Bowel Reconstruction- throwing up, fecal/bile breath

Posted by dstaley1 @dstaley1, Jan 27 2:26pm

I am writing this post to hopefully get advice. i have been dealing with eating, digestive issues, and not being able to keep much food down for most of my life. I'm 65 so that is a long time. my issue with the bowel obstruction started in October with severe pain and throwing up. Finally, it got so bad that I passed out and the paramedics were called. went to the ER and diagnosed with SBO caused from an ectopic pregnancy and multiple adhesions and endometriosis. That was removed 2 days later and stayed in hospital for 15 days. everything was good, got out of the hospital for 4 days and the same thing happened. Back to the hospital. Had a NG tube and the obstruction passed. Everything was good for about a month but now the throwing up, not being able to keep much food down and the horrible bad fecal/bile breath. It kind of just comes out all thru my body. Had a CTA scan 2 weeks ago, that showed no blockage and now waiting for endoscopy scheduled for April. Has anyone else experienced these episodes or symptoms, and if so PLEASE give me advice on ways to help these issues. My husband wants to bring me to The Mayo Clinic, thoughts-advice? Thanks Kim!

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I really think your husband has provided you with the best advice you can get.
The only thing I can tell you from experience is I also had endometriosis, but because I was only 28 doctors weren't keen on just taking everything out. They took my uterus on Nov. 15, 1978, my left ovary in Dec., 1978, and my right ovary the second week of January, 1979.
I am one of those lucky individuals who grow scar tissue for a hobby. I hadn't had so much as my tonsils removed before this. Afterwards, trouble with abdominal pain brought be a referral to a gastroenterologist, who told me that because of all the abdominal surgeries I have massive scar tissue, and that scar tissue would end up wrapping around my intestines unless I keep them pliable by walking.
Weather permitting, I have walked 4 miles a day ever since. Thus far, at 75, those adhesions never wrapped around my intestines. I found it most interesting that in Europe they use something that they wash the area where they have done surgery to prevent adhesions, but the U.S. will not approve it.
Again, find it interesting that dyes were banned in food in Europe 30-40 years ago. U.S. just now!!!


Did your doctor advise you to follow a low residue diet? This exact same thing happened to me when I first started having obstructions in the early 2000s and after I was decompressed by Ng tube and blockage resolved, I wasn't given any dietary advice and it kept happening. Once I was informed about it, the obstructions stopped.


I really think your husband has provided you with the best advice you can get.
The only thing I can tell you from experience is I also had endometriosis, but because I was only 28 doctors weren't keen on just taking everything out. They took my uterus on Nov. 15, 1978, my left ovary in Dec., 1978, and my right ovary the second week of January, 1979.
I am one of those lucky individuals who grow scar tissue for a hobby. I hadn't had so much as my tonsils removed before this. Afterwards, trouble with abdominal pain brought be a referral to a gastroenterologist, who told me that because of all the abdominal surgeries I have massive scar tissue, and that scar tissue would end up wrapping around my intestines unless I keep them pliable by walking.
Weather permitting, I have walked 4 miles a day ever since. Thus far, at 75, those adhesions never wrapped around my intestines. I found it most interesting that in Europe they use something that they wash the area where they have done surgery to prevent adhesions, but the U.S. will not approve it.
Again, find it interesting that dyes were banned in food in Europe 30-40 years ago. U.S. just now!!!

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Thanks so much for this important information! You sound like a very tough lady! We walked almost a mile today which is the most since surgery 🙂 It's been a tough road, but hopefully things will improve soon! I will take your advice and continue this regime.


Did your doctor advise you to follow a low residue diet? This exact same thing happened to me when I first started having obstructions in the early 2000s and after I was decompressed by Ng tube and blockage resolved, I wasn't given any dietary advice and it kept happening. Once I was informed about it, the obstructions stopped.

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Yes, I've been on the low residue diet, however I'm down to 69 pounds and continue to throw up after meals plus the breath has gotten very bad. We're hopeful our local GI will hurry and diagnose and find a solution. If not, my husband wants to get me into The Mayo Clinic. This is no way to live!


Yes, I've been on the low residue diet, however I'm down to 69 pounds and continue to throw up after meals plus the breath has gotten very bad. We're hopeful our local GI will hurry and diagnose and find a solution. If not, my husband wants to get me into The Mayo Clinic. This is no way to live!

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Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry that you're going through this! I thought I was in dire straights at 78 pounds but you're in a very scary situation. Have you considered that you might have gastroparesis? If you're throwing up like that it might be a good idea to have a gastric emptying study. Have you had that test yet?


Thanks so much for this important information! You sound like a very tough lady! We walked almost a mile today which is the most since surgery 🙂 It's been a tough road, but hopefully things will improve soon! I will take your advice and continue this regime.

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Wishing you the best of luck. Mayo is a fantastic place to go. I went there for a third open heart procedure which no one at the other major heart centers would do. I only wish I had went early on, because they are much better then any place else I have ever been.


Wishing you the best of luck. Mayo is a fantastic place to go. I went there for a third open heart procedure which no one at the other major heart centers would do. I only wish I had went early on, because they are much better then any place else I have ever been.

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My husband said its rated the #1 digestive hospital in the country. Thanks for the suggestion on gastric emptying study too!


My husband said its rated the #1 digestive hospital in the country. Thanks for the suggestion on gastric emptying study too!

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You have been through so much, I can't believe you were able to walk a mile. I'm just wondering if you have ever tried using Bone Broth to get the protein you need? Smoothies with protein powder too, just to keep your muscles strong. Liquids go through easier and you can put vegetables and fruits in a blender with protein powder. God Bless both of you.


Yes, I've been on the low residue diet, however I'm down to 69 pounds and continue to throw up after meals plus the breath has gotten very bad. We're hopeful our local GI will hurry and diagnose and find a solution. If not, my husband wants to get me into The Mayo Clinic. This is no way to live!

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So sorry! The Doctors at Mayo are excellent! Another location that is fantastic, the Cleveland Clinic! I spent four days at Cleveland Clinic three years ago for bowel resection. A Dr. by the name of Steven Wexner has put together a team of colorectal Dr.’s/Surgeons that are second to none! (Located in Weston Florida).
God Bless!


Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry that you're going through this! I thought I was in dire straights at 78 pounds but you're in a very scary situation. Have you considered that you might have gastroparesis? If you're throwing up like that it might be a good idea to have a gastric emptying study. Have you had that test yet?

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They moved up the endoscopy from April to Feb 3 so hopeful we get answers. I plan to ask the GI about Gastroparesis. Thanks so much!

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