Blood in Phlegm

Posted by loosht @loosht, Nov 21, 2022

I am a smoker, I have always for years had the urge from time to time to clear phlegm from my, for 2 days, I'm seeing blood...not much...sometimes bright red, sometimes mixed in with the sputum...Will be going to Urgent Care facility tomorrow...I'm worried, after googling the possibilities...

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@loosht Welcome to Connect. I agree that you should have that checked out ASAP. When my dad had the same symptoms and coughed up some bloody sputum, it was pneumonia. Are you having difficulty breathing? Can you go to urgent care now instead of waiting for tomorrow? You could also go to the emergency department at a local hospital. Please check your insurance coverage so you know what is covered before you go. If that is a bacterial pneumonia, you'll need antibiotics.


@loosht Welcome to Connect. I agree that you should have that checked out ASAP. When my dad had the same symptoms and coughed up some bloody sputum, it was pneumonia. Are you having difficulty breathing? Can you go to urgent care now instead of waiting for tomorrow? You could also go to the emergency department at a local hospital. Please check your insurance coverage so you know what is covered before you go. If that is a bacterial pneumonia, you'll need antibiotics.

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Thank you for responding difficulty breathing..My doctor today said that as long as the amount of blood is small (it is) and I am not having trouble breathing, it can wait till tomorrow....if something changes overnight...I will call 911....

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