the information available from Mayo, Harvard, and Stanford.

One of our close friends suffered from this dreadful pain, and I had just seen a video on the treatment of this condition by a doctor in Texas, so I informed my friend. He saw a good surgeon who operated on him (separating the nerve from blood vessels) and has not had the pain again.

Do not give up! Stay strong.


Have you ever heard of trigeminal neuralgia, or tic douloureux? It is a chronic pain disorder that affects the trigeminal nerve in the face. It can be triggered after facial surgery.

Take a look at the information available from Mayo, Harvard, and Stanford.

One of our close friends suffered from this dreadful pain, and I had just seen a video on the treatment of this condition by a doctor in Texas, so I informed my friend. He saw a good surgeon who operated on him (separating the nerve from blood vessels) and has not had the pain again.

Do not give up! Stay strong.

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Thanks for that info! I had Moh’s surgery on my temple in Dec last year. So…’s got me wondering. I have also had a taste/smell disorder afterwards. That was thought to be from covid. Hmmmm….how do I check?

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