Bone cement allergy reactions

Posted by csly @csly, Mar 13, 2023

Hi, I just found this site today. Wondering if anyone has ever heard of my issue. Back in 2017, my surgeon in repairing a hole in my skull, covered the entire left side of my skull in bone cement. Within a year I started vomiting every 6 weeks or so.( I never vomited unless I had stomach flu prior to this). As time went by increased to monthly. Had issue with pain in skull, contacted surgeons office and he wrote me off. 2021 I needed a knee replacement, but my dr sent me for allergy testing. As I also have primary Addisons Disease, I live on corticosteroids which affect the outcome of skin tests…. That night I suffered a minor stroke, then was told to stay totally away from bone cement. No knee replacements for either of my knees, which are 100% bone on bone. Back to current issues, in last 6 months vomiting happens weekly and as of last week, daily. I refuse to go to ER as the last couple times with my steroids masking blood tests and symptoms, I have been brushed off and and one dr even called me crazy. Will make an appointment with my GP soon, but just hoped someone might have heard of my strange reaction. Oh yes most of my SEVERE food, chemical, fragrance allergies are due to Agent Orange exposure in 1977. No the VA doesn’t cover spouses of the veteran who brought the stuff home on their uniforms. Even my endocrinologist who does believe me, has not idea why I have such strange reactions.

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Was your husband on disability by chance? I would definitely see a doctor about the vomiting


Was your husband on disability by chance? I would definitely see a doctor about the vomiting

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As of a couple months ago the VA gave my hubby disability but at 10% rating. Spouses not included. I have an appointment at end of month for my GP.


As of a couple months ago the VA gave my hubby disability but at 10% rating. Spouses not included. I have an appointment at end of month for my GP.

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Someone I know got 100% disability. He has cancer. His wife gets something also.


Someone I know got 100% disability. He has cancer. His wife gets something also.

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Thank you for your interest. If a veteran is retired with 20 plus years in the service, then wife gets coverage as well. Less than 20 years, spouses get 0.


Thank you for your interest. If a veteran is retired with 20 plus years in the service, then wife gets coverage as well. Less than 20 years, spouses get 0.

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My friend has no where near 20 years.


I'm new, first time here and those replies sure sounded unhealthful and unnecessary. I thought or was hoping for something different from this forum.


I'm new, first time here and those replies sure sounded unhealthful and unnecessary. I thought or was hoping for something different from this forum.

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Hi Susanatoo, I am not surprised no one has heard of my reactions. Grateful for the hugs and caring they showed. This is one way people learn what others are going through.
One thing I have learned is when doctors say a treatment is approved, they are talking about the general population….but I am in the 1% range. Doctors throw their hands in the air when they see me coming.

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