Caught by CT scan today, zero guidance

Posted by user_ch783e933 @user_ch783e933, Dec 10, 2023

Had cramps ache lower right abdomen 2 days not relieved by gas or BM so went into ER. WBC and all other blood values normal, no temp, no nausea. CT scan with contrats found start of diverticular opinflaamation, took one augmentin at 1PM in hospital. Pain is gone, I think this would have resolved butvgoing to keep taking antibiotic until finished.

Incidental finding: cyst on liver. Isn't that great. So who knows what now, MRI for sure.

Meanwhile really not impressed with that ER. PA didn't give me any diet guidelines, no idea what to do. I have to keep from eating too low fiber or I'll get constipated and the hemorrhoid I got last July will flare again and I can't go through that again.

Can I take miealax while this is healing? PA said it was OK but I don't usually need it and I don't think I trust her. HELP!!

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Hubby had cyst on liver too. He seems to have had it for 10 plus years, yet no one told us. He's fine right now so maybe it's very common. Maybe check in with a dietitian for help with your diet. ER is more for major issues...good luck !


Diverticulitis IS a major issue. People can die from it. The liver thing is a hemangioma, it's probably a birth related thing, many people have it. The ER NP or whatever she was read the results too rapidly. There's an adrenal cyst as an incidental finding, she read it liver cyst. The adrenal gland cyst is an issue.


It’s so hard to find a good ER anywhere you live !
Thank goodness I haven’t been to one since 2013 .
I feel for you though .
Hopefully you have a good Primary Dr. to follow up with?
May have to see a Specialist at this point though .
I’m on my 6 th Gastro Dr. 10 years of horrendous digestive disorders. 7 diagnoses. Yet every single thing I’ve tried ( I’m taking everything)… has not cured my issues or eased them .
I’m praying 🙏 for one day to not have these chronic issues. Take Care


I'd been felling the same frustration. My dr. assumed that 3 days of liquids will take care of, but it didn't. I got a referral to a dietician and that has made a difference, tho I'm still fighting the gastroparesis.


All an ER or ED (emergency dept.) doc is, is for emergent conditions, to get you medically stable, period. They don't do GI, psych, internal medicine, some might be fairly good at orthopedic, but they will call the ortho doc in to help set your leg. If you fall and a stick goes up your but, they will give you a barium enema, but they will call in that kinda doc to look at it and see if it pierced your bowel. Stitches, well a big cut, a bone break, a cardiac arrest, those kinda stuff that is "emergent" and can be fixed in the ED/ER, is what they shine on...but there is so much, so many different kinds of medicine, so much to know, and the GI is one of the most complex complicated systems in the human body, maybe even more than the human brain. Even expert GI docs get stumped, the symptoms overlap, one looks like another, but don't ever even hope to have an ED/ER doc figure out a GI problem. I've been to fifteen ED/ERs, and they CT ya, say nothing is wrong, CT scan shows nothing, maybe a barium swallow esophogram, maybe an endoscopy, again, "nuttin wrong with you..." out the door! LOL :o) but something is wrong, they just can't figure it out, because the GI system is so complex, and if it's not a total compaction or constriction, a totally pinched herniated bowel, that will kill ya, then the ED/ER is usually just a waste of time and frustration, in being medically gaslighted. Also, unless it's simple, cut wound burn cardiac broken bone, and even then, NEVER go into an ER/ED alone, always take someone with you to sit in the room ,cause it's night and day how well they treat you, if you have somebody with you. Good luck!

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