CA 27.29 elevated, could it be from RA?

Posted by ctslas43094 @ctslas43094, 6 days ago

2017 I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Had a lumpectomy, 4 months of chemotherapy and 7 weeks of radiation. July 2023 I passed my 5 year mark of being cancer free! Early this month I went to my general practitioner who decided to do a CA 27.29, which I’ve never had before. The results came back at 1844 and I’m completely beside myself. Monday I’m having a mammo and Tuesday a CAT scan of my chest, pelvis and abdomen. To say I’m scared or anxious is an understatement!
Has anyone had CA 27.29 this high? What does it mean? Could inflammation from my RA increase the levels this much or does indicate cancer? Do levels of 1844 get this high from breast cancer or does it mean it has spread? So many questions?? Thanks in advance

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Breast Cancer Support Group.


Welcome to Mayo Connect, it is great community to find other members who have had similar situations. I read you post with interest because I had similar treatment for breast cancer and just reached 5 year mark. I had not heard of CA 27.29 test but will definitely be asking my provider about.

At 5 years the my oncologist said no longer needed additional rechecks and said my PCP can monitor, so for you to hear that you need more test to check if cancer has returned has to be a very stressful. You are fortunately to have PCP is concerned about your possible conditions.

There is a discussion in Breast Cancer group about CA27.29 you might want to review:

Alos, if you search Connect for CA27.29, you will find other discussions about about what can effect the test.

Please keep us informed what you find out.


Hi @ctslas43094, I moved your question about the possible relationship between high levels of CA27.29 and rheumatoid arthritis to the Breast Cancer support group. I can imagine that you are completely beside yourself. I want you to know that the result of a single CA 27-29 test is in itself not a reliable indicator that cancer has returned. A sudden rise in CA 27.29 levels may occur for reasons other than breast cancer, including non-cancerous contributors like inflammation.

The first thing that is usually done is a second CA 27-29 test to see if the result can be replicated or if it was an error.

I'm tagging @sheilaray @cchappy22 who also have rheumatoid arthritis and experience with breast cancer.

@ctslas43094, like, @roch, I'm glad that your doctor is being thorough. I get the fear factor though. Have you have an RA flare lately? Did your PCP repeat the CA 27-29 test? Why was it ordered in the first place? Is there suspicion that cancer may have returned?


After about 3 years of normal tests then my tests started having higher numbers. That’s went on for 3 years and many many CT scans etc. during that time I was diagnosed with RA. Finally my RA meds helped and now my CA 27 tests have been in the normal range except one time during an RA flare up. I do believe it is related. I had my lumpectomy 12 years ago. My doctor still does the CA 27 test and last one was 30.


Almost a year ago I started clean eating. I felt so good I spoke with my rheumatologist and she agreed I could stop taking Methotrexate (RA meds), but still continue with my infusion of Remicade every 6 weeks. After a few months I wasn’t as faithful with the clean eating but didn’t start taking Methotrexate. I wanted to see if I could function without it. Unfortunately, there have been a few flares, so I went back on them, but instead of 8 pills (1x a week) I started with 4, I’m currently taking 6, because I’ve been sore.
I originally went to my GP because I was having headaches almost everyday. He ordered an mri knowing my cancer history. Two weeks later I met with him about the results, which did show something, but it was inconclusive so he ordered another mri, this time with contrast, and he also decided to do a CA 27.29 test. (I haven’t received the results of the mri with contrast yet) He also encouraged me to set up an appointment with a new oncologist since my previous retired.
My prayer is the high CA 27.29 is just from not taking the prescribed RA meds. If this the case, I will start taking the 8 pills even if my RA doesn’t flare because these 2 weeks of waiting have been torturous!


After about 3 years of normal tests then my tests started having higher numbers. That’s went on for 3 years and many many CT scans etc. during that time I was diagnosed with RA. Finally my RA meds helped and now my CA 27 tests have been in the normal range except one time during an RA flare up. I do believe it is related. I had my lumpectomy 12 years ago. My doctor still does the CA 27 test and last one was 30.

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Do you mind me asking what your CA 27.29 numbers were before you found out you had RA?


Between 27-36. My cancer doctor just kept testing every 6 months. In 2020 I had tests beiween 85-190. Had a lot of RA flare ups during that time. Now that my RA is more under control my numbers are back to normal.


Between 27-36. My cancer doctor just kept testing every 6 months. In 2020 I had tests beiween 85-190. Had a lot of RA flare ups during that time. Now that my RA is more under control my numbers are back to normal.

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Oh boy! A number of 1844 doesn’t sound like it would be from a RA flare up 😑 Today is my mammo, which has instant results. I will keep you all updated.


My mammogram showed no signs of cancer! I’m cannot explain the overwhelming relief I feel. Tomorrow’s my CAT scan, which my prayer is I receive the same results!
I appreciate all your comments, questions and input, it truly helps!


@ctslas43094 Welcome to this great site. Glad your mammogram was clean. And good luck with your other tests.
I do not have RA. But everything else it seems.
I question if there is another test that would not be so sensitive to RA flare-ups? Please continue to monitor your CA 27-29. As it was mentioned above, one should not panic with just a single number as they can be influenced by many things outside our control but rather if there a trend. Do it for at least 3 mos. But more importantly, do you still headaches? Is that typical with RA? And have you followed up on them? Cancer is sneaky even years later and I found out the hard way….but all is good right now. Fingers crossed for your continued good news.


Thank you! I’ve never had a CA 27.29 test before, so unfortunately I don’t have anything to compare it to. Maybe mine is always elevated? I’m going to request my new oncologist have another one ordered just to see if it was a fluke or if something is brewing.
As far as headaches, I do get them pretty regular. I’m waiting for the results from my mri with contrast. Usually fatigue is related with RA, not headaches.
Just trying to be calm while waiting for answers ❤️

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