Caring for a Catheter when Uncircumcised

Posted by whudup1 @whudup1, Feb 22, 2023

RALP scheduled 3/29/23, My biggest worry is
Catheter and not being circumcised.
Haven’t seen any discussion in this area, so thought I’d throw it out there.
My parents made that decision obviously at birth, but it’s been a life long anxiety/embarrassment for me.

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I am now three weeks after my RALP and have anecdotes rather than scientific knowledge for you. Being circumsized or not shouldn't be an issue. My penis shrunk after the surgery and I looked uncircumcised for a week, but it had no effect on the catheter. I will say, find out all you can about working with your catheter before you leave the hospital, asking for as many extra supplies as they will give you. It is awkward to have a tube coming out of you for sure but caused me no pain or discomfort. Be willing to ask for help at home with it (emptying and cleaning) understanding you will be completely exposed at the time. I had lymph fluids drain into the leg it was anchored on and that leg swelled up because I couldn't elevate it. After finally getting through to my nurse, I found out I could switch the anchor to the other leg. (Side note: my penis and scrotum also were very swollen by day three, turning black and blue). Lots of people buy tear away pants but I just stayed home with loose sweats or a bathrobe. I had no leakage to speak of so I avoided wearing Depends or underwear which made the tube much less comfortable for me. I sat on pads just in case. Showering was easy, I just detached the bag and let it drain while I showered. Be sure to reattach your bag before getting out of the shower stall, the urine seemingly never stops dripping out. Good luck. This site is very helpful.


I am now three weeks after my RALP and have anecdotes rather than scientific knowledge for you. Being circumsized or not shouldn't be an issue. My penis shrunk after the surgery and I looked uncircumcised for a week, but it had no effect on the catheter. I will say, find out all you can about working with your catheter before you leave the hospital, asking for as many extra supplies as they will give you. It is awkward to have a tube coming out of you for sure but caused me no pain or discomfort. Be willing to ask for help at home with it (emptying and cleaning) understanding you will be completely exposed at the time. I had lymph fluids drain into the leg it was anchored on and that leg swelled up because I couldn't elevate it. After finally getting through to my nurse, I found out I could switch the anchor to the other leg. (Side note: my penis and scrotum also were very swollen by day three, turning black and blue). Lots of people buy tear away pants but I just stayed home with loose sweats or a bathrobe. I had no leakage to speak of so I avoided wearing Depends or underwear which made the tube much less comfortable for me. I sat on pads just in case. Showering was easy, I just detached the bag and let it drain while I showered. Be sure to reattach your bag before getting out of the shower stall, the urine seemingly never stops dripping out. Good luck. This site is very helpful.

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I have had catheters in and out for years. Long story. I now have a suprapubic catheters. Be very careful about cleaning the catheter when hooking up to the bag. I don't think leaving open in shower is a good idea. Mayo clinic store sells all the supplies you need. Get another bag and leg strap for the shower. I change which leg the bag is on every other day. Good luck.


I have had catheters in and out for years. Long story. I now have a suprapubic catheters. Be very careful about cleaning the catheter when hooking up to the bag. I don't think leaving open in shower is a good idea. Mayo clinic store sells all the supplies you need. Get another bag and leg strap for the shower. I change which leg the bag is on every other day. Good luck.

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Forgot to say clean the catheter with an alcohol wipe when changing bags or attaching night bag. Be careful. You are saying come on in UTI.


When I had RP at UCLA the doctor directed me to their online instruction. You can access it try RP Catheter UCLA. The catheter is an irritation, but it is manageable and it is for a short time. Good luck

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