Cervical Radiculopathy

Posted by gussie @gussie, Nov 4, 2023

Does anyone suffer from cervical bone spurs? If so, how are you treating it and have you had a cervical laminectomy for it.

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My best friend (Mom) had successful removal of cervical bone spurs. Sometimes a laminectomy will be performed at the same time. In her case they reduced the size of the ligament (ligamentum flavum) . The spurs are at the joints to the side of each vertebrae and they left the lamina intact. If there is pressure on the central canal (spinal cord) you may need the lamina or part of the ligament removed. The exiting nerve, medial branch, is pinched because of reduced space at the exit. You likely know all of this, but you can have the medial branch nerve ablated to reduce pain.
Someday I will need to have the bone spurs (osteophytes) removed. For now, I'm maintaining with chiropractic care and and an occasional branch block for the pains in the upper right thoracic.
I haven't had the radiofrequency ablation to the medial branch nerve, but will try that prior to any surgery.
If you haven't, you might want to see a pain specialist instead of an orthopedic surgeon before your final decision.
best luck


I will do that. The surgeons do a full laminectomy with fusion.


I was recently told that I have many bone spurs on my spine, largest one in the cervical area. My only symptoms so far are neck discomfort, especially when I lay down at night and lots of crackling when I move my neck. Do these spurs continue to grow and cause further problems? I have osteoporosis and lupus.


I have two bone spurs. They really show up on the MRI. I had one cortisone injection that lasted almost six months and was doing fine. I went to talk to the spinal surgeon in my area, Dr. Su, and in checking me out he pressed against my neck and now I have pain all over again. I also have osteoporosis and was told I can only have one more injection or it starts weakening the area. I can't get an appointment until right before Christmas for my second injection so it's going to be a tough time to be in this much pain. I had no discomfort at all until last April when it came on so suddenly. I had never been in that much pain in my life and I'm old.


Has anyone tried the Radiofrequency Ablations for cervical stenosis


That deals with pain
I wish there were actual treatments!


I probably had these bone spurs for years but had no pain from them. Then last April I was screaming my head off with pain that was off the charts. I had my first cortisone injection in May and was doing great now in a lot of pain again. I can't get another injection until a few days before Christmas. Family coming in , terrible time of year for this to happen. Taking Gabapentin but nothing is really helping at all. I don't think they do surgery for pain just if your limbs start getting numb.

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