Calypso radiation

Posted by rice @rice, Oct 9, 2023

The Nebraska Med Center is using a new radiation procedure called Calypso has anyone had experience with this how does it compare to Proton? I have 6 cancer in less then 5 % of one core and my radiologist gave this as a option

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I have read about it, but did not experience it as my treatment was in February with the Mridian which at the end of the month will no longer be supported as Viewray is going out of business. I had a Gleason 3+4 and a 10.2 psa.

My take away, though, was that these beacons they insert are giving real time Information as to how close Radiation is to both the prostate and healthy tissue so that they can stop the radiation if necessary due to either movement of the prostate or movement of the patient. Anything that reduces the margins that are outside the Prostate and therefore its impact on healthy tissue is a good tool as it is the healthy tissue impacted from radiation that can contribute to side effects. It would be great if they could combine Proton and the beacon technology but who knows.

Many people have used Proton successfully on this website. I had narrowed my choices down to Proton or the Mridian. My concern with Proton was the movement issue and not being able to see things real time because they use fused images in everything but the Mridian to do treatment. The skill associated with calculating correctly The brag effect, which is basically where the Proton beam stops in the Prostate, is a big deal so going to a center of excellence would probably be helpful.

It sounds as if the calypso is worth exploring especially as it relates to how much healthy tissue was impacted. The Mridian was 2 mm of healthy tissue impacted while proton and most others were 3 to 6 mm. I had three hypo fractional treatments.

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