Both IBS and PEI?

Posted by maltmayer @maltmayer, Nov 22, 2023

Does anyone have or had IBS and pancreatic enzyme insufficiency? I am having problems related to eating soups or drinking protein shakes. Soup and shakes wash the food out of my system before the Creon 36,000 has a chance to digest the recommended foods for pancreatic enzyme deficiency. Anyone have both of these things and figured out a diet. I called the makers of Creon and they seem to think I can drink lots of liquid with meals and pretty much eat what I want as long as I am taking the Creon. Problem is, food recommended as good for IBS is contraindicated for pancreatic enzyme insufficiency. Manufacturer of Creon says to ask my MD. My MD wants me to take Creon 30 minutes before I eat, but information label says never take Creon on empty stomach and Internet says limit fluids with meals. Help anyone?

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I have IBD (collagenous colitis) and EPI and just started Creon this week. Have you tried semi-solid foods? Obviously I don't know what you can tolerate or if you need to be low FODMAP, but something that is thicker might help.


I have IBD (collagenous colitis) and EPI and just started Creon this week. Have you tried semi-solid foods? Obviously I don't know what you can tolerate or if you need to be low FODMAP, but something that is thicker might help.

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I think I’ve tried everything. I’m staying on an IBS diet minus those things that I can’t eat with the lack of digestive enzymes. I take three 36,000 Creon with each meal and two with each snack. I’ve pretty much been on a FODMAP diet for the past five years. I still cannot digest green vegetables unless they are thick consistency of mush. I would be perfectly happy if I could drink a shake instead of a meal, but for some reason that doesn’t work. My Gastroenterologist says to take the Creon with the meal. My GP says to take the.Creon 30 minutes before the meal. On line, it says do not take the Creon on an empty stomach so that rules out what my GP says. A nurse told me at the hospital. They tell the patients to take two bites of food and then take the Creon. It wasn’t until I went online a few months ago that I found out I could not take in fiber with the Creon it would prevent it from working well. Online it says not to take the digestive enzymes with a lot of liquid at meal time. I’d love to be able to eat soup, but that’s a lot of liquid so I’m just gonna have to try it one day. I’m in physical therapy three days a week to try and get my strength back from breaking my hip and my arm. That means trial and error can only happen on a Friday night. Otherwise, it prevents me from going to physical therapy. Diet depends so heavily on things the Creon or my digestive system doesn’t tolerate. I called the company that makes the Creon and they told me I could drink as much liquid as I wanted to with a meal. And the other questions I had to ask them they referred me back to my doctor and that’s getting me nowhere. Right now I’m keeping my fat under 60 g a day, eating white bread and white rice and canned fruit. I just recently saw online where there is certain fruits, like pears, and peaches and other fruits with stones that have the wrong kind of sugar in them to agree with my IBS problem. Along with the digestive enzymes, I have added Bentyl, Beano, and GasX. Everything was fine for a while until I read that I could eat hard candy, Popsicles, and jellybeans without taking digestive enzymes. I think the jelly bellies did not get digested because I’m back to floating yellow stools. Today’s and I will be eating some green beans and roll. That’s OK. One of my guests can only drink through a straw so they’re a lot of people out there worse than I am. You have a happy Thanksgiving and thank you for replying to me. I think my biggest problem is that no one understands.


I think I’ve tried everything. I’m staying on an IBS diet minus those things that I can’t eat with the lack of digestive enzymes. I take three 36,000 Creon with each meal and two with each snack. I’ve pretty much been on a FODMAP diet for the past five years. I still cannot digest green vegetables unless they are thick consistency of mush. I would be perfectly happy if I could drink a shake instead of a meal, but for some reason that doesn’t work. My Gastroenterologist says to take the Creon with the meal. My GP says to take the.Creon 30 minutes before the meal. On line, it says do not take the Creon on an empty stomach so that rules out what my GP says. A nurse told me at the hospital. They tell the patients to take two bites of food and then take the Creon. It wasn’t until I went online a few months ago that I found out I could not take in fiber with the Creon it would prevent it from working well. Online it says not to take the digestive enzymes with a lot of liquid at meal time. I’d love to be able to eat soup, but that’s a lot of liquid so I’m just gonna have to try it one day. I’m in physical therapy three days a week to try and get my strength back from breaking my hip and my arm. That means trial and error can only happen on a Friday night. Otherwise, it prevents me from going to physical therapy. Diet depends so heavily on things the Creon or my digestive system doesn’t tolerate. I called the company that makes the Creon and they told me I could drink as much liquid as I wanted to with a meal. And the other questions I had to ask them they referred me back to my doctor and that’s getting me nowhere. Right now I’m keeping my fat under 60 g a day, eating white bread and white rice and canned fruit. I just recently saw online where there is certain fruits, like pears, and peaches and other fruits with stones that have the wrong kind of sugar in them to agree with my IBS problem. Along with the digestive enzymes, I have added Bentyl, Beano, and GasX. Everything was fine for a while until I read that I could eat hard candy, Popsicles, and jellybeans without taking digestive enzymes. I think the jelly bellies did not get digested because I’m back to floating yellow stools. Today’s and I will be eating some green beans and roll. That’s OK. One of my guests can only drink through a straw so they’re a lot of people out there worse than I am. You have a happy Thanksgiving and thank you for replying to me. I think my biggest problem is that no one understands.

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I am so sorry you are having such a rough time. And I'd go with what the gastroenterologist says over the GP anytime your gut is involved. The only thing I see you haven't mentioned that you tried is the low FODMAP diet. There are lots of resources on-line but the best is the Monash University in Australia appears to be the experts. They have an app that has a one-time fee of $8
and lots of folks with IBS get good results with this. I did not, but then I have IBD, not IBS. Worth a shot if you haven't already tried it.


I also have IBS and take Creon. My MD explain to me that I need to take one capsule of Creon 30 min before a meal so when I start eating, there are enzymes which will help to start digestion and the second capsule take when finished 1/2 of a meal. Don’t look on the Internet for health advice except Mayo Clinic, Cleveland Clinic or PubMed. Happy Thanksgiving!


Thank you for the advice on how to take the Creon! I’ll try that way and see if that works better for me too. About the sites online: I just use the mayo and Cleveland clinic. Are used to use other sites and maybe that’s where I got some bad information. Thanks again and have a happy Thanksgiving!


I am so sorry you are having such a rough time. And I'd go with what the gastroenterologist says over the GP anytime your gut is involved. The only thing I see you haven't mentioned that you tried is the low FODMAP diet. There are lots of resources on-line but the best is the Monash University in Australia appears to be the experts. They have an app that has a one-time fee of $8
and lots of folks with IBS get good results with this. I did not, but then I have IBD, not IBS. Worth a shot if you haven't already tried it.

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Thanks I’ll try the app from the University in Australia. And I have tried the low FODMAP diet. Just too many things on there that I can’t digest yet. Have a happy Thanksgiving.

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