Bowel strictures

Posted by dor64 @dor64, Aug 10, 2023

Hi all, Wondering if anyone else suffering from bowel strictures has answers for me? Many years ago I had a lot of radiation & also radium implants to treat cervical cancer. Been suffering since but my issue has got worse in the last 4yrs. Apparently the radiation has done damage to bowel. I have severe gut spasms that can last up to an hour. Never had pain like it, Doctors say I have bowel strictures...damage from radiation. My question is , can anyone enlighten me is there help? I live in Australia & although Drs here are great no one wants to touch me as they seem to think it's all too risky. I sleep sitting up in a recliner chair as I'm terrified of another attack as they originally started whilst lying down. Does anyone else have this problem & if so how do we go on!? Soo depressed. Lost weight, currently 41kgs as everything I eat won't pass through strictures!! Help

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My gosh yes! I began having what I call "intestinal blockages" only several years after having radiation (with brachytherapy too) and chemo treatments for endometrial papillary serous carcinoma --- almost 33 years ago. It is absolutely essential that I avoid certain foods (e.g., raw carrots, most vegies in a crudite platter, lentils that are not cooked enough, certain grains, certain meats, etc), chew my food extremely well and absolutely NOT overeat. In the early years of this problem, I was hospitalized a couple of times where I would be given pain killers plus IV liquids (with magnesium and salt added) to "rest my bowel". My initial bad episode in which I was hospitalized required my staying 5 days until I could pass stool. Since that scary time, I've learned how to manage my diet to avoid pain lasting more than 24 hours and avoiding the need for hospitalization. I did this largely on my own.
For me, I think my blockage starts in the ileum although the pain first starts just below my belly button. One gastro doctor told me it is felt by my belly button because of how the nerves transmit from the lower intestine, When I start to feel any discomfort coming on, I find it is best to immediately stop eating and after several hours if the pain continues, I start very small sips of water with a little salt and lhoney added to prevent dehydration. Sometimes, I just hunker down with a heating pad or massaging in a circular motion to my left to prompt intestinal movement until it passes. Other times, I find going for a walk helps or even going about alot of chores that require movement and keeping my mind off the pain results in "working it through". If I feel more pain, I try to tell myself that my intestines are trying to work through the blockage. If the pain passes, I make certain not to return to eating as usual and instead, eat only easily digestible foods and go even further initially by putting my food through a food processor to make it soupy.
Initially, I lost alot of weight and was depressed too. I was almost afraid of eating. Small frequent meals work best for me.
I've had this for many years since I too was told any operation would be too risky --- Regretably, I was not referred by my doctors to get more advance medical help from a top hospital such as Mayo so I have lived with this problem for many, many years. But I've turned this bad situation that I've had to live with to a far more healthy lifestyle in regards to my diet, exercise, meditation and my spiritual life. I am now 76 and grateful for getting this far and hopeful for the future.
I hope we'll see some more comments that are helpful! In the meantime, perhaps you can share more information when you are up to it such as:
Do you have any warnings before the pain begins?
How frequently does this happen?
Are there certain foods that trigger discomfort and pain?
Do you keep a food diary so you can track if there are specific foods that you must avoid?


I have had this since my appendix ruptured on a cruise ship on the Atlantic Ocean. I was airlifted to the Azores for 5 hours of surgery. Opening the abdominal area to the air give the same adhesions.
I have been hospitalized 3 times with an obstruction. I also had adhesiolysis surgery to remove the scar tissue. This is only done if you can’t live without fixing the blockage. Many blockages pass by themselves with decompression. It isn’t easy to tell if an obstructive episode is coming. If you don’t feel like eating but don’t know why is a good clue. Another is not passing any gas’s for about a day. If you again start passing gas the episode has passed. If you have had pain in the mid area every 2 min that is excruciating for over an hour, go to the ER.


