Body biometrics and breath testing VOCs?

Posted by cbdonlon @cbdonlon, Jun 16, 2023

My husband might be full of VOCs (volatile organic compounds) and we're not sure if this is a hilarious part of normal biometrics or a symptom to discuss with our doctor.

Here's how we ended up here! My family has been ravaged by illness literal week after week: ear infections, sinus infections, pneumonia, strep throat, bronchitis. Nearly never ending respiratory issues. We suspected it's something in our home due to our 3 year old son never coughing when he spends the night at his grandparent's, yet coughs every night and morning at our home (which we recently moved into about 6 months ago)

We purchase a Kidde Carbon Monoxide and Indoor Air Quality Monitor which took three days to sample and calculate before giving us the bad news: the first TVOC reading in our bedroom was 2589 ppb. According to the chart: 500 or less is good. Up to 1500 moderate. Up to 2500 is bad, and anything above 2500 is sever.

We moved from "do we have a problem?" To, "we have a problem, but what is the source?" After a day or two, our bedroom had huge dips and spikes - reading as low as 200 and as high as 8000. We tested the other bedroom and living room, same extreme lows and highs. We then tried testing with all doors and windows open for a day. All doors and windows shut for a day. Still the same massive variations throughout the day.

Then we tested the bathroom... I remembered our landlord had the tub refinished and maybe it was outgassing. First reading in the bathroom was 10,000 ppb last night. We thought, AH HA! FOUND IT! So to be sure we plugged the drains, shut the door, and kept the fan off all day today.

The readings all hovered between 8000 and 7000 until suddenly at 10:20am it spiked to 19,000 ppb. I asked my husband, who was home today, what had happened in the last 30 minutes. He confessed the only thing that happened was that he had gone to the bathroom.

I personally found this hilarious and had him check the air quality before each bathroom trip: 1:56pm 8878, 2:05pm 20200.

Earlier today, around 7pm, he went into the bathroom and the TVOCs spiked into the 20000 once again, however, he felt it did that before he even did his business. More laughing and jokes, but I figured, let's test your breath and general presence!

So we waiting for the bathroom to be... aired out... levels were pretty steady around 3500. I stayed in the bathroom for 10 minutes, doing nothing but breathing and scrolling on my phone. TVOCs dropped to 3295.

I specifically told Hubs not to fart! He went in and slowly the reading raised to 4204, he breathed directly on the monitor and it immediately jumped to 5641. Definitely not the 20k range though!

I tried breathing on the monitor and it still dropped for me....

So! Our next test will be me using the bathroom! And after that, we will be taking it to his parents' home to see if it gives them all the same crazy readings.

The thing is though, I've been reading medical papers and case studies about the VOCs that are present and expelled by humans naturally or in the instance of specific diseases (diabetes, cancers, and hypoxia came up frequently). I have discovered that VOCs can be an indicator of disease in people. My husband has a sever immune deficiency coupled with a rare gastrointestinal disease. He has weekly immunoglobulin infusions because his body can't produce IGG and he suffers from near constant sinus infections and bowel troubles because he has no IGA.

Is it possible his body is expelling a distressing amount of VOCs due to his conditions or possibly that this could be an indication of something else? I've read up on breath biopsies or breath tests that can help with diagnosing certain diseases, is it possible to even ask for something like that?

There's so many questions... but for now, we're working on researching and purchasing some air purifiers...

Thanks for reading!

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You have done your homework and then some. Sounds like it's time for your husband to visit the doctor with all the information. They should be able to refer him to a specialist(s.) Please let us know what you decide to do/what you find out.


Did you ever find out what might be going on with your husband & these strange VOC readings? I actually have noticed the same exact thing going on with the 2 Kidde IAQ monitors I’ve purchased over the last few months. VOC readings are very good/low whenever my partner is not present but whenever he is around they skyrocket to very bad levels. I have wondered what could be causing this but yours is the only post I’ve found so far on this topic. I do hope your husband is okay, and hope the same for my fiancé too..


That is a very interesting situation you have. It seems like you have considered two possibilities, that the VOCs come from something in your house, or come from your husband. A third possibility is that they could be coming from the outside air.

Do you know an engineer or chemist? That type of person might be able to advise you on how to do more detailed tests to find out exactly what is in the air. I also think it would be worth talking to a doctor about this, especially since it seems to be making people in your household sick

Your county public health department may be able to give you a lead on how to test for VOCs.

You might also be able to hire an environmental consultant who could come in with more sophisticated equipment and tell you more.

Regardless of the source, VOCs are generally bad news. I did a quick Google search for equipment that can detect VOCs, and on one of the websites I found this information:

"VOCs (volatile organic compounds) are widely used in many manufacturing processes as solvents, propellants, fuels, bactericides, insecticides, etc. The VOC detector is an essential PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) for detecting and monitoring exposure to these dangerous substances.

Volatile organic compounds are present in glues, paints, varnishes, household products, floor coverings, treated wood and are considered to be toxic pollutants. Their volatile nature allows them to propagate very easily in the atmosphere ..."

It sounds like you could use a comprehensive evaluation of your indoor air quality to include VOCs, mold, etc.

I am curious about what you find.

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