Bony ridging, ucinate process contacting ventral cord 6 months after

Posted by jameschrist @jameschrist, Feb 10, 2024

I had cervical compression with myelopathy down to foot on the left side of body. Had c5-c7 ACDF surgery, and was told I may never get better. Had muscle wasting down whole left side. Symtpoms for a year while doing landscaping till they figured it out. Now a month ago still wasn't doing much better, then I started having uncontrollable whole body movements that started with my head. Went on for days, now have weakness pain etc. Plus ticks, cold hands and feet, and weird sweating. It's painful and embarrassing. Sent for mri, it shows bony ridging and urinate process contacting ventral cord. Apparently the neurosurgeon says there's not a problem. That can't be right. If anyone has insights, it would be good. My body's messed up, and it takes forever for every health appointment. Feels like I'm being lied to

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@jameschrist Hello and welcome to Connect. Have you considered getting another surgeon's opinion? Surgeons can't always promise to improve your condition, and often they try to stabilize the situation so it doesn't get worse. I had surgery for mild spinal cord compression in my neck and it was done before things got really bad. I did loose a bit of muscle on the back of an arm and shoulder, and a lot of that muscle has come back.

Bony ridging might be describing how the end plates of the vertebrae begin to protrude into the spinal canal. That can happen from aging and bones remodeling from pressure. When spine alignment is affected because of discs that collapse or bulge, that changes the pressure on different parts of the bones and can contribute to bony changes and remodeling. Your surgeon doesn't seem to be interested in helping, so it would be worthwhile to look for another highly qualified surgeon for another opinion. With your symptoms and long term condition, you have a complex case and need a highly skilled surgeon such as a spine deformity specialist. These specialists are the surgeons with extra training who take cases of severe scoliosis and straighten spines that have become malformed.

I know waiting for appointments can go on a long time, and then waiting for another specialist, etc. If there is a possibility of coming to Mayo, when you get there for a consultation, they get all the testing done right away and you may have an answer within a week. You wait to get an appointment and have to be accepted as a patient, but once you are there, it is is much easier than the norm at many medical facilities.



The ucinate process is sometimes removed during cervical fusion. You might send your images with request for evaluation to William Clifton. Department of Neurological Surgery, Mayo Clinic Florida, 4500 San Pablo Rd, Jacksonville, FL, 32224, USA.
There is an excellent surgeon in LA who does revision surgeries Rasoulispine 1-310-421-0066.
You should gather all of your images. Request multiple copies of the surgical report and any additional doctor's notes. And send them. Don't limit your send outs, get as many appointments as you get recommendations for physicians. And then start calling to get in on cancellations.
It seems clear (to my non-medical mind) that the problem is the ventral cord contact with the ucinate process is causing your symptoms. Bless your journey with luck.

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