Chronic inflammation, non-dominant hand, wrist

Posted by charlotte27 @charlotte27, Jan 13 8:52pm

Hi, a little over 2 months ago recieved an antibiotic in Quinoline family for 7 days. Early in dose, experienced severe shoulder pain, then swelling in wrist and severe pain that seemed to move around hand. Shoulder pain subsided after a couple of weeks of muscle relaxers but hand pain became more severe. It seemed that no part was untouched, even intense pain in the palm. I am now past 2 months of complete immobility in hand and wrist. ANA is positive, 1:160 as well.

On waiting list to see neurologist and reumatologist. Am 56 years old.

Anyone else? I live in Canada.

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I have no fluoroquinolone related problems, but a couple of family members who have had negative reactions.

I don't know why they're still on the market. I've heard that there are possibly those who are genetically prone to get adverse reactions, in which case why not recommend testing people first before assuming that they're harmless?

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