Anyone had AC-T chemo combination for breast cancer?

Posted by dmosssadler @dmosssadler, Nov 7, 2023

Good afternoon,
Wanted to ask..has anyone undergone chemotherapy with all 3 chemo drugs/ medications called "ACT"?

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Stay on your doctor about this, you definitely need your rest.
In wondering if it is worth it, I think we all ask that at least once a day during chemo. My answer was always the same. Chemo is temporary and if it gives me more life with my family, it is worth it. I first asked that question almost 20 years ago, so the answer now for myself is, yes it was worth it.
What people or things in your life are worth going through chemo for?

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I have asked several times for some help with sleep. My doctor suggested Benedryl, which did me no good. Prior to chemo, 1 Benedryl would knock me out for a good 10 hours. One of the nurse practitioners offered yet another prescription med, which I declined. I'm on more prescription meds than I can shake a stick at! I finally pressed her on how much melatonin and magnesium I could take for sleep. She said there is no upper limit on magnesium, but to be careful, and that I could take up to 10 mg of melatonin per night. I am now sleeping well on 9 mg of melatonin. I add 200mg or so of magnesium and some ashwagandha if I feel particularly restless at bedtime. It's worked great!


Do you feel the inability to sleep is physical or mental? I prefer to use natural remedies when possible, but you may have to explore a prescription just for the time being. Have you tried any teas that are intended to aid with sleep?

Best wishes to you, Cindy

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Hi Cindy,
I think it is a combination of both. I take melatonin every night. It helps me to fall asleep but doesn't necessarily keep me asleep. An integrative dr told me that if I wake up to use a few drops of a liquid melatonin. I sometimes use unisom as per her suggestion but use it sparingly but it works. I break them in half. I hope this helps.


I’m coming in late to this discussion. I have this treatment in 2019. I had the Taxol first every three weeks and then the A/C.

It’s been four years since and I’m doing fine. ♥️


Thank you for asking, @auntieoakley . I cannot sleep and it is very frustrating. I have not slept well since starting chemo almost a month ago. My doctor suggested Benedryl, but it isn't helping. I've tried magnesium supplements, melatonin, and combination of Benedryl, melatonin, and magnesium. I am waiting for a reply from the doctor's office as I write this.
I envy those who are able to sleep through the nausea. I honestly have to ask if chemotherapy is even worth the side effects and risks.

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Do you feel the inability to sleep is physical or mental? I prefer to use natural remedies when possible, but you may have to explore a prescription just for the time being. Have you tried any teas that are intended to aid with sleep?

Best wishes to you, Cindy


Thank you for asking, @auntieoakley . I cannot sleep and it is very frustrating. I have not slept well since starting chemo almost a month ago. My doctor suggested Benedryl, but it isn't helping. I've tried magnesium supplements, melatonin, and combination of Benedryl, melatonin, and magnesium. I am waiting for a reply from the doctor's office as I write this.
I envy those who are able to sleep through the nausea. I honestly have to ask if chemotherapy is even worth the side effects and risks.

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Stay on your doctor about this, you definitely need your rest.
In wondering if it is worth it, I think we all ask that at least once a day during chemo. My answer was always the same. Chemo is temporary and if it gives me more life with my family, it is worth it. I first asked that question almost 20 years ago, so the answer now for myself is, yes it was worth it.
What people or things in your life are worth going through chemo for?


Hello. Yes I jave that one.

I also am starting to jave sensitive gums..they are sore....
Did you experience this? If so, what did you to soothe your gums?

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The nurses also have me suck on crushed iced during the infusion. It seems to be working.


The dex is to help with side effects. I had that too, but I think the compazine which was for nausea but is a tranquilizer counterbalanced the effects, at least for a while. I am thinking of you as you navigate this treatment.
How are you feeling now? Sleeping? Eating well?

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Thank you for asking, @auntieoakley . I cannot sleep and it is very frustrating. I have not slept well since starting chemo almost a month ago. My doctor suggested Benedryl, but it isn't helping. I've tried magnesium supplements, melatonin, and combination of Benedryl, melatonin, and magnesium. I am waiting for a reply from the doctor's office as I write this.
I envy those who are able to sleep through the nausea. I honestly have to ask if chemotherapy is even worth the side effects and risks.


I had few side effects using a combination of Zofran and Promethazine which I didn't take until the 2nd day after chemo. However there are so many drug combinations in your infusion it's difficult to say what is working. Definitely keep your oncologist up to date, and keeping a diary on everything including water intake can be enlightening. I wish I had kept up with mine. As to mouth sores I was told to gargle with salt water which makes me gag. Instead I used Crest mouthwash making sure it was non-alcholic. As even this may be uncomfortable once you have irritation, I'd recommend Biotene as it's effective but mild. I brushed, and rinsed with mouthwash 2x daily and used a waterpik at night. I had zero sores. Good luck, and keep asking questions.


Four cycles of A/C and four cycles of T. (Two-week cycles.)
I am glad you are able to sleep well. The past five nights have been really tough for sleep. One of the oncology nurses says it is probably due to the dexamethasone (steroid) I had to take the first three days after the chemotherapy infusion. She says that I should start sleeping better with time and that I may just need a smaller dose next time. (I can't even remember what the dexamethasone is for.)

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The dex is to help with side effects. I had that too, but I think the compazine which was for nausea but is a tranquilizer counterbalanced the effects, at least for a while. I am thinking of you as you navigate this treatment.
How are you feeling now? Sleeping? Eating well?


Wow, you manage to stay hydrated way better than I did. I just couldn’t make myself drink that much, no matter what they said I should drink. Good for you.
Nausea was my biggest hurdle during these drugs. They did not have nearly as many nausea drugs as they have now. I hope they find something that works for you.
Our compounding pharmacy was definitely my friend, they made up a cream with 4 different drugs in it and I used a lot of it, and it helped.
I can’t honestly say anything but sleep completely eliminated it for me. The compazine just knocked me out for a while and the rest seemed to help.
How many rounds are you scheduled for?

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Four cycles of A/C and four cycles of T. (Two-week cycles.)
I am glad you are able to sleep well. The past five nights have been really tough for sleep. One of the oncology nurses says it is probably due to the dexamethasone (steroid) I had to take the first three days after the chemotherapy infusion. She says that I should start sleeping better with time and that I may just need a smaller dose next time. (I can't even remember what the dexamethasone is for.)

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