My gosh yes! I began having what I call "intestinal blockages" only several years after having radiation (with brachytherapy too) and chemo treatments for endometrial papillary serous carcinoma --- almost 33 years ago. It is absolutely essential that I avoid certain foods (e.g., raw carrots, most vegies in a crudite platter, lentils that are not cooked enough, certain grains, certain meats, etc), chew my food extremely well and absolutely NOT overeat. In the early years of this problem, I was hospitalized a couple of times where I would be given pain killers plus IV liquids (with magnesium and salt added) to "rest my bowel". My initial bad episode in which I was hospitalized required my staying 5 days until I could pass stool. Since that scary time, I've learned how to manage my diet to avoid pain lasting more than 24 hours and avoiding the need for hospitalization. I did this largely on my own.
For me, I think my blockage starts in the ileum although the pain first starts just below my belly button. One gastro doctor told me it is felt by my belly button because of how the nerves transmit from the lower intestine, When I start to feel any discomfort coming on, I find it is best to immediately stop eating and after several hours if the pain continues, I start very small sips of water with a little salt and lhoney added to prevent dehydration. Sometimes, I just hunker down with a heating pad or massaging in a circular motion to my left to prompt intestinal movement until it passes. Other times, I find going for a walk helps or even going about alot of chores that require movement and keeping my mind off the pain results in "working it through". If I feel more pain, I try to tell myself that my intestines are trying to work through the blockage. If the pain passes, I make certain not to return to eating as usual and instead, eat only easily digestible foods and go even further initially by putting my food through a food processor to make it soupy.
Initially, I lost alot of weight and was depressed too. I was almost afraid of eating. Small frequent meals work best for me.
I've had this for many years since I too was told any operation would be too risky --- Regretably, I was not referred by my doctors to get more advance medical help from a top hospital such as Mayo so I have lived with this problem for many, many years. But I've turned this bad situation that I've had to live with to a far more healthy lifestyle in regards to my diet, exercise, meditation and my spiritual life. I am now 76 and grateful for getting this far and hopeful for the future.
I hope we'll see some more comments that are helpful! In the meantime, perhaps you can share more information when you are up to it such as:
Do you have any warnings before the pain begins?
How frequently does this happen?
Are there certain foods that trigger discomfort and pain?
Do you keep a food diary so you can track if there are specific foods that you must avoid?

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Oh thankyou for sharing. I knew I couldn't be the only one with this condition. I also don't eat any nuts, seeds, vegetable...except potato. I am allowed tomato, cucumber & zucchini, but they have to be skinned & deserved. I find I can do without them as it gets very monotonous. Can't go to a restaurant for dinner with family . I have minced chicken & beef that I mince myself after removing all chicken membranes. I am terrified of eating. My Gastroenterologist says I have PTSD of foods. If only he went through this pain he would understand.I weigh myself every Friday for a diary I keep for my Dietician. They are very concerned about my weight but it's hard to increase. Thankyou again for your comments as I can finally talk to someone as I think my family get frustrated with it all. I am similar to you in regards to hospitalization & to try an avoid it I take stool softener when I start to feel uncomfortable. But doesn't always work & end up at ER with a ng tube. I hope you live the rest of your life pain free & comfortable.


Judith, Can you elaborate further on "decompression". I'll google it in the meantime. Thank you for sharing!
Judith and Dot: Have you taken long air flights when you felt you were starting to have an intestinal blockage? What were your experiences with this? I think it was the air pressure that got me into trouble but I was relieved once we landed.


Don’t ever fly with an obstruction coming on. Horrible idea. You may not have had an obstruction coming on. You wouldn’t have flown if you really had an obstruction coming on.
Decompression is in the hospital when they put a nasal gastric tube up your nose and into your stomach. (NG tube). This allows all of the fluids to come up and into a can by the side of the bed. This takes a few days. If the obstruction passes you can go home. If not, you have surgery to relieve the obstruction. NG Tubes are horrible. They hurt your throat and you can’t eat or drink. You can have ice chips.


Don’t ever fly with an obstruction coming on. Horrible idea. You may not have had an obstruction coming on. You wouldn’t have flown if you really had an obstruction coming on.
Decompression is in the hospital when they put a nasal gastric tube up your nose and into your stomach. (NG tube). This allows all of the fluids to come up and into a can by the side of the bed. This takes a few days. If the obstruction passes you can go home. If not, you have surgery to relieve the obstruction. NG Tubes are horrible. They hurt your throat and you can’t eat or drink. You can have ice chips.

