Can anyone explain cell block contains rare bland mononuclear cells?

Posted by di341 @di341, Aug 17, 2024

I feel a bit guilty posting here when I do not have a DX of Thyroid Cancer. My best wishes to everyone.

I have a nodule on my thyroid that was discovered a year ago. It was an incidental finding on an MRI. I followed up with an Endo who biopsied it with four passes and it is benign.

Yearly follow up last week and it had doubled in size to 2.6cm. Biopsied again and is benign. There was a phrase used in the biopsy report that I don't understand even with Dr. Google, my sometimes unreliable source.

It noted "cell block contains rare bland mononuclear cells". I really don't know if this is relevant, to pay attention to. I should add that I have Lynch Syndrome which is primarily associated with colorectal cancer but involves almost all cancers and an advanced speed of their development. My Lynch family has dealt with all kinds of cancers.

I thank you so much for your time and knowledge.


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@di341, I don't have any experience with thyroid cancer either and not a medical professional. Dr. Google can give one lots of scary information so I can understand your concern with a benign nodule that has doubled in size. I did find a related article that mentions the term "bland mononuclear" but it's difficult reading.

-- Giant cell tumor in the thyroid area: a case report in the novel location and review of literature:
I think this may be a better reference and explanation - Top 4 Things to Know About Thyroid Nodule Size, plus Thyroid Nodule Size Chart:

Have you had a chance to discuss the biopsy report with your doctor?

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