Breast Education class Mayo Clinic-what to expect 1st visit?

Posted by meeshodge @meeshodge, Jun 20 1:05pm

I have 2 appointments in 2 weeks. One to see Dr. Rosebury and another for a Breast Education class. What can I expect?

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Have you been recently diagnosed, preparing for surgery or just finished treatment.

The class could be different depending on where you are in treatment plan.


Been diagnosed with breast cancer. Had monogram ultra sound and three biopsies. Will see a Dr. June 26th ,think just to decide what needs to be done. Have two more appointments,onaglogist , radiologist. Don’t what to expect, thank you


Don’t Know what to expect



Have you been recently diagnosed, preparing for surgery or just finished treatment.

The class could be different depending on where you are in treatment plan.

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I was dx the first week of April. I’ve not seen anyone since. I had routine mammo March 29th. Two weeks later a diagnostic mammo and u/s. I’ve had 2 stereotactic biopsies.

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