Can anyone share their experience with Dutasteride (Avodart)?

Posted by joe1 @joe1, May 21 3:38pm


I'm 63 and have BPH and prostate cancer. The urologist told be not to worry about the cancer (Gleason 3 +3 = 6) and gave me Dutasteride (aka: Avodart) for the BPH. My prostate is large (62 CC) and I pee 3 times per night with some restriction in the flow. I haven't started Dutasteride because I'm concerned about the side effects (mainly developing aggressive cancer, sexual problem, and man-breasts).

Can anyone share their experiences with Dutasteride (good or bad) and specifically regarding these side effects? I have bad luck with side effects and don't want to make things worse.


Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Prostate Cancer Support Group.

I believe @jimha @grandpun @prostatecancer123 @bjroc may have experiences with dutasteride (Avodart) that they could share and offer thoughts about your concerns with side effects.

@joe1, have you started with dutasteride?



No, I haven't started the dutasteride as I'm afraid of the side effects. I have a bad history of getting side effects when they are only a minute possibility. I expressed this to my doctor and he downplayed them, but he is also the one who completely contradicts himself on my cancer treatment too. I'd love to hear from others who have taken dutasteride, but I don't really want to bug anyone.


I used Dutasteride for my BPH for several years with NO problems. Since you asked I looked up the Mayo Clinic info on it and found these "Rare" side effects:
Chest pain or discomfort
dilated neck veins
extreme fatigue
irregular breathing
irregular heartbeat
swelling of the face, fingers, feet, or lower legs
trouble breathing
weight gain
Here's a link to that page:

I took Tamsulosin at the same time for the same problem. Again, NO problems for me. And the Mayo page for this showed:

More common:
Cough or hoarseness
fever or chills
lower back or side pain
painful or difficult urination

Less common:
Chest pain

There's a few "Rare" side effects but won't trouble to list them here. That suggests to me that Dutasteride is even more tolerable than Tamsulosin by comparison.

As with all meds, be cautious when you start them since we're all different and you seem predisposed to some reactions.
But I had no trouble whatsoever.
And BTW, I had RALP in January of 2022 (my prostrate was 76cc, an aggressive spot found in pathology, and positive margins) followed by 2-years of Lupron shots. Now I'm off all PC meds or procedures and at a negligible PSA.
I hope your journey is even more successful than mine.
Be brave but careful my brother.



Thanks for that info. The known side effect that worries most is the possibility of developing aggressive prostate cancer (mine is not considered aggressive at this time).

Did the dutasteride shrink your prostate and relieve some of your urinary symptoms? You said your prostate was 76cc.....was it bigger than that before you started dutasteride?


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