Chronic nausea for 6 years! HELP!

Posted by janethmc @janethmc, Feb 14, 2023

My mom is now 84 and has been experiencing chronic nausea for 6 yrs that use to be seasonal in Alabama (Feb - Oct), but now year round. She has recently started taking Imipromene to reduce the sensitivity of the gut which takes several weeks to start working, but about the time it seemed to be working she had a bad UTI and of course a round of antibiotics. Her nausea during the UTI and antibiotics was high level and around the clock coupled with anxiety and lack of sleep. She is taking Nexium and now Phenergen (vs Reglan which stopped working after 2 months). Her gut seems more sensitive so we are trying to give her foods with probiotics and prebiotics to build the healthy bacteria again. Phenergan is helping her sleep at night better, but unstable due to dizziness. We are not sure what to do and her gastroenterologist seems puzzled. We are also going to try the ReliefBand and praying that works for her! Any suggestions of a great doctor in Alabama or near?

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Maybe she should have fecal elastase testing to rule out EPI.


What does a doctor say about the fact that it started out seasonal and what is their different about where she lives


Maybe she should have fecal elastase testing to rule out EPI.

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Hi Susan -- yes her Gastroenterologists have done a fecal test and said all was fine there. Thank you.


What does a doctor say about the fact that it started out seasonal and what is their different about where she lives

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The doctors she has been seeing do not seem to focus on that and now we are beyond that and it is constant. The nausea use to begin about 5 am and sometimes go away later in the morning, but most days it would linger until 5 to 6 pm and magically diminish. Somedays she would be free of nausea, but not often. She use to never be nauseous at night, but now since she took the 5 days of antibiotic about 3 wks ago the nausea is 24/7 with no relief unless on 50 mg of Phenergan.


I suffer from chronic nausea and use phenergan which helps me a great deal


Has she thought about seeing a gastro naturopath or functional dr? They get to the root cause.


I suffer from chronic nausea and use phenergan which helps me a great deal

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Thank you Frances for your message. My mom can't function without taking it around the clock. Do you have to take around the clock? Do you know what is the cause of your chronic nausea?


Has she thought about seeing a gastro naturopath or functional dr? They get to the root cause.

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If her current Birmingham gastro doctor's plan for the next 2 weeks isn't helping the situation improve, we will seek help from the Digestive Health @ UAB team in Birmingham. I just don't want her to have to go through all the tests over again from last fall.


I suffer from chronic nausea and use phenergan which helps me a great deal

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Do you take phenergan around the clock and for how long have you been doing that? We don't want her body to get so use to the med that it stops working. She took Reglan for about 3 months which worked wonderfully, but then stopped working.


The doctors she has been seeing do not seem to focus on that and now we are beyond that and it is constant. The nausea use to begin about 5 am and sometimes go away later in the morning, but most days it would linger until 5 to 6 pm and magically diminish. Somedays she would be free of nausea, but not often. She use to never be nauseous at night, but now since she took the 5 days of antibiotic about 3 wks ago the nausea is 24/7 with no relief unless on 50 mg of Phenergan.

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So it would seem that the antibiotics made it worse rather than better that might be a clue in itself so sorry to hear about the suffering I just pray that it will let up God bless you

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