Can you get lymphedema if you only had sentinel node removed?

Posted by sandyjr @sandyjr, Jun 25, 2019

I was speaking to the director of the cancer center where I am getting treatment and expressed my concern about getting lymphedema. I had bilateral breast cancer with lymph nodes removed. She says you do not get lymphedema from only having the sentinel nodes removed. If that is true I am going to kiss the ground. Please comment.

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Breast Lymphedema.......

You can get lymphedema without having a lymph node biopsy or removal. I had full breast radiation with a boost in April of 2020 and I now have transient breast lymphedema. I had never even heard of lymphedema in the breast before.
I would be interested to know if anyone else has experienced breast lymphedema and what the progression was like.


I am curious about who found your lymphedema and who monitors it. Does your oncologist or surgeon get involved? The cancer center that I go to makes you see their surgeon on a regular basis who is supposed to take care of the “physical part of my cancer” whatever that means. She is not the surgeon that did my surgery. She examines my breasts and orders my mammon’s. I cannot figure out why the oncologist cannot do this....Anyway, I have mentioned my concern about lymphedema to both and they show no interest and will not go there. I would think that is part of the physical part of my care. Anyway, I recently had a CT scan and the technician that set up my IV had the tourniquet on too tight (I kept telling him it was too tight, but he would not loosen it) and it was on way to long...I know over 10 minutes....maybe 20. Since then I can still feel the place where the tourniquet was and my hand and wrist are definitely swollen. My breast also seems swollen. I will be seeing the head of oncology for that whole health system early in July and if he blows me off, I am out of there. So, who can tell me if I have a problem?

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You need a physical therapist who works with lymphedema. I found out that my right arm, with three lymph nodes removed, is a bit bigger than my left upper arm. I am gonna follow up and learn the exercises.
My problem is my youngest dog keeps scratching me
And yesterday got me on the right arm. I’m tired of getting shots in the derrière. So I bought some long baseball type sleeves.


My understanding from my surgeon is that the procedure is to remove 1 - 3 sentinel nodes during the surgery ( at the beginning). In the case they find those positive, then she will remove all 20 - 30 axillary lymph nodes during the surgery. I think lymphedema for sentinel nodes has a small percentage. She told me that the percentage of getting lymphedema after removing 20-30 axillary nodes is 20 - 30% percentage. Please let me know if this is a normal procedure. The surgeon is from Mount Sinai hospital.


Hi Catherine,
I might be totally misunderstanding your question but I had a sentinel lymph node excised when I had a lumpectomy and had no drainage tube or any healing issues. The residual scar, a year later, is nearly invisible and looks like a fading kitty scratch.

If you are only having one or a few nodes removed, it might be a relatively easy procedure? If you're having all the nodes removed in that area, ask the surgeon or oncologist for as much support as is available, including post-surgery physical therapy. That can make a big difference and potentially the chances of edema and discomfort while you recover. Sending best wishes to you and, really, all of us in the frontlines.

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Thank you...surgeon doing limited dissection... Not complete one but still need drain.


I am scheduled for dissection. of axillary mode as one has cancer in it...enlarged.... Had IDC in 2016 so this is recurrence. Am really scared. Can anyone who had this surgery tell me your experience...and how did you handle the tube drain...??? My lumpectomy was easy .

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Hi Catherine,
I might be totally misunderstanding your question but I had a sentinel lymph node excised when I had a lumpectomy and had no drainage tube or any healing issues. The residual scar, a year later, is nearly invisible and looks like a fading kitty scratch.

If you are only having one or a few nodes removed, it might be a relatively easy procedure? If you're having all the nodes removed in that area, ask the surgeon or oncologist for as much support as is available, including post-surgery physical therapy. That can make a big difference and potentially the chances of edema and discomfort while you recover. Sending best wishes to you and, really, all of us in the frontlines.


Everyone....... If you re getting Covid Vaccines or matter your Lymphedema status, if you've had sentinal or node surgery, ask for the vaccine in your hip! I didn't and every shot (but the final booster) I got considerable swelling in my lymphedema arm. The vaccine and all MRNA type vaccines cause inflammation (hence....a wait for mammograms due to false positive breast cancer findings). My fourth shot in my arm swelling! Hugs to all.

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That is such a good idea. I wish I had thought of that before I received both my 5th covid vaccine and my high dose flu shot in the same arm. My arm was sore for 3 days.
I have had full breast radiation so I stay away from the radiation side for vaccines, blood draws and blood pressure checks.
Thanks.... I will remember your suggestion.


I am scheduled for dissection. of axillary mode as one has cancer in it...enlarged.... Had IDC in 2016 so this is recurrence. Am really scared. Can anyone who had this surgery tell me your experience...and how did you handle the tube drain...??? My lumpectomy was easy .


Everyone....... If you re getting Covid Vaccines or matter your Lymphedema status, if you've had sentinal or node surgery, ask for the vaccine in your hip! I didn't and every shot (but the final booster) I got considerable swelling in my lymphedema arm. The vaccine and all MRNA type vaccines cause inflammation (hence....a wait for mammograms due to false positive breast cancer findings). My fourth shot in my arm swelling! Hugs to all.

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I had sentinel node biopsies in the pelvic region. I've had two vaccinations and two boosters all in my upper arm and did not get lymphedema. Maybe it depends on where the lymph nodes were biopsied?


I had lymph nodes removed on the right side. I was told no needles, no blood pressure on that side. I wore a medic alert bracelet warning against this, but no one ever noticed it. I now just tell everyone "other arm." No one has ever been anything but nice. Many are in the habit of asking "where would you like it" first. Because of the radiation I went through, I was told I'd probably get lymphedema in 10 years. I do get some swelling if I overdo or sleep too hard on that arm.

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I had 6 nodes removed and three were positive. The Onco Type Dx test score was very low, and I luckily skipped chemo and went straight to proton radiation. I had a problem with cording but never have had a problem with lymphedema. I had a great surgeon. PT quickly helped the cording problem. Hope you do well and avoid that larger issue.


I had lymph nodes removed on the right side. I was told no needles, no blood pressure on that side. I wore a medic alert bracelet warning against this, but no one ever noticed it. I now just tell everyone "other arm." No one has ever been anything but nice. Many are in the habit of asking "where would you like it" first. Because of the radiation I went through, I was told I'd probably get lymphedema in 10 years. I do get some swelling if I overdo or sleep too hard on that arm.

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Check also with your Physical Therapy Dept for stretching exercises for your arms which help clear out the lymphatic system. I've been through "axial webbing" several times (clogged lymph veins) and this helps immensely.

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