Can anything surgery, medication, etc be done to help my dad swallow?

Posted by papasoldest1 @papasoldest1, Jun 21, 2023

Thyroid cancer surgery 5 yrs ago, progressively worsening swallowing issues since radiation.
He has lost another 20 lbs, in all weight loss 80 lbs. He is starving to death it seems.

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I'm sure one of the volunteers will be along with real response would be an excellent ENT doctor because I'm sure they can give him some relief. Soon I will be having part of my thyroid removed because of two nodules that have gotten so large the are impinging on my trachea. I have voice and swallowing issues because of this. With his history, can you get him into a large teaching hospital or Mayo Clinic? My best💞


@papasoldest1 This must be so difficult for you see in your dad. How loving it is that you are searching out ways to help support him.

Speech-language pathologists are trained in swallowing disorders. While their title of speech and language may seem that they specialize in communication and they do the musculatures and mechanisms used for swallowing are much the same as for speech. Speech-language pathologists have academic coursework and clinical training in swallowing.

Can you ask your dad’s oncologist or his family doctor to make a referral for him to speech-language pathology for an evaluation and treatment? The speech-language pathologist will likely work at a hospital or clinic specializing in rehabilitation. After the evaluation the speech-language pathologist can come up with a plan for the kinds and textures of food and hydration that will will help to support your dad’s nutrition.

Will you let me know what you find out when you ask for the referral? All my best to you, your dad, and your family.

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