Bone Pain in Multiple Places Due to Tamoxifen Use?

Posted by kerribesse @kerribesse, Feb 22, 2023

Hello, I was diagnosed with breast cancer in March of 2020. I went through 8 months of treatment and I have been on Tamoxifen since the fall of 2020. I have been experiencing increasing bone and joint pain. It started behind my right knee and now I have in in my lower back. I am scheduling a PET scan to be sure that this is not metastatic BC. I am really hoping this is just from the Tamoxifen. Any one else have these side effects get worse over time? Also, can you tell if the cancer has spread to your bones through a DEXA scan? I did have a clear one of these recently. Thank you in advance for reading and for your support. Having major anxiety over having to have another scan.
- Kerri

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Hi Kerri. I was diagnosed March 2020 at the start of covid at the age of 70. IDC in right breast grade 3 stage 1 no lymph node involvement. I had a mastectomy of the right and wanted the left removed as well but because of covid they had cancelled all elective surgery. My oncotype score was 51. So had 4 rounds of chemo. Could not tolerate any of the AI’s so finally on Tamoxifen In early 2021. Your message is so timely because I am having so much rib pain, back pain and hip pain and I know it is from the Tamoxifen. I get it off and on but this time it is rougher somehow. I just went through blood work and waiting for the results of the chest X-ray. I am sure there is nothing but that isn’t where my brain leads me unfortunately. I am considering taking a tamoxifen holiday for a couple of weeks to get myself from feeling so crappy. I do have an appt with the surgeon on March 6th to have left breast removed. Not sure what she will say but I have the support from both my Doctor GO and oncologist. Thanks for listening to todays rant 😞. Rita


Dearest Kerri I am not sure of what your scan names mean, l think they have different medical terms/names in Australia. I was diagnosed with Stage lV BC late last year & am on the same medication plus Vit D injections 6mthly.
Unfortunatly my terminal cancer began in my spine, but l do have alot of pain in my legs so not sure if meds or progresion.
Please take care of YOU, Jonni


Hi Kerri. I was diagnosed March 2020 at the start of covid at the age of 70. IDC in right breast grade 3 stage 1 no lymph node involvement. I had a mastectomy of the right and wanted the left removed as well but because of covid they had cancelled all elective surgery. My oncotype score was 51. So had 4 rounds of chemo. Could not tolerate any of the AI’s so finally on Tamoxifen In early 2021. Your message is so timely because I am having so much rib pain, back pain and hip pain and I know it is from the Tamoxifen. I get it off and on but this time it is rougher somehow. I just went through blood work and waiting for the results of the chest X-ray. I am sure there is nothing but that isn’t where my brain leads me unfortunately. I am considering taking a tamoxifen holiday for a couple of weeks to get myself from feeling so crappy. I do have an appt with the surgeon on March 6th to have left breast removed. Not sure what she will say but I have the support from both my Doctor GO and oncologist. Thanks for listening to todays rant 😞. Rita

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I had been on Tamoxifen for two years but started having pains after three months of a couple of steadily increasing ca15-3 marker results I had a PET scan. It turned out to be bone mets in the hip, spine neck and liver.

Don't stop Tamoxifen without consulting your doctor and make sure your Oncologist is aware of ANY health issues big or small

I do


I had bilateral lumpectomies in July 2021: DCIS/IDC in right breast; ILC in left breast. Clean margins and no lymph node involvement. 5 days of intensive radiation. Started Letrozole in November, 2021.

There have been numerous side effects from the Letrozole. One being Joint and muscle pain that has been successfully handled for me with PT. I Continue to do strength training twice weekly and yoga twice weekly. And walk lots.

I’ve discarded 30-35 pounds since 11/21. My glucose is stable (NOT diabetic.) This all continues to keep the joint and muscle pain well handled for me.

My latest concern is neuropathy that has appeared in feet/toes and hands/fingers. I have a late May appointment with a neurologist (first available appointment for a new patient.) This scares me more than any other challenge after my surgery.

The hot flashes, night sweats, thinning hair, etc. can be tolerated. That’s all a price I’ll willingly pay to keep breast cancer at bay.


Hi @kerribesse, I'd like to add my welcome along with the many other replies you've received. When will you have the PET scan? How are you doing?

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