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Not is barbaric I think. I was soo I'll & apparently the surgeon said I had to have it or surgery. Never want another! Yes it did work but I didn't really want surgery as it's risky. Warning signs: well not sure if it's a coincidence but I get hiccups for ages, then I start to panic as it seems to be the sign of something about to happen. Foods: minimal.....minced chicken or beef. Potato or hot chips. Pasta with strained sauces. Rice...plain & drinking Ensure or Sustagen( vitamen supplements) my blockages seem to be every 2 weeks but thinking it can't be what I am eating as there is no bulk! So guessing it maybe just backup, although have constant diarrhea (30 min intervals) 24hrs a day. Thinking my bowel can't be fully emptying even though this is going on. Average 3 to 4 hrs sleep a night & sleep sitting up in a recliner chair. My life for the past 4yrs has been unbearable at times & sometimes it gets too much & I just want to sleep & wake up normal. But NOT going to happen. Wish someone could help me as not sure how much more I can put up living like this.


Not is barbaric I think. I was soo I'll & apparently the surgeon said I had to have it or surgery. Never want another! Yes it did work but I didn't really want surgery as it's risky. Warning signs: well not sure if it's a coincidence but I get hiccups for ages, then I start to panic as it seems to be the sign of something about to happen. Foods: minimal.....minced chicken or beef. Potato or hot chips. Pasta with strained sauces. Rice...plain & drinking Ensure or Sustagen( vitamen supplements) my blockages seem to be every 2 weeks but thinking it can't be what I am eating as there is no bulk! So guessing it maybe just backup, although have constant diarrhea (30 min intervals) 24hrs a day. Thinking my bowel can't be fully emptying even though this is going on. Average 3 to 4 hrs sleep a night & sleep sitting up in a recliner chair. My life for the past 4yrs has been unbearable at times & sometimes it gets too much & I just want to sleep & wake up normal. But NOT going to happen. Wish someone could help me as not sure how much more I can put up living like this.

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Not should read correct


Not is barbaric I think. I was soo I'll & apparently the surgeon said I had to have it or surgery. Never want another! Yes it did work but I didn't really want surgery as it's risky. Warning signs: well not sure if it's a coincidence but I get hiccups for ages, then I start to panic as it seems to be the sign of something about to happen. Foods: minimal.....minced chicken or beef. Potato or hot chips. Pasta with strained sauces. Rice...plain & drinking Ensure or Sustagen( vitamen supplements) my blockages seem to be every 2 weeks but thinking it can't be what I am eating as there is no bulk! So guessing it maybe just backup, although have constant diarrhea (30 min intervals) 24hrs a day. Thinking my bowel can't be fully emptying even though this is going on. Average 3 to 4 hrs sleep a night & sleep sitting up in a recliner chair. My life for the past 4yrs has been unbearable at times & sometimes it gets too much & I just want to sleep & wake up normal. But NOT going to happen. Wish someone could help me as not sure how much more I can put up living like this.

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I know…..this is terrible. You may eventually need surgery. Then you will feel great for about 6 months until the adhesions return.
You could probably eat more than you are eating. Fish is also great. You can eat vegetables as long as they are well cooked.


Hi Judith, well maybe surgery isn't the answer I was looking for. I actually wanted them to take all the bowel out & have a colostomy bag but think it's very risky surgery. Guess I'm fortunate I am alive & I thankyou sincerely for responding as I was feeling very alone in this. Much appreciated. Regards Donna from Bundaberg Queensland Australia


Not is barbaric I think. I was soo I'll & apparently the surgeon said I had to have it or surgery. Never want another! Yes it did work but I didn't really want surgery as it's risky. Warning signs: well not sure if it's a coincidence but I get hiccups for ages, then I start to panic as it seems to be the sign of something about to happen. Foods: minimal.....minced chicken or beef. Potato or hot chips. Pasta with strained sauces. Rice...plain & drinking Ensure or Sustagen( vitamen supplements) my blockages seem to be every 2 weeks but thinking it can't be what I am eating as there is no bulk! So guessing it maybe just backup, although have constant diarrhea (30 min intervals) 24hrs a day. Thinking my bowel can't be fully emptying even though this is going on. Average 3 to 4 hrs sleep a night & sleep sitting up in a recliner chair. My life for the past 4yrs has been unbearable at times & sometimes it gets too much & I just want to sleep & wake up normal. But NOT going to happen. Wish someone could help me as not sure how much more I can put up living like this.

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What does your doctor say? Have you been to several! Any advice? Thinking of going to DO doc(believe traditional and holistic) next time feel Something going on. Have had the tubes and 1 mo in hospital as they had to go to surgery and clear leakage and take 5 mm out of ileosecal area. Digestive issues and food tolerance better after about 5 years. Hang in there and don’t give up! Could not have made it without surgery and keifer! You will remain in my thoughts and hopes.

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