Can anyone recommend L5S1 fusion at age 54?

Posted by augal91 @augal91, Jul 13, 2023

After years of being active/athletic I injured my back in May of 2022. Thought it was just a “tweak” and did a round of therapy as I had several trips planned through the summer that I needed to complete. By August I was barely able to move and at 53 was using a walker. Discovered I had a sever herniated disk L5S1. Had to get the insurance epidural which did nothing and ended up in emergency surgery. Fully recovered! Was back 100% until early Drc 2022. Began having tightness and aching in left buttock. Another epidural with no results. Then Christmas Eve debilitating pain again. Another epidural and then discovered after finally getting second MRI in 5 months I somehow re-herniated the same disk even more severely. Had to get another insurance epidural which caused excruciating pain and ended up with same emergency surgery again. This time left with tingling/numbness in left leg from hip to toe. Therapy helped me strengthen and get rid of my limp.
Now I feel like Im back where I started. Ortho Dr who did the previous surgeries says I need fusion. I’ve sought a second opinion from a respected Neurosurgeon who has ordered an MRI and says it’s either a chronic pain from orrmanodamaged Sciatic nerve or I will need fusion. A week ago I would have said I could live with the current issues for a year or more but now I don’t believe I can. I’ve heard so many mixed opinions in fusion…Do it! Don’t do it!
I’ve gone from a very active 54 yr old to feeling and moving like I’m 90. I want my life back…within reason of course.
I’m seeking counsel and opinions from those who have faced this same decision. Your results, your suggestions, your prayers!

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I'm 69 yo male who is eight weeks post fusion of S-1, L-5 & L-4 after having a Discectomy & laminectomy in ''91. I had multiple injections & PT & still had bilateral sciatica & R leg weakness.

I awoke in recovery w/o any sciatica & have minor R leg weakness & lower leg neuropathy. I'm walking 2.5 miles a day & start PT today.

My surgeon is an orthopedic surgeon with a fellowship in scoliosis repair. He is excellent & I am glad to be rid of the pain.

Choose mindfully. Good luck.


I'm 69 yo male who is eight weeks post fusion of S-1, L-5 & L-4 after having a Discectomy & laminectomy in ''91. I had multiple injections & PT & still had bilateral sciatica & R leg weakness.

I awoke in recovery w/o any sciatica & have minor R leg weakness & lower leg neuropathy. I'm walking 2.5 miles a day & start PT today.

My surgeon is an orthopedic surgeon with a fellowship in scoliosis repair. He is excellent & I am glad to be rid of the pain.

Choose mindfully. Good luck.

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Thank you for sharing! Yes, trying seek insight and counsel from those experienced. I have been pleased with my ortho but everyone we are connected to in the medical field advises that a neurosurgeon do this if necessary. I have met with one that we really like and will see what he advises after the MRI and go from there. Praying for wisdom and peace in direction.
Thank you again!


I had L5S1 spinal fusion with bone graft in 2018 after suffering for 4 years with debilitating right buttock pain. I had an excellent neurosurgeon and when I woke up from surgery was pain free. The recovery was long and you have to follow doctor’s orders exactly but I couldn’t be more pleased. I wasn’t allowed to leave the house for 6 weeks and could not ride in a car for that long either. The back brace was a constant during recovery and my husband put it on me for visits to the bathroom in the night as instructed by the doctor. Pick your surgeon carefully and follow their instructions completely and you’ll be so glad when you’re completely healed and feeling like a human again you’ll have no regrets. Best of luck snd continued prayers!


I had L5S1 spinal fusion with bone graft in 2018 after suffering for 4 years with debilitating right buttock pain. I had an excellent neurosurgeon and when I woke up from surgery was pain free. The recovery was long and you have to follow doctor’s orders exactly but I couldn’t be more pleased. I wasn’t allowed to leave the house for 6 weeks and could not ride in a car for that long either. The back brace was a constant during recovery and my husband put it on me for visits to the bathroom in the night as instructed by the doctor. Pick your surgeon carefully and follow their instructions completely and you’ll be so glad when you’re completely healed and feeling like a human again you’ll have no regrets. Best of luck snd continued prayers!

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Thank you so much! Did you have any tingling or numbness down your leg? The buttock pain is the absolute worst! I can deal with the tingling and numbness but not the buttock pain which for me starts in the middle and goes up to almost my waist.


I had L4-L5 fusion 1998 and have rods and screws. I was seriously begging for God to take me till I had the surgery. Best thing I ever did. Worst after surgery pain was the hip they chiseled the bone from. I hope you find what works for you, as the pain can make you crazy. Stay strong


Thank you so much! Did you have any tingling or numbness down your leg? The buttock pain is the absolute worst! I can deal with the tingling and numbness but not the buttock pain which for me starts in the middle and goes up to almost my waist.

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No, I didn’t have any tingling at that time. I do agree, the buttock pain is horrifying!


I'm praying for you. I know how frustrating it can be.


Might not be your issue, but have you looked into piriformis syndrome? There are stretches on you tube (Ie. Dr Jo) but my physical therapist (a manual, Rocobado trained) gave me enough to keep out of pain. Ergonomics matters too.


Thank you so much! Did you have any tingling or numbness down your leg? The buttock pain is the absolute worst! I can deal with the tingling and numbness but not the buttock pain which for me starts in the middle and goes up to almost my waist.

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The one pain I had for the longest was the surgical site for the bone fusion from my posterior pelvis. Easily more than 10 years of knowing where I donated bone to myself came from.


You might read u tube , Dr shubiNer on primary pain,somatic thinking. I had 32 epidural s . They did not work...only one did not help.

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