Chemotherapy-induced neuropathy: What helps get rid of it?

Posted by taxlady @taxlady, Jan 31, 2023

I finished chemo April of 2022
I have neuropathy in my fingers and feet. It doesn’t seem to be going away. What are treatments I can do to help get rid of it.

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I'm sorry. I'm not sure I understand your question unless you didn't read my first post as well.

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This was for the trial that was mentioned. I am wondering if it is successful with helping the neuropathy issues.


I had minimal symptoms during treatment. The oxaliplatin was causing some numbness in my feet. I had an allergic reaction to the 11th treatment and stopped, but the neuropathy got worse afterwards. It's now been four months and I feel the symptoms are stable. I got an excellent benefit from the chemo so it seems like a small price to pay. I am able to carry out all activities of daily living and drive. I don't regret the chemo.


I am curious to know if it helps… my oncologist has already prepared me for the effects and said if they become intolerable then we stop that part of treatment. I already have nerve issues, so I feel like it’s going to be a quick ride with that particular part of chemo. (Oxipalatin)

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I'm sorry. I'm not sure I understand your question unless you didn't read my first post as well.


I had 2 oncologists fail to diagnose my neuropathy. I self-diagnosed by comparing my symptoms on a cancer center's website. That diagnosis was confirmed when I joined the clinical trial. I only learned of this trial when a friend spotted an ad in the newspaper.

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I am curious to know if it helps… my oncologist has already prepared me for the effects and said if they become intolerable then we stop that part of treatment. I already have nerve issues, so I feel like it’s going to be a quick ride with that particular part of chemo. (Oxipalatin)


I had 2 oncologists fail to diagnose my neuropathy. I self-diagnosed by comparing my symptoms on a cancer center's website. That diagnosis was confirmed when I joined the clinical trial. I only learned of this trial when a friend spotted an ad in the newspaper.


In the summer of 2021 I participated in a clinical trial for chemo induced neuropathy. I've added a link to this trial at the bottom. Unfortunately it appears that recruiting volunteers has been a challenge, and therefore no final results are available yet. The study involves the use of the supplement nicotinamide riboside. I personally experienced no significant improvement, but I also don't know if I received the supplement or the placebo. Two oncologists with patients enrolled in the trial told me they were seeing positive results. I'm not advocating for or against. I'm just throwing this out there.

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Perhaps the reason there are so few volunteers is because onco’s don’t think neuropathy symptoms don’t need attention and therefore don’t refer them to this trial? As if ‘side effects of chemo are part of having cancer’-. As was the case with ‘us’. Please, people, ask for help and if you don’t get help, find someone else-.


In the summer of 2021 I participated in a clinical trial for chemo induced neuropathy. I've added a link to this trial at the bottom. Unfortunately it appears that recruiting volunteers has been a challenge, and therefore no final results are available yet. The study involves the use of the supplement nicotinamide riboside. I personally experienced no significant improvement, but I also don't know if I received the supplement or the placebo. Two oncologists with patients enrolled in the trial told me they were seeing positive results. I'm not advocating for or against. I'm just throwing this out there.


It’s been 5 years and I’m feet are “on fire “ at night. I take 400ml magnesium glucinate twice a day now along with Alpha alipoic acid along with my meds and supplements. I still apply lidocaine ointment to the bottoms of my feet and get off them more frequently. And I gave up Diet Coke 🥳

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What I meant was that my feet are doing better…I switched from 600 gabepentine 3 times a day to 100 Lyrica 3 times.
Still feel neuropathy but better now. Still can’t wear anything binding on ankles but I just cut my socks off the top of my feet.


I also have neuropathy from chemo. I believe from the original flavors of taxol, Adriamycin, Cytoxin. Then further irritated by the host of medications to follow. My solution to the ever increasing problem of how do I get to sleep with my feet on fire is the very opposite of @drcvs , I put my feet on an ice pack every night when I lay down with my book, when my feet are very cold, I go to sleep. I know it sounds ridiculous, but it works for me. Otherwise I lay there half of the night feeling like my feet should come with a fire warning label. 🙄I know they cannot repair the nerves, but this allows me to sleep and prepare for another full day of life.
So now we have hot water, and ice pack, any other tips out there?

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It’s been 5 years and I’m feet are “on fire “ at night. I take 400ml magnesium glucinate twice a day now along with Alpha alipoic acid along with my meds and supplements. I still apply lidocaine ointment to the bottoms of my feet and get off them more frequently. And I gave up Diet Coke 🥳


Hi @tymish17 and @wendyhobbie, I moved your messages to this existing discussion:
- Chemotherapy-induced neuropathy: What helps get rid of it?

I did this so you can read what is helping others and connect with members like you easily.

You might also be interested in more related discussions about neuropathy and managing side effects of cancer in the
- Cancer: Managing Symptoms support group

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