Cervical Angina/Dyspnea
Almost 4 years ago I posted to the Digestive Health board about stomach problems diagnosed as GERD. I mentioned what I thought were atypical GERD symptoms: brain fog, headaches, and breathing issues. Cardiac and pulmonary causes were ruled out with respect to breathing. At the same time, I was having neck and shoulder pain. I saw a neurosurgeon who did 2 MRIs. After the first he suggested surgery, but reconsidered after the second and sent me to pain management. I worked with a good PT and was able to get relief. I modified my diet, etc. and GERD seemed to subside, other than occasional flare ups. I also saw a neurologist who sent me for a seated MRI and began treating me for migraines.
A month or so ago the GERD kicked up and the cervical spine issues flared. The gastroenterologist did another EGD and found no reason why the Famotidine and Dexalant I have been taking were not keeping the acid down. I have pain in my shoulder and neck/upper back and tingling across my chest and down my arm to fingers. Brain fog has become more frequent - sometimes feels like by head is not attached! And the breathing “issues” returned. My PCP ordered bloodwork for thyroid (clear) and wants to have a cardiac CT angiogram done, though insurance might veto. She has approved a round of PT. I am more convinced than ever that this stems from my cervical spine.
The MRIs done in 2022 showed, among other things:
“At C6/C7: Moderate to large disc osteophyte complex slightly asymmetric to left. There is mass effect upon the cord and effacement of the CSF space. Severe central canal narrowing, likely in part developmental. Severe left greater than right neural foraminal narrowing is noted, probable mass effect upon the exiting left C7 nerve root, and possible contact of the exiting right C7 nerve root.”
Has anyone been diagnosed with cervical angina/dyspnea or had similar experience?
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Cervical issues can certainly be the cause of your issues. I have some of the same symptoms you describe without GERD. I was recently diagnosed with thoracic outlet syndrome. I am a prime candidate for this affliction due to 50 years of throwing a baseball a lot.
Take a look at this website. If you think it explains your symptoms, you might want to mention it to your doctor. Good luck. I really hate that brian fog!
Your MRI shows you have cervical myelopathy spinal cord compression injury. This is most likely behind many of your symptoms. I am a 55 year old female with cervical myelopathy/osteophytes/degenerative disc disease/stenosis and I had ACDF surgery on c5-c6 and now need it on c6-c7 due to a new herniated disc. Cervical myelopathy causes many issues below the level of compression but can also cause headaches and brain fog due to compressing blood vessels to brain. You need to see an orthopedic spine specialist/surgeon asap because you need to stop the progression of the injury and permanent damage to your spinal cord.
Thank you for your response. I’ve been looking for some validation and appreciate your input.
Thanks. I’ll take a